Why we need attribute respec options.
@Nekrage They need to stop pretending they don't have experience points and simply treat Knowledge Points like experience points. You get more for fighting an enemy that isn't 100%, but you keep getting them after.
1000 is in line with the current alpha, it would need to be higher once the game content was finished. It could also be proportionate to how much KP has been spent on Talents and Skills.
@Nekrage There will be repeatable sources of Knowledge Points.
@Specter OOOOOOHHHH! Spicy! I like it!
I think that could be our easy to implement option. Spend Knowledge Points to earn a SINGLE Attribute Point respec. This way we can spend 5000 Knowledge Points and remove a single point from 1 attribute and put it in another without needed to respec the entire thing.
@FibS said in Why we need attribute respec options.:
I stand by my previous idea that Knowledge Points should be used to reallocate stats.
Specifically, you can refund stats at a rate of 1000 KP per each point you get for lowering the stat.
Hard no here.
That would start making VIP a pay 2 win.
More knowledge points earned because of VIP = more extensive respecs = more adaptive gameplay as direct consequence of paying money.
Sorry folks im personaly against this one in this case.
this topic was discussed before anyways, prometheus stated we'll get one free respec and most likely time gated new ones throughthe shop
@Nekrage said in Why we need attribute respec options.:
@Specter OOOOOOHHHH! Spicy! I like it!
I think that could be our easy to implement option. Spend Knowledge Points to earn a SINGLE Attribute Point respec. This way we can spend 5000 Knowledge Points and remove a single point from 1 attribute and put it in another without needed to respec the entire thing.
So with this kind of system if someone wants to roll from a tank for a ranged dps for example, he would need at least 100 000 KPs to get the attributes somewhat right... oh boy.
One of the biggest problems is that the current attribute system is in contradiction with the current ability system. You can freely unlock every ability in the game but then you are restricted (in practice) to use only those which goes well with your attribute distribution. This is very underwhelming. Therefore, those systems does not support each other and creates more like an illusion of freedom. At the moment the attributes basically determines our roles in the character creation which is much more closer themepark mindset rather than sandbox.
I think many people will think of my opinion as extreme, but here it goes:
I propose normalizing all attributes at character creation, with no racial modifiers or spendable points. Everyone starts with 15-20 in every stat and can only increase it through gear. I would also advocate for stat increases being more common on gear.
Here's my reasoning: Fractured's amazing ability system should be the core focus of character development. The experience of discovering new abilities off of new enemies is amazing and has led to many players trying out various different builds during play, but due to how static character creation attributes, many abilities may feel underwhelming due to incorrect stat spec. A respec option is only a bandaid fix, because unless you can reassign stat points the same way you memorize presets, it interrupts the fluidity of discovering different abilities and trying new builds.
By standardizing all attributes at, say, 20 at character creation and allowing increases/decreases only through gear, you develop a system where anyone can craft the stats they want to optimize a build they like, and you add an additional counter to zerg PvP by making losing gear from death more significant. If stat changes are tied to gear, gear becomes more important, which is a win for strategic PvP and the in-game economy. The reason why I suggest a value of 20 to start with is because it gives the developers more flexibility in terms of how many attribute points they put on gear. (A base of 10 in attributes makes a +1 a 10% increase, whereas a base of 20 makes a +1 only a 5% increase, allowing for more balance control.)
Dropping a very late reply here, I assumed someone would have mentioned it already since I've addressed this several times.
The current plan is to give every account 1 free stat respec. After that, it will be possible to buy them from the store, but their use will be severely limited (e.g. if you respec a character, you have to wait 1 month to respec the same character again).
The idea is that if you want to play with a radically different character template (e.g. a "mage" instead of a "warrior"), you have create a new character, like you would in any class-based MMO
You know progression in Fractured is pretty fast, so that's not a big deal!
@Prometheus said in Why we need attribute respec options.:
And there we are! This works PERFECTLY!
Thanks a ton for the response!
Prometheus is a hero once again!
@Prometheus Whoa that was the first I've seen that lol. I didn't realize it was mentioned several times. Well that's welcome news.
@Ostaff Agreed. Respecs should be earned and allowed. However, they shouldn't be easy to buy. I'm thinking the devs want to avoid making this a pay to win game where real cash for in-game currency helps tilt the balance. Everything should be earned through in-game grinding and participation. Pay to win has turned me away from so many MMOs. I'd rather take the time to play and learn more efficient ways of earning perks in the game.
I do hope this gets revisited at some point.
The idea is that if you want to play with a radically different character template (e.g. a "mage" instead of a "warrior"), you have create a new character, like you would in any class-based MMO
I don't think Fractured needs to constrain its design to the box of "any class-based MMO" in this area. Considering how intensely abilities scale with attributes, it could be extremely difficult and/or time-consuming to test different stat allocations with a month of cooldown in between respecs.
As most of players will make mistakes, the very first "reset" should be free, right?
I think it is fair give all players the opportunity to change their 1st status made.
No need to make a new topic about this as there has already been a lot of discussion on it.
I also think/know that players should be able to respec in the game without VIP/Cash shop. Make it where people can respec once a week and/or make it in in-game gold money sink (within reason). But if it's only a cash shop option then that is going into the extreme that shouldn't be in games.
actually, as the game is trying really hard not to monetize by going p2win, respect for cash is one viable option. A respec isn't a pay to win option, but it is better than making a new character and starting from scratch if you want to try a truly different build. This is why I do believe they intend to make the Respec eventually be a cash shop option, or an in-game goldsink
If there is only one way to respec and it's a paid option...that is p2w.
Spec changes any time something new is added or tweaked It changes when new unknown abilities are found. If a "free" player (remember this game is paid for) cannot respec then they are at a huge disadvantage in pve and pvp.
Respec is only for Attributes, not like you get to relock and then respend KP to unlock skills.
You get to freely respec Talent Point spending, and you can set up 5 pre-sets for Talents and 5 for Skills, so really, respec has very limited affect on the game overall. It is a very minor advantage at best. Most games don't tend to allow any respec at all, you have to make a new character. This game currently gives you 5 character slots, and the assumption is we'll have at least 3 slots at launch, so you could make 1 character per planet. Some packs have bonus slots as well. That's the ultimate 'respec' as you can start over and try another build. Now that you know what your doing, you might also grab a month of VIP just to catch up faster on making the new build idea, but for the most part, you go in, you try a few things, realize you may have set your attributes wrong, remake a new character and go in with more knowledge at your disposal.
Respec is hardly P2W. It is a Pay 4 convenience, not power. You do have to give the Devs some decent monetization options. Cosmetics only go so far. There are whole groups of players who won't spend a rusty tin shilling on cosmetics, and you need to have something to entice them to revitalize the game with cash. They don't want to go p2w or all subscription, as neither fits what they have been advertising from the beginning, but p2fast is within their stricture, thus the KP boost for VIP and possibly a planned pay to Respec option. They could also turn Respc into a Goldsink, and make you pay in-game gold to do it of course.
@GamerSeuss Attributes affect skills/spells so if you find an ability that goes with your build but your low on dex or something so the spell does nothing then it will be worse. It will be p2w in pvp esp but p2w also applies to pve just the same.
If you are hindered by a system that can make you weaker without spending money....thats p2w.
Either way just like the last suggestion this is clearly a thing people will debate but I see no room for movement on this one. Just another core thing that needs to be solid for me and others to buy the game.
I fully agree they needs ways to make money to keep making the game but hindering players and pulling an EA/Activision is not one of them.
I would rather spend 15+$ a month to play then have all these "bonuses".