Apr 11, 2020, 9:05 AM
I tried to cast Fireball using a Hammer, Axe, and Dagger
Well I dont thing this was changed since first alpha, there daggers were caster weapons (unarmed too, but one used unarmed . But if this was changed, my bad. It would be however weird if there were no 1h caster weapons - even shield can be used while casting spells (except Conjuration and Evocation schools), so 1h should be usable (small, not medium).
Stun lock is not going to get into final game.
Can you link to the source of this claim?
Well soon after first alpha, where enemies were stunlocked for whole fight, it was stated by devs that this is going to get changed, cant link that tho, sorry. Check content released on February.
I 100% agree with you on that. I hope that humans get fire, and Demons gets one element and the beastmen get an element as well. To give the diversity and give people that extra push to travel to other planets.
Well everyone will get everything, so you are actually right.
I will say I also agree that 100% immunity is a bit much. 2 Memory is too little for 100% immunity in my opinion. In my opinion it should be tiered. 2 memory for a tier 1 fire resistance that gives a chuck of fire resist. Then a tier 2 for 4 memory that does more. Etc. Then finally a last tier that gives 100% but takes up the same memory as powerful moves (6?).
But prices for slotting thesabilities will not affect everyone equally. Magic casting abilities - especially offensive nukes and disables likew Spider web - are WAY more expensive, while melee abilities are like 2 points worth. And melees rely on melee, so they wouldnt mind such abilities being more costly. Or they wouldnt even use them, if they were (as many melees are going to have low INT). Imunity abilities imo need rework.
Or as a hard counter to that hard counter. They could just make dispell an ability that remove buffs.
Then enemy would just recast aura (not sure how silence would affect auras, but probably wouldnt, its not channeled ability). Only solution is resistance reduction or penetration. Oh boy, immunities stink