@fr4me01 it's a PvP game, of course, in fact you can do PvP.
It's also a game where, in the human world, you get punished if caught being an evil PvPer, so yes, you get punished for doing PvP.
Differently from other games, in Fractured being evil comes with a cost, you must be willing to pay it.
You kill a person every week? You won't have so bad a karma to get punished much.
You kill tenths of people on a daily basis? When you get caught you serve your time in punishment.
It's not like your killing didn't destroy hours and days spent by other players and it's not like wild PvP is the main core concept of Fractured, that's it.
If you don't address the problem you'll end up with Arboreus, Tartaros and Tartaros Two.
Chosing to be good has rewards.
Chosing to be bad has risks.
You decide.
Plus, I've never said everything is perfect as is, and I'm not in favor of a system that prevents you from playing at all, which is way somewhere in some topic I've proposed some sort of forced labor mechanic, allowing the jailed evildoer to play somehow while serving its sentence.