Hello, this is an information Board
I went into the army, so this column is not edited from 02.07.2019Mission Complete!It is desirable that you first read everything here, and then click on the links, so you will have fewer questions и я Русский, так что можете задавать вопросы на нашем языке
Here is all the information you may need for form features
- How to use tags + (RUS)
- What is the reputation of the account + (RUS)
- Quests Foundations + (RUS)
- Fractured Newbie Guide + (RUS)
- Как создать опрос и его возможности ("How to create surveys" no, as the author of the English version removed the post
If you have placed a topic in the wrong section, you can write a moder Lunoshi and moder Arcahem asking it to be moved or deleted.
Maybe you have questions? So here's the answers!
-At the moment there will be testing close Beta
-If you want to get to the Alpha or Beta test, you will have to buy it on the website (Fractured Store)
-Fractured is still in development.Pre-alpha,Alpha 1 - Test 1,A1-T2 will occur mc 10 to 17 July 2019;Open PvP Test December 30 2020 - January 3 2021,Open PvP Test January 15-18,Alpha 2 will continue in February; 2022 of Beta testing phases, and 2023 of Full Release (Characters will be a wipe after each testing phase) link to news + (RUS, DE, FRA)
-Fractured - B2P on release will cost (€30) with an optional VIP subscription (№9) (€10/month) and a cash shop, selling cosmetics only. No lootboxes
- Fractured is already available on Steam, but is not yet available for purchase.
-The game will be available for Windows, macOS and Linux. Won't appear on consoles or mobile devices in the future
-Localization of the game will be in English, French and German by the release of the game, other languages may appear after the release, depending on the need
-The servers will be located in US West, US East, Europe West, Europe East, South-East Asia, South America, Australia.
-More information about localization and servers + (RUS, DE, ITA)
News from a number of FEATURE SPOTLIGHT and translations especially for you:
- Race+(RUS, ITA, DE, FRA) (There are not a lot of lore)
- World's+(RUS, ITA, FRA)
- Knowledge System+(RUS, ITA, DE, FRA )
- Skills&Spells Galore+(RUS, ITA, FRA)
- Character+(RUS, ITA, DE, FRA)
- Karma+(RUS, ITA, FRA)
- Towns, Governors&Politics+(RUS, ITA, DE)
All we know about the game + (RUS)
Summary of the first Q&A + (RUS, DE, FRA)
Summary of the Survival & Travel Q&A livestream + (RUS, DE)
Summary of the Crafting & Building Q&A livestream + (RUS, DE)
Summary of the Housing & Towns Q&A Livestream + (RU, DE)
News Navigator (Forum) - RUS, ITA, DE, FRA
Fractured YouTube
Fractured Wiki
Fractured Store
If it helped you and you really appreciate it, then put like
. Also, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask them^^
If you think there's some information missing here, then offer it to me in the comments
Hi! Welcome abord matey.
Hey, welcome
Hello muker!
Hey there, and welcome!
I'll bring the
to enjoy this post. @muker I think that peaople cares about getting levels on the foundation rather than helping out to make a great game or fantasize on it. But we can enjoy the pizza while watching this post growin.
much more interesting to discuss and give ideas for the game, rather than just humbly to wait for her out. and if the sum up, then this message referred to constantly sitting users, not new. in order to start more discussions about this or that ideas. what more different variations will be invited, the less development will work.
(previously this theme was created for another thing)
And these are past greetings that users did not like because of the volume:
Yes, Yes, these people just did not like the fact that I immediately answered the questions that new users may have. And I greeted everyone, so they started grumbling, so I removed all this big text. Accordingly, it is now just located here, so as not to "interfere" with them.
But I don't blame them, they're just not grinders like me muhahahhahahah
@muker I totally agree with you. But I still think that people will reply this post more than concrete threads
@finland This is exactly what I wrote above
Go to our post on the fan artam, and lay there
https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/1384/fan-art/7(Moder asked not to distribute your links to attract attention)
Hello and welcome
Hello My Fellow Travelers
Thanks for the warm welcome
@crookedpurple Murk
Thank you!
@kalarthyn No problem, all for you ^^