Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System
So you are wanting to know if a "good" player will be able to "move" a cart stolen back from an "evil" player, and if so, will the original owner be able to take back ownership of the cart.
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Now we're talking, this will be my Alpha to play. Been quite over the last two because I didn't wanna log in for a couple of days then leave again.
This time I'll have LOADS to explore and test. Look forward to it!
@boogis our alignment will not change by killing mobs, so I am unsure what you saying about the gold.
You speaking about raising the head cost price with out knowing the actual base price... why ?
I think we should charge KP and not Gold to get rid of karma!
(as KP is actually worth something, while Gold has no backing)
Toggling PvP on/off to me makes no sense and appears to only cause more confusion and complexity than warrented. I had first read the article as toggling "Friendly Fire" on/off which to me would make sense and be good to have... but not turning PvP itself off or on. That completely goes against a Crime System where there is a penalty for attacking players who do not want to be attacked. I can see you adding in the PvP toggle for PvE since Arboreus is not currently in, but this is a PvP Test which means we already know going into the game that it is for PvP and not for PvE.
Personally, I would suggest making the PvP toggle to be a "friendly fire" toggle. If you have PvP togglable, are you going to have it so that "both" parties have to have "PvP" turned on? Or can one party (in PvP mode) hit another party (not in PvP mode) and that party member would have to toggle their own PvP before ever being able to defend themselves??? If a person can only attack someone who is also in PvP mode, then is that really a crime system?
I would suggest re-thinking the "PVP & Friendly Fire" section of that news article.
@BearRod said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
The bounty hunter concept is going to be fun to try out. Has there been a determination on the length of prison stay for players that are captured? Will there be a visual timer so that they know? And will it be in game time or real time for the sentences.
We haven't decided yet, it could range from a few hours to a couple days. Real time.
@Extreminador said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
@Prometheus so imagine a evil player (lets call her Harley, heheheh) steals a cart from from a good player. Can I has a good player do something to help the good player from retrieving is cart ?
Yes, if a cart if listed as Stolen the owner or a member of the owner's party / guild can get it back
@boogis said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
so all good players will be collecting gold and eventialy become RED (evil) cos they have nothing to do with so much amounts of money.
That's a pretty extreme conclusion
Gold is used to claim territories and land parcels, pay for city and parcel maintenance, buy items on the (upcoming) marketplace, travel at harbors, etc. You definitely need it, for a lot of reasons. There may be inflation of course and that would make it easier for a PK to buy his way out, but I hardly think it will make everyone want to turn into a PK
@Ostaff said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
I had first read the article as toggling "Friendly Fire" on/off which to me would make sense and be good to have... but not turning PvP itself off or on. That completely goes against a Crime System where there is a penalty for attacking players who do not want to be attacked.
I think you misunderstood what the PvP mode does, I've added a couple lines to the post to clarify that
Please also note that PvP mode exists only to avoid damaging potential targets accidentally with directional abilities / projectiles and AOE effects. Once you attack someone, your victim will enter PvP mode as well. Whether a player is a potential target or not depends only on your alignment and the other player’s alignment, as explained in the first paragraph of this article.
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@Prometheus said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
(...)Once you attack someone, your victim will enter PvP mode as well(...)
Can the attacker and/or the victim turn PvP mode off during the battle? What determines if you are still in a battle? Can you turn off PvP mode after the battle with the hotkey, or does it have to happen at a certain place (e.g. shrine)? What happens to PvP mode while you are in a party/guild, does it automatically get turned on for the complete party if one member is being attacked?
So it only effects whether "range damage" does friendly fire damage. Okay. that is what I had thought it would mean the first time I read it, however I would suggest that you take off "Whether you are Good or Evil, you can’t target other players" as that implies that you also can not target them to hit with a melee weapon and instead just put "Your range attacks (Direct or Indirect) can not damage other players unless you Toggle Friendly Fire on."
And your alignment only changes if you "execute" the player and not just damage them? Does this also apply to having a percentage of damage to a player that has been executed? As otherwise a party could attack another party and only one of their members would actually lose karma if that player is the only one actually "executing" the other players. If it is by percent of damage, friendly fire will not be taken into consideration, correct? (of course if this is the case then the possibility could arise that will allow for a good party to actually kill another party that is PvE'ing from the side lines if they turn their friendly fire on in order to eliminate that group from their farming zone without penalties) (I know you had said "Whether a player is a potential target or not depends only on your alignment and the other player’s alignment, as explained in the first paragraph of this article" but if that is the case... it also means that it would not be friendly fire as you are still not injuring your teammates since they will be the same alignment as you) or do you mean that "friendly fire" will only work against others who have "PvP" toggled on? And since a player automatically enters PvP mode when attacked, that means you will in effect be able to hit your allies since they are more than likely going to be in PvP mode as well, however that PvE party may or may not be in PvP mode as they kill that mob and therefore may not be effected by "friendly fire".
One more thing, I really think range damage should be able to injure players of opposite alignment to begin with; regardless of rather friendly fire has been turned on or not.
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If a person in battle turns off "PvP" mode, they will still have it triggered again as soon as they are hit. It does the "victim" no good to turn it off, unless they are on the outsides of the battle and not being actively attacked.
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Cool stuff!
Yes, they are still not very clear with their labeling, which is why I think its best to replace their PvP label with "friendly fire" label. As that is essentially all it is, rather you are able to hurt your allies or not. When battling another player, your "friendly fire" will always be on. You will always be able to initiate PvP through melee, just by attacking the other player.
So in this sense, its not that you are in PvP mode, it is only that you are in "able to hurt your allies" mode. Their PvP tag just doesnt make any sense as it is not like other games where you can only PvP a person who has PvP on. If you can always attack another player of a different alignment, and they are always forced to be PvP mode when that happens, then there is really no "PvP" toggle to begin with.
@boogis ohh, guess I miss understood your question first...
@Prometheus so, why not having a formula to set the jail time ?
something like for each gold worth of stolen good = 1 minutes jail timeso if people stole (lets say) a full copper ore cart and if the average (so game will retrieve this value from all copper active sell(at least a full cart must be selling at that moment) markets) price of the copper is 50g so 50g(each copper)*30(copper ore) = 1500g (total stolen good) = 1500 minutes jail time = 25h (I guess this would be allot, but you get the point).
A formula that will compare the active sell market prices and set the jail price according the total gold stolen.
@Extreminador said in Winter Alpha Spotlight - Criminal System:
at will compare the active sell market prices and set the jail pric
Maybe not on a 1 per 1 basis but on a milestone basis.. meaning >X amount gives you N amount of time.
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