So, I have participated in every Alpha test that Fractured has had and I've seen the same trend happen each alpha and in some cases they get even worse.
There is not much real content added and the main features that are suppose to be added do not make it to the alpha on time. By the time they do make it, the server has basically already died out. The first three alphas lasted a day to 3 days max before becoming ghost towns, the last two alphas only lasted a week cause we were expecting something that never came. The only people who remain active in alphas are the new people with alpha keys, most the players with packs just do not do alphas anymore cause they get burned out very quickly doing the same repetitive things over and over each new alpha.
So, here is my suggestion. Get rid of the month long alphas were the server is mostly a ghost town for the last 3 weeks. Do alphas like the weekend tests were done, where there is no need to re-build or re-do everything each time. Everything that does not involve the new material to be tested should be provided and not have to be remade. Let us TEST what is actually suppose to be tested not get burnt out on the repetitive like we are doing now. Have shorter tests and more of them. Do not try to implement SO MUCH at one time and miss out on the major parts which only causes entire guilds to quit the game (which has already started) cause of disatisfaction.
I believe this will not only make for more active alpha test but will also bring people back and become more active at whole.
Also, having shorter but more alphas test will allow the Devs to actually see how well their implementations work, unlike this current one that totally blew up in so many ways. They will be able to adjust must faster and get a "working" implementation up faster.