@Benseine @Gothix what safe spot will you have on demon world?
And worst kind of PKer is the one that want the game to create easy kills for him - like the thing you're writing.
Half a minute timer on logging off should be enough to prevent abuse. If you cannot find and hit once someone logging off in half a minute then that means he's in safe enough place. This timer could even resets all positive buffs so no logging off invisible or indestructible 
My suggestion is to increase that timer so playing on multiple chars / accounts ingame is not viable anymore.
If you want one character per account (I wouldn't mind that) then promote that. Promoting ideas to make multiple character unplayable is just wrong.
^ Basically this. Accept the type of game you are playing or go play something else, more in tune with your needs, like Hello Kitty Online, or something similar. 
if you want to play that type of game why don't you go to Albion or some other PvP crap game?
There are many reasons why I would want to log off in wilderness and just come back there next time I play. Devs said many times that this game will be viable for PvE players so I should be able to do just that. And switch to my other character if I have one.