I've just seen in some posts kickstarter players are not receiving steam keys. What a bunch of fucking bullshit!!!! We were told when we bought this game we would get one. Why the hell are we not getting one?

Online gamed since the mid 90s beginning with Diablo and moving into Ultima Online. I spent several years there on the Great Lakes before our guild made an exodus to Star Wars Galaxies where several of us beta tested. After that we ventured into other games such as Star Wars the Old Republic and Life is Feudal. Once again our group is looking for another MMO to play. So here I am testing this one out for the group that numbers around 200. Farland Clan Gaming.
Best posts made by Farlander
No steam key??
RE: How big should guilds allowed to be?
I can see leveling guilds for cosmetic addons. Flags for their guildhall, tabards for their members etc...SWTOR had a similar system. I'm against anything other than cosmetic.
RE: What's The Stance on "Foul Language"?
@grofire Hate speech does not exist? You have got to be kidding. Racism is the epitome of speech with a root in hatred. A player should not have to endure that kind of language in the game. In fact, there is no place for it in the world either. It is a sad individual who has that much hatred in them.
RE: What exactly is the purpose and principle of cities and personal lands?
There has to be safe storage for things in the game. I've already seen what happens when you can lose everything in a raid. Life is Feudal: YO had that. When they implemented judgment hour whole settlements became scorched earth over night. Something that took days/weeks/months to build. Needless to say many of those players just rage quit and never came back. That game took a major nose dive with the forum activity going from too many daily posts to track to almost nothing going on. When people play a game they expect to have fun. Losing everything only to have to restart is no fun. That is why I don't alpha test any more. Having to constantly rebuild after a wipe just gets to tedious for me.
RE: No steam key??
After searching through every post on the kickstarter and here I see no actual reply from the DEVs to this particular question to the positive. However, every time they were asked this question they seemed to have dodged it without saying yes but never saying no. In each instance it was implied we were getting one. I feel deceived so yes I'm pissed.
RE: Forum to Website
I thought the same thing in the beginning until my son pointed out you can click the header to the forums lol.
RE: Merry Christmas everyone and happy hollidays!
Merry Christmas to you and everyone else
RE: The End of most Sandbox PVP Games-The losing side.
@Gothix Sandbox doesn't mean no rules. It means open world with no linear path. You are allowed to go where you want and do what you want. UO is a sandbox and there are plenty of rules governing pvp and other player interactions. The game will crash and burn if there are not rules in place that control griefing.
I was playing Outlands free UO server which started off as fun. But then the pks and thieves started invading and the devs gave in to those same arguments; that the blues just needed to play better. Needless to say the pop of the server plummeted. I personally find players whose only course of gameplay is to hinder other players and laugh as a scourge.
Underground Nodes
I was just wondering if there is any possibility that city nodes might expand to the underworld? I always liked the idea of the UnderDark in D&D lol.
Next test phase
Hope it starts soon because it seems people are running out of things to talk about lol.
Latest posts made by Farlander
,Steam Access
I know I asked this long ago and I'm sure several have since, are kickstarter backers going to get a steam key?
RE: No steam key??
You know what is also amazing the amount of people "mistakenly" expecting their steam key. It's all over the kickstarter page, their facebook page and here. Tons of people asking where their key is. Why is that? Maybe because people were lead to believe they were getting one.
RE: No steam key??
After searching through every post on the kickstarter and here I see no actual reply from the DEVs to this particular question to the positive. However, every time they were asked this question they seemed to have dodged it without saying yes but never saying no. In each instance it was implied we were getting one. I feel deceived so yes I'm pissed.
No steam key??
I've just seen in some posts kickstarter players are not receiving steam keys. What a bunch of fucking bullshit!!!! We were told when we bought this game we would get one. Why the hell are we not getting one?
RE: Fractured Online - Early Access
Since it is steam early access can we assume we are getting steam keys for those who kickstarted?
RE: Feature Spotlight - Three Races, Three Gameplays
It's still disappointing that Humans are still blah. There could have been more work done here giving different types of humankind to represent the different lifestyles.
RE: Gamigo Publishing Deal Q&A - List Your Questions!
I'm here to ask, since it doesn't seem to be in the list afterall; When will we get Steam keys?
BTW I backed another game called Phoenix Point. Their backer page specifically said they would give steam keys but they ended up getting funded by Epic Games. They announced steam keys would be pushed back a whole year due to an exclusivity clause in their contract. The same thing happened at that point as well, people demanding refunds. Blah blah blah. I could care less who you get your cash flow from. You guys have worked too long on this for it to not release. Will it be exactly as promised? Probably not. But that is life, ever changing. As soon as people realize that you have to go with the flow of life they are happier for it. I will play the game until I feel I at least get my money's worth out of it
RE: If Buying founders pack do we get steam key when it drops on steam?
So asking when steam keys coming out is not a relevant question considering the major announcement just made? Considering the release date on the steam page is 2022 which is less than a month away it would be nice to know when these are planned to hit this coming year. BTW I probably haven't ventured into the forums since the steam page went up so it's new to me
RE: If Buying founders pack do we get steam key when it drops on steam?
Now that the game has a steam store page when can we expect steam keys?
RE: Ingots, Leather and Theft
Sorry I disagree with all of you about the time sinks. If you enjoy it more power to you. I don't enjoy games with timers ie every clickbait game in existence. The value in the created item is the gathering of the resource and the use it gives. If a game has to have time sinks to bring players back then the game is crap. The game should have fun stuff to do to bring players back to it; not work.