Hey hey guys!! Been brought here by my good friend Ufke, Hes new here too, so we newbies together, Muuhahahhaha
How is everyone?
This game is looking pretty good!! What's everyone looking forward the most so far?
Hiya, I'm Emma, Obviously xD
32 Years Young
Gamer, Twitch Affiliate Streamer
I'm obsessed with Ducks, Love Tattoos, Penguins and gaming of course!
I am really looking forward to Fractured, I have been lurking for quite a long time around Fractured, I am a Recruit Kickstarter pledge.. only because I couldn't afford to go higher or I would have!
Hey hey guys!! Been brought here by my good friend Ufke, Hes new here too, so we newbies together, Muuhahahhaha
How is everyone?
This game is looking pretty good!! What's everyone looking forward the most so far?
@crache QUACK QUACK lol xD I totally know the feeling I could only afford basic on KS so im hoping to be able to upgrade
Hehe defo, im glad they made you smile!!
And thank you very much Welcome to you too
Just because they seem to be copy and pasted.. Doesn't mean the thought and caring isn't there!
OMG really!!! Yes I love ducks im rather obsessed really haha
Id have loved to see them !!
My bf this weekend took me to a lakeside where theres lots of duckies!!
It was ace!!!!
And thank you HEHE don't be worried a lot of us do use them but we still read n respond
Im super excited i cant wait !! Ive joined a city.. it was just a random one xD
I can't wait to get in and play today! I assume it is ok to Stream during this?
QUACK QUACK evening guys, ive been missing a while but ive been lurking xD
@crache QUACK QUACK lol xD I totally know the feeling I could only afford basic on KS so im hoping to be able to upgrade
Ive just recently gotten back into warframeโฆ I used to play a lot on PS4 but now im on PC having to start over again
Hmm MMO wise... ive not really played any recently.. I did love Black Desert Online but I didn't know what my place was what I wanted to do in the gam and got bored I dabbled in Archeage for a while.. Very pay to win I think ..
And I cant spell im sorry xD I do love me some Path of Exiles though
Edit: I just saw someone else post it I totally forgot to write it Conan Exiles is awesome
MORNING GUYS !!! How is everyone?? What have you all been up to recently!?
Sorry I haven't been very active I have been away at my boyfriends and everything kinda goes out the window to spend time with him and usually extensive gaming too hehe xD
Also Kickstarter is over! I didn't get the package I wanted as I couldn't afford it.. But I just managed with like 30mins to spare to pledge on the first pack you get the game... So at least I get the Kickstarter exclusive goodies I will have to just upgrade when I can at normal price if they don't bring early bird to store or it sells out before I have the money haha xD
Did you guys all manage to pledge?