The situation of the whole economy is a bit messy why it is hard to see that bandaids would help for that. Yeah some random gold sinks can be thrown here and there but those easily come with cost of player experience. Players play games for fun and if they feel that things are getting too grindy or some fees does not make any sense to them, they simply play something else. Players do not care how much a game needs sinks for example, they want to play a fun game with enjoyable systems. If players (like some people in this thread) do not see why they should even use crafting stations on their own plot or why to pay for crafting just to realize that items will not sell.. Is that players fault or a flaw in the design?
It is reasonable to add gold sinks, with small fees, a little bit everywhere. However, the locations should be where extra fees makes sense and can be easily agreedable by the players. Player houses could be left out of extra gold sinks but in trade you can make better quality items in city stations, for example. If gold sink fees are getting too high in general, just to get enough gold out of the game, then there is a fundamental problem with the economy and it cannot be fixed only by adding new fees and raising the current ones.
Taking a cut of profit, from an item which is sold in the market place, does not feel as bad as a cut during crafting process. Selling extra bank tabs, rerolls for talents, KPs, attributes are good places for utilizing gold sinks. Bank tabs could cost a good amount but rerolls can be much smaller because those are something what players can do over and over again. Every crafting station could cost a little in towns but the fees needs to be small enough so that players still feels their actions are benefical. Even a small fee can feel bad if the crafted items are useless or hard to sell, for example. Therefore, one important thing is to make most of the items relevant which are also easy to sell for profit. This part is not working properly atm either why in the first place even the smallest extra fees can feel bad.
I am curious to see if any improvements will happen to the whole economy in general and the next real test awaits when summer content patch is released. Until then, popcorns.