Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
Will there be a Day/Night cycle?
Have these times effects on the character? I think it would be interesting if the Shadow Demon has some advantages at night or sth.Yours sincerely,
@midoriya Yes there will be. Also, the Shadow Demon does have racials that make him better at night.
Thanks everyone for your support!
@solaris said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
I pledged early Immortal. Waiting to see more details about housing before I consider upping my pledge.
I guess more than simple housing you mean player-run towns, right?
@grofire said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
@prometheus I pledge already but people that I talked to, says that the game look generic from the videos, so they just want to wait, maybe show the difference? Maybe more PVP and skills? Something splashy, that will give the WOW effect.
Our focus for Alpha 1 is not on combat, so that's not possible. We would have had to develop too much purely promotional content rather than the actual game...
@holyhong said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
So to convince people: a Roadmap of the development might definetly help in my opinion.
If possible, I would apply one in the campaign details on Kickstarter.I agree that's really important and it's actually planned - we'll release a solid roadmap for Alpha 1,2,3.
@target said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
I'd like to see your plans for the crafting and gear system. For how integral crafting seems to be, we've barely heard anything.
Coming too!
@vollmond said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
My reason: lack of info about towns and siege/conquer, and craft / town interaction.
I'm EB Knight, but i ''can'' upgrade to Governor with enough info.@dulu said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
#1 - The handling of the Black Bull/Finland situation, and an obvious cheater/admitted hacker not being dealt with swiftly. It's not even him or his guild per se, but the fact that someone can admit to hacking, and cheating a system, and not instantly be dealt with is unforgiveable. These games don't survive when people are allowed to hack. Banning him and his guild should have been your immediate instinct,
Banning a whole guild for the actions of one makes no sense whatsoever. And the reason we're taking it slow is because we're really busy with the campaign and The Foundation is not the game. If it was an in-game rule violation or exploit we'd hit swift and hard. Now the "dishonest player" (I wouldn't call it "cheater") is not damaging anyone besides his own chances to be selected for the pre-alpha.
UPDATE: resolved.
Holding on more Pledge for the simply fact that a-lot of things could happen 3 years from now (2021) full release.
I wish Fractured good luck.
Vicious TF#8 - GENERAL AMBASSADOR Jun 29, 2018, 12:49 PM last edited by Vicious Jun 29, 2018, 3:17 PM
tbh as i stated in discord and in private msg with you prometheus, the problem of your kick campaign is that alpha access is way too costly and beta cost is fine but is a thing that you get too late this create a very huge gap. it push away who wanna spend not much since they gonna get it a year from now, and the alpha is way to costly for a new indie sh.
All people want expecial competitive pvpers is access as early as possible, premium, gold,
things like titles forum titles skins etc are considered irrilevant, cosmetics not useful to gain an advantage (a skin not give you + dmg)People in current meta of mmo of last 15 years look for the "edge" of starting before others, albion for example granted access to game since 30$ package, and allowed you to upgrade from their site, the biggest selling point was that the 100$ pack allowed you to started 3 days before official release date, the 2nd pack 2 day etc etc.
All people look is getting an edge, and quick as possible. If you had a marketing manager he would research it, this is what albion did, they "exploited" the willingness of people to get an edge to their own advantage with that kind of package systems (pre relase days access advantage but access to all alpha-beta since first smaller package)
@vicious said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
tbh as i stated in discord and in private msg with you prometheus, the problem of your kick campaign is that alpha access is way too costly and beta cost is fine but is a thing that you get too late this create a very huge gap. it push away who wanna spend not much since they gonna get it a year from now, and the alpha is way to costly for a new indie sh.
It is indeed possible we got the price point for Alpha wrong, that we couldn't afford that because we don't have any "big name" in the company - someone who can present an extremely ambitious project, show as much "gameplay" as a character walking, claim the game will be completed in 1 or 2 years, and get a ton of people to believe him. I'm not referring to anyone specifically, just something that I've seen a few times.
We've taken the honest route, making estimates as precise as possible and openly showing them, hoping people would give us their trust for what we've built. And indeed, we feel that the most active part of the Fractured community has done so, but probably the less engaged part didn't, and people finding the project for the first time even less. Can't go back in time to change that though, so we need to get this Kickstarter to the end with what we have! And we can make it!
@prometheus if you guarantee that from the expense of a pack, (es. from 30 to 50 euros), then modify the packages and grant access to Alpha 1 in next time. it is possible to complete the KS campain.
@prometheus i know i tried publishing it in different forums , and many group chats im a member in, but as much as i can see people hesitate, do you have any advice how to get them more trusting ?
@mattdaniel good idea, i think it might work, and i too will feel better!
I was under a wrong assumption when you announced going for Kickstarter. I thought (yes, I know what they say about assuming something :p) you'd need the money to actually develop the project, but as you stated you're financially stable, I would have advised to delay deploying the Kickstarter to far after pre-alpha and to as late into the project as you can push it.
That said, I've currently backed at early bird Recruit (20€, backer #123), because I am (unlike I first thought when reading your early spotlights) not your target audience and simply want to support your project for your great spirit and dedication. It's fine that I'm not your target audience and you shouldn't change that this late into development, so what I'm going to explain is a moot point, but it won't hurt if I go into detail on it either.
I was looking for a less 'limited' experience where players can moderate the community by themselves (all actions are possible, but have consequences that matter). An example of this would be Chronicles of Elyria, where I backed $175 (early bird Ursaphant rider) and would have gone higher if they had your 'working spirit' (I wish I could blend the two projects together
). I mention that project specifically, since I'm not sure the common analysis in this thread is entirely correct (the company behind that game is a fresh start, no name - had nothing to show and yet managed to get past $1.3 million with high cost tiers [$350, $175, $90, $50 for Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta 1, Beta 2 and $25 for the base game]).
I love that you're trying to make honest (and reasonable, based on your current progress) predictions about your game development schedule and your community interaction and willingness to address questions. However, I'm trying to 'vote with my money' (since other companies are following these kind of Kickstarters closely and are adjusting their projects accordingly), so I'll have to go with projects that are targeted at my desires in a direct competition.
Vicious TF#8 - GENERAL AMBASSADOR Jun 29, 2018, 3:14 PM last edited by Vicious Jun 29, 2018, 3:32 PM
@prometheus Funding sometimes is not logic i have seen shitty projects getting funded and i partecipated on a project that spent 100k euro just on the material for presentation, 7 videos including a 5 min teaser fully 3d rendered with models, and artists for artwork, and 20k spent in advertizing yet it failed.
But they key issue here is the understanding of what people want, sandbox pvp competitive games attract competitive players and they look only for advantage from early access, so alpha access, gold, premium account. So a bid for a relative cheap amount like 30$ get this people on board, granting access cost you nothing but is one of most appealing factor.
Is 2 year i am not taking part of any kick project (i usually write gameplay document design for games, and when they do kickstarter is not my business anymore ) so i dont know if you can modify the pledge on course, or add stuff? becouse if you can i hardly suggest to revise the alpha access and put it in lower bids.
I tryed to comunicate with you thrue your official mail, skype, discord, since a month but none of you ever answered i just wanted to give you some tips and help based on my experience, with kickstarter campaigns things like the one i presented here., many of this errors could have been avoived, i see you reply to many people in this section beside the ones that really have the knowledge to help you and coincidence they all called for getting alpha on low bids. you should really work on your comunication skills, there is someone checking your official mails? never got an answer there since a month, again i sent you another proposal in discord about using a 40k mailing list free of charge you didnt even bother to answer. People try to help but you seams to not pick up suggestions.
The main reasons I haven't pledged yet (Ive been eying up the EB Immortal and asked questions about said package), are as follows:
There is not enough information about the game, in videos or screenshots or even sketches.
More aspects of the game need to be shown before I will jump in.
I'm not expecting wow factor pre-Alpha, but as people have said, a clear road map of where you want to go with everything would go a LONG way. I think this should be mandatory on any video game Kickstarter, especially one in as early stages as this one is.2.
More information on what the rewards actually are.
What does VIP membership actually get you.
What you can get with the Dynamight Gold, what is purchasable, and how much you can get with your money.
How construction plans, pets and skins will be implemented, are they one time use? You have stated the constructed buildings can be destroyed, so will that be it for that plan once the building is inevitably destroyed?One of the things I'm interested in is having my own tavern, for social reasons, and as a base of operations within the game, seeing as fireplaces and resting are key parts of the game, and it is going to be a social MMO. But I don't want to build up a place only to have it destroyed by a massive guild not long after release. I'm mainly a solo player who will interact with the community in my own way (I hate to use an anime reference as not everyone watches anime, but Kirito from Sword Art Online is my best example).
Alpha access is way too expensive as people have pointed out.
More people in Alpha can only help in my opinion, for testing, and for pledges and pre-release sales in general. Even if not all of the players report everything thoroughly, or spend hours testing one specific thing from every angle. Many will. And the extra ones will just add to the dynamics of the game for those serious testers, as it is an MMO.
This is my opinion as a gamer with 18+ years of alpha and beta testing games as a player, I'm not in the industry.4.
Now, I know that you have mentioned that equipment is not nearly as impactful in gameplay as a game like Diablo or PoE. But in an ARPG, even one that focuses on skills, exploration, and team play, not having cool weapons, armour, and items will severely impact players motivation.
So will there be much variation in the equipment other than range and attack type?
And to what level can you customise the appearance seeing as players will be making them for the most part?I just want to point out I am new to this game and these forums. I have researched as much as I can in the short time i have been exposed to it (About a week). So if these points have already been gone through in detail then by all means link me and I will read up if i have missed it.
But these are the things that are preventing me from backing.
I will at least pledge FOUNDER, at the least.
But I like what I HAVE seen and would love to drop 300+€ on this to support you guys, given more information.
I just think this information should have been there to begin with, mainly on the Kickstarter page, even if you had delayed a few months, it would have made sense to, and this thread would have been largely unnecessary.
@Silarc Here is a bit of information on VIP in this news post (about half way down)
@kellewic said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
@Silarc Here is a bit of information on VIP in this news post (about half way down)
Thanks for this. Now working through all the blog posts =].
@jetah Oh wow didn't know that. Thanks friend
I kinda need to not be broke to do that. .-.
Personally besides having no money (student life) I really want to have a better look on how PvE is going to turn out
If I'm gonna be honest the rewards don't seem proportionate with what people in the US pay. At least to me. While stuff like the immortal pack is tempting - $350+ for early bird only serves to immediately makes me look towards more basic offerings. And I can only imagine how quickly it may unfortunately turn away newcomers entirely.
Meanwhile other games I backed in the past offered me a ton more bang for my buck. I don't know, I want the game to be made and all that. It sounds perfect for what I'm after. I just feel as though the kickstarter stuff is a bit off is all.
I disagree with lowering alpha price. I know for a fact that people will get in it, try it out for a month then request/demand a refund.
more people in alpha testing means more information to filter out. It's more CS work too.
@Prometheus if you really wanted to lower Alpha to the 30 tier then have Stretch Goal 1 include alpha 1 at a lower level.
@prometheus said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
(...)It is indeed possible we got the price point for Alpha wrong (...) Can't go back in time to change that though, so we need to get this Kickstarter to the end with what we have!(...)
As far as I'm aware you can not edit the pledge tiers, but you can use 'Add-ons'. As an example, Underworld Ascendant has done just that. I don't think you should go that route, but if you wanted to follow the advice offered in this thread, it seems like you can provide Alpha/Beta access 'à la carte' (there are even automated solutions to that like Backerkit).
@vicious said in Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!:
(...) they look only for advantage from early access, so alpha access, gold, premium account. So a bid for a relative cheap amount like 30$ get this people on board, granting access cost you nothing but is one of most appealing factor(...)
Could you provide examples to these claims? Because I can easily toss in a couple names with high priced pledge tiers for early access that succeeded to rake in more than a million dollar (Crowfall, Chronicles of Elyria, Shroud of the Avatar,...).