Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System
@boogis said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
Special abilities only available at certain levels of Karma, sounds like a good idea to have.
I like this bounty hunter fee system better than UO had. I knew pks who would have their friends simply kill them for large bounties. They not only got rewarded by taking someones stuff they killed but got any bounty the target was silly enough to put upon them.
@Logain said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
Can the attacker and/or the victim turn PvP mode off during the battle?
They can, but that just prevents them from targeting / damaging their opponent(s). And yes, it is turned on automatically for all party members nearby if one is attacked.
@Ostaff said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
You will always be able to initiate PvP through melee, just by attacking the other player.
So in this sense, its not that you are in PvP mode, it is only that you are in "able to hurt your allies" mode.No, that's not how it works
You do need PvP Mode to hurt someone with your melee attacks.
In Fractured, melee attacks are all directional / AOE effects themselves. Some just hit the first valid target in front of the player (punches, daggers), others hit all valid target in a line (spears), others - most of them, in fact - hit all valid targets in a conical area. Left-clicking on a creature is just a convenient way to run towards said creature and aim your melee attacks towards its current position (just like left-clicking when holding a bow or staff really).
@Ostaff said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
And your alignment only changes if you "execute" the player and not just damage them?
Alignment (Good or Evil) is something you choose, the Good option being available only if you have positive Karma. If the question was "does your karma only changes if you "execute" the player", the answer is nope, as explained in the Karma paragraph of the post
karma [...] can quickly be lost when performing the following actions:
Flagging yourself as Evil (karma drops to 0 if higher).
Attacking / looting Good players.
Stealing from carts / stealing carts.
Killing Good players (major loss).@Extreminador said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
@Prometheus so, why not having a formula to set the jail time ?
There is, it's based on your karma. Anything else is way too complex to track
I like the fine split mechanic.
Is it possible to injure good players indirectly who are not in your "good" party when you have "PvP" mode turned on or does friendly fire only affect players in your own party?
Also, from what you said... just attacking a player changes your karma, then executing them changes it even more, and then if you loot them you change it more... so its all accumulative? however, the most change still only applies to the person who "executes" the player. Which means there will be an escape goat in each party who handles all the "executing" and looting and then distributing the loot afterwards.
This post is deleted!
All the violence, can't we just all get along?
Nice to see a bounty hunter system, really excited for this! It's been a while
@Ostaff said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
Is it possible to injure good players indirectly who are not in your "good" party when you have "PvP" mode turned on or does friendly fire only affect players in your own party?
If it doesn't affect everyone then you break the party in PVP and completely negate the FF. This doesn't seem right. It should injure all good players with PVP on.
Also, from what you said... just attacking a player changes your karma, then executing them changes it even more, and then if you loot them you change it more... so its all accumulative? however, the most change still only applies to the person who "executes" the player. Which means there will be an escape goat in each party who handles all the "executing" and looting and then distributing the loot afterwards.
This is an excellent point.
In my opinion, it shouldn't matter who executes, but if they contributed to the killing. A more fair idea is to split the karma equally between everyone who participated in the killing, either by doing damage, CC or healing/buffing one of the aggressors.
All in all, I'm happy with this and the bounty hunter system is way better than I imagined. Just one tiny thing: can jails have limited spaces and the jailed people visually appear in jail even if they are offline?
@Prometheus said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
@Logain said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
Can the attacker and/or the victim turn PvP mode off during the battle?
They can, but that just prevents them from targeting / damaging their opponent(s). And yes, it is turned on automatically for all party members nearby if one is attacked(...)
Aren't you afraid that people are going to abuse this? It should be rather easy to write a script that automatically turns your 'PVP/Friendly Fire'-setting on an off depending on who you're targeting and hence somewhat denying the desired effect and granting an unfair advantage.
@Prometheus , people have been asking questions about individuals... How about city's/guilds ?
I mean can a city have different types of alignments players ? How about a guild ?
How will that work in terms of bounty hunting ? Can a player from the same city/guild arrest another from is city/guild ?
Or, city's/guild's will have to decide to be good or evil ?
How will all this affect the party system ? I mean if good players cannot be on party with evil ones but if city/guild players can be in party with each other, what will the priority's be ?
@Prometheus said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
@Logain said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
Can the attacker and/or the victim turn PvP mode off during the battle?
They can, but that just prevents them from targeting / damaging their opponent(s). And yes, it is turned on automatically for all party members nearby if one is attacked.
Lets say someone attacks a party member when the party is trying to kill a legend.
In this case all the party members will change to pvp mode automatically and start to damage party members with their aoe?
Will there be an option for "friendly duels" without negative results like karma loose, ...?
@Razvan If it doesn't affect everyone then you break the party in PVP and completely negate the FF. This doesn't seem right. It should injure all good players with PVP on.
" As soon as you do that, you will start taking damage from any AOE ability β including the ones cast by your part members orβ¦ yourself" implies that no one needs to worry about AoE attacks unless they have "PvP" turned on, which means that they would have to be directly attacked in order to be forced entered into PvP mode, which handles the case of Good hitting other Good players. And I think it does hit anyone with PvP toggled on which covers all aspects I think.
This all only matters, of course, if the attacker themself has "PvP" mode turned on. If not, then their AoE would not affect anyone. I think this is what @Prometheus is trying to say in his article, but I've just been trying to get more clarity on it.
Personally, I would think that the FF would only affect other "good" players hit by another "good" Player if the victim actually has PvP toggled on; however it should affect ALL players of the "Opposite' alignment of the attacker and Evil players regardless of PvP mode. Which means that "Evil" players should always be able to AoE both Good and Evil players, while good players should always be able to AoE Evil players and only Good players who have their PvP mode turned on (which will be the case if that player is actually in PvP and not just killing mobs). This way there is always a slight drawback to being evil other than a "potential" commodity bail out that can easily be farmed away and only occurs when "executed" by specific individuals.
Yay!!! Gg guys
I am really looking forward to seeing how this ruleset is implemented on our next test! It sounds like it will be a ton of fun for sure!
It is pretty cool watching Fractured develop and grow each test session. Thank you Prometheus and Dynamight team for your hard work!
its very good the FF on!
Very nice article!
Couple questions (I appologise if answeres are already in a thread and I missed them):
I assume bounty hunter is allowed to take the loot of evil character once he disposes of him?
When evil character is jailed, this is not account bound, and evil player can still go play an alt?
VERY IMPORTANT: does jail time expire while jailed character is logged off (wheather completely or playing an alt), or character must be online for his jail time to expire?
Once again, very interesting news I've read!
@Gothix said
- When evil character is jailed, this is not account bound, and evil player can still go play an alt?
I sure hope so! Who else would bail me out?
@PeachMcD said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
@Gothix said
- When evil character is jailed, this is not account bound, and evil player can still go play an alt?
I sure hope so! Who else would bail me out?
Now that is also an interesting question
- 4 can you bail yourself out with an alt?