@PricelessShingle54 You know they will though.

Best posts made by Gibbx
RE: gamigo Data Transfer
RE: Maker’s Mark
Oops I thought this was going to be a thread about great bourbon.
RE: Merry Christmas everyone and happy hollidays!
I'd like to echo @Gothix's sentiments as above.
Happy Christmas friends
Please be safe over the holiday's (practice the three Ws) and may 2021 be a better year for all!
RE: [-CO-] Crownless Order [EU based/Worldwide]
Well if you has cookies...
RE: Where is the news of the next test phase...
My only reason for being in this thread at all was to hopefully provide a gentle reminder to the devs that lack of any news seems to be contributing to waning in the community and that some news would be helpful to keep us all engaged. I was not demanding anything of the devs or castigating anyone for not doing their jobs.
@Prometheus Thanks for bring such great news!
@Znirf thanks for your reasonable reply in this thread
@islesofurth thanks for your opinion, but I can tell from this thread that you are exactly the kind of player that I don't want to run into in game.
That is all.
RE: What are you reading right now?
Lord of the Rings. I realized that somehow I got to the north side of 50 and had never actually read the book. My inner nerd is deeply embarrassed!