It looks like lately the only way to find out what's planned for Fractured is watching Twitch Q&A sessions. This is the one from yesterday. I appreciate the work that goes into that, but the problem is you present important upcoming information about the game which can only be gained by watching a 3h+ video in english, which can be summed up in a lot less anyway. Some people have problems with english (reading is easier than listening, especially when you can use Google translate), some simply don't have the patience to go through such a long video. I'm not asking for lengthy content pills as we had before, but can we maybe have a short summary of what's discussed?

Best posts made by Razvan
Can we have other means of information beside Twitch Q&A sessions?
RE: Zenith, capital of the Kingdom of Meridian - a nexus of community/politics/trade
It's not like I'm associated with this guild or anything, but in case you're looking for a town/guild, I've heard they are the coolest of people!
RE: Planned open weekend
The thread is 7 days old, so I'll guess you already read your mail and the news from Prometheus' post, but just in case, the test is open for everyone and the server issues were mentioned
RE: Is this game using these Unity Asset Store assets and why?
I know and I'm on the same page with you. I was addressing the fact that some ways of dismissing other people's concerns on this topic are not exactly healthy and can raise questions for the newcomers. -
RE: alpha 2 test 2
Ah, ty! Considering how i check the forums every smoke break, or every few hours when I'm home, and I have a big ass notebook with fractured-related stuff, I'm a bit ashamed for missing that.
RE: The New Fractured Trailer Is Awesome!
@Shivashanti said in The New Fractured Trailer Is Awesome!:
Am I missing something or do you mean the older test 1 trailer?
I checked all their social media pages and the latest video is this (not a trailer tho)-> . Maybe you should also post a source @VyrVandalous ?
RE: Concerns related to the attributes
I'll start by telling that having played some UO and a lot of Albion, I have my own biases.I don't consider world bosses competitive content, because it's basically just a raid party protected by zvz, but I agree that this subject would derail the thread and we should make a separate thread about it.
The thing with Fractured is that you can create a hard counter just from buffs and passives. If you dive someone farming ents (blunt/earth damage, fire vulnerability), you will have a big advantage over them by coming with a lot of fire res. So, as far as small scale and casual pve builds are concerned, if people follow metas it will be very easy to counter them because you know exactly what to expect.
ZvZ is all about a good syncronization, so forcing certain loadouts is very important because otherwise you run in a lot of awkward problems, like having tanks that can't actually survive in the frontline, dps that can't follow up because they don't have an engage skill, or get wiped in the first counter attack because they don't have a defensive skill, or can't reengage because they picked skills with long cooldowns etc. Attributes are fixed and there is content besides zvz. Minmaxing doesn't really make a big difference in zvz, but it reduces the flexibility of your builds and greatly affects small scale content. As far as attributes go, I think guilds will just have minimum recruitment req for each archetype: have this skill unlocked and a minimum of x points in that stat, which would be used as baseline by the shotcallers.
I haven't played D3, but I played D2. Going from pala to druid is not a respec, while going from charger to foher is. Back to my paragraph, the point was that killteams and hardcore pve parties are the only ones who gain real advantages by changing their attributes with every gameplay balance patch.
I also wonder if they do gvgs and wcs, or proper sieges as in older MMOs.@KairosVal
Some games allow people to turn skins off outside towns, but I don't think this will make a big difference in Fractured. On the other hand, if you can inspect someone and see their skills (as in Albion), once you are familiar with the game it takes a few seconds to figure out what the enemy can do. -
Map clarity
One of the major problems I had in the last 2 tests was that I couldn't tell if a certain area could be passed or not. When you are exploring, you only waste about 10min by readjusting the route so it's not a big deal. However, being chased can get frustrating real quick if you can't tell where dead-ends or chokepoints are by looking at the map (especially on asteroids or invasions). I understand many games have this problem, but most of those are not full loot pvp. I also understand that this is an alpha, but this issue seems to be related to how the terrain works (which most likely won't change at release), and to a lesser degree to the graphics style (this could be solved by changing the saturation of non passable areas, and correct the maps by hand; but as I understand some maps are supposed to be randomly generated). I will compare it to Albion to make my point easier.
Pressing M in Fractured (max zoom) vs the one in Albion. The maps in Albion are ugly, but once you get used to the symbols, you can easily tell which piece of land is passable and other useful information. In Fractured however, you have no chance guessing where is the passable land by looking at the map for a couple of seconds. For example, all the red marks are the impassable land I remember around my house. Most of the time I couldn't locate such barriers when traveling to a new area and had to walk along them for a few minutes.
Minimaps suck in both games, so I will just focus on the one in Fractured. There is a lot of impassable area in the radar below. Where do you think it is? How fast can you detect it while running?
And the reason why I started this thread: that's a passable area in both games. For the full image, clicky Fractured and Albion.
Latest posts made by Razvan
RE: [suggestion] Pvp zones
This is supposed to be the human planet, so PvP should be largely unrestricted, but we should also have meaningful consequences if one PKs too much, like being banished until the karma is back up to the required amount. Most of the stuff will be sorted out when the other 2 planets will be implemented.
@spoletta said in [suggestion] Pvp zones:
I would try with the red bubble idea from Albion
This is enough to prevent people from running into zergs.
RE: Controller Support?
I'm not against controller support, but you're handicapping yourself when it comes to using skillshots and point&click abilities. In fact, even selecting abilities would be at least a bit slow & awkward.