All-Backers Access & Apr 12 Cities Q&A
Friday, April 10: everyone with a founder pack can play, disregarding its tier.
Sunday, April 12: live Q&A on player cities.
Click here to read the announcement
See you soon in game!
I'm in lockdown and I approve this message.
That's a very nice gesture !
I hope people are going to enjoy messing around during these times
Wow, that's awesome of yall.
Very nice indeed!
Excellent news.
Nice Anniversary gift, thx guys !
I won an alpha key somehow so I've been enjoying the game even w my beta-level buy-in. Got the email this morning about opening things up & was really glad! Bringing more folks in will help devs measure some new metrics AND give those of us who have semi-developed toons a chance to 'party up' and help others get started. #KUDOS
Great news and good timing!
I can't wait to get in and play today! I assume it is ok to Stream during this?
@Emmajane91 yes, there is no NDA at all
Hmmm... And how we get into the game? I did not find the instructions or are those coming closer to start of the test?
@Tuoni said in All-Backers Access & Apr 12 Cities Q&A:
Hmmm... And how we get into the game? I did not find the instructions or are those coming closer to start of the test?
Oh good I'm looking forward to hearing about player cities. How they did them in SWG was pretty fun. I hope players have some controls like they did there.
Cool thing: im beta backer, I can get into the game
Another cool thing: Im getting new graphic card, few more fps will be nice...
Not so cool thing: ... getting new one because the old one doesn´t work any more
Very uncool thing: New graphic card arrives next weekWho´s Bad Luck Brian?
yeah cool suprise
happy easter everyone
This was a very good Q&A... so damn interesting.
Thank you much @Prometheus and @Oxfurd@Oxfurd can you make out of the Q&A part an own video in your library?
Yeah a video would be nice. I did not have a chance to watch it live.
@Tuoni said in All-Backers Access & Apr 12 Cities Q&A:
Yeah a video would be nice. I did not have a chance to watch it live.
It was early in the AM for me. I'm hyped for the game but I'm also 35 and need my sleep to not be a grumpy asshole the next day.