Limited/rare items?
I don't know how relevant they'd be, whether they'd be just a momento for a raid event or from completing a complex dungeon, but I often think about the idea of having items that are of limited quantity or of extreme rarity, could that kind of thing be implemented?
Like having a fire sword that has a chance to do fire DOT damage or like an ice spear that lowers someone's endurance recovery rate, and they have an exclusive weapon skin or something, it might be a little fairy tale of mine, just thought i'd share it.
Although, considering they said that items won't have a huge impact on game play cause beginners can jump right in, who knows.
I like the dragon head we got from DAoC. It was really great to have hanging on a wall.They mentioned a few rare item drops so who knows. but the game is more designed to have crafted gear so having a few "true legendary" drops isn't bad.
I like the idea of having especially rare items that only a few are likely to obtain. Even if I don't have them it helps the world feel more alive in a sense. As it is variety in the form of unusual and exotic things.
TheRippyOne TF#9 - FIRST AMBASSADOR Aug 24, 2018, 4:27 AM last edited by TheRippyOne Aug 24, 2018, 4:57 AM
I'd certainly like to see some legendary stuff - maybe not equipment, but decorations or effects could be nifty. Like - first person/team to beat raid boss A gets a special cosmetic aura of said raid boss hulking around as an over form or something, or hanging Grendel's hand in your house's loft because you were the first to complete that questline.
I could also see some interesting options - getting to 50 skill points without hurting a single thing netting you a pacifist's cloak cosmetic option, and maxing out your skill points without killing anyone getting you a pacifist's aura effect.
Or, maybe the best demon (skips the debate on what that means) in a given Eclipse raid gains an aura that involves the demon god hanging about, praising said demon on each kill? Similar idea for the current Arena Champion, and a slightly different (but permanent) one if you defended the title X times before retiring or losing. Maybe give the best Human defender of each Eclipse raid a plaque for their home/wall section, extolling their virtue (and have it upgrade if the Human manages it more than once).
Let's see, what else - doing a friendship questline (or mortal enemy questline on Tartaros) nets a permanent visual thing - Friend of the Fairies gets you a vine wrapped around your upper arm, while Fire Drake Genocide gets you a dragon skull crown of flames over your normal helmet. Limit one to each character? Can be switched out? much internal debate Not exactly exclusive, but really easy to foul-up in someway that permanently locks you out of it? Like, during the Fire Drake example, you can't let any drake escape for the whole duration, and there are a number of flame newts that may appear, and those try to run immediately? nothing that interferes with the quest, just with getting the new hotness XD
I dunno. depends on how exclusive, and how guide-dang-it you want them to be.
(I remember reading a manga [yeah yeah, weeb], with a family playing an MMO - one character got an exclusive scarf for never attacking a certain type of enemy, and then pleasing the ruler of said enemy type with an exceptional food offering. Has a limit (can never attack that enemy type or it breaks) but permanently renders that enemy type passive around the wearer, so if you need to kill x enemies to get through a door, and it's a room full of that enemy type? auto-cleared. It was handy, but they had to miss out on the materials those enemies dropped, and couldn't get experience for killing said enemies. )
Rare monsters with rare loot.... the staple of ARPGs, its what we live for.
So long as it doesn't break the economy.
It doesn't really matter how 'rare' something is. If it is grindable at all then a large enough group of players will find a way to grind out large volumes of that thing if it is valuable enough. And it it is the strongest X in the game - even by a very small margin - then simply by being the strongest X in the game it becomes valuable enough for large numbers of players to grind.
So if at all possible, I would want to have the best materials be rare, but have the best equipment should be the result of combining the best materials with the best crafters. That will keep the economy running the way it's supposed to do.
So rare drops are still possible - just not anything that gives any kind of power-level advantage.
it can be setup so that specific items only have limited quantity that exist.
TheGreatElleon TF#11 - PROCONSUL Aug 24, 2018, 5:47 AM last edited by TheGreatElleon Aug 24, 2018, 5:48 AM
I think to help with the economy, there could be extremely limited gear(limited quantity, very hard to get etc.. ), wear as you could find weapon skins or armor skins or weapon auras like a black flame or a visible ice cold chill, more commonly. I use commonly rather loosely, they wouldn't be common but they'd be more so than actual usable gear
I like the idea that really gifted crazy can create highly specialized gear, and since those Crafters would be rare, the gear would be as well. I like that approach much better than some generic drop rate.
@Esoba maybe with some kind of long quest to learn a specialized recipe
It's fun to collect all kinds of skins. It makes you wan't to keep playing.
@kairosval Most of what I was thinking about was "bind on acquisition" sort of deal - doesn't matter so much to me how grindy it is, if the person who wants it has to do the grinding. I absolutely agree that the dev's need to make sure that the economy doesn't get borked by legendary drops (another reason I was focusing on visuals and display trophies, to avoid any power advantage from them.)
Thing is if people get legendary items, they will start asking devs for the ways to protect them so they can't be stolen / looted from them.
You can bet whatever you want on that.
- "ahh gank squads are stealing my legendary items"
- "this OP guild stole all legendary items in game and now they are too powerful, nerf them"
- etc (insert million more complaints of similar type)
@gothix OMG just stop already... no one asked that and you already talking about it lol....
@grofire said in Limited/rare items?:
@gothix OMG just stop already... no one asked that and you already talking about it lol....
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize these are your forums. I'm gonna stop posting, I promise.
Sad but would be true.
SWG had crafting materials that were time-limited. That could be addressed by having crafting materials only available on certain asteroids. "X ingredient is needed for some high-level crafting, but is only available when this asteroid swings by the planet every May" kind of thing.
I like rare items that are hard to obtain but don't matter much on gameplay/offer unfair advantage. Sometimes people just want to show off a trophy.
@gothix I do not mind you talking, but you so obsessed about this issue, you keep raising it while no-one else said anything about it...
We all understand that you a big PVP player and want this game to be what you wrote several times "full loot PVP game". while their is a part of this game that is "full loot PVP" it's only a part and I'm not sure it's even 40% of the game, so you need to understand it, and give place for other players with other play style to speak on what they want, or maybe you can find until release a game that will be more to your play style, maybe AO.
If rare weapons can give an advantage against other players (I hope not
), I prefer that they are really hard to find or to craft, and they can be used only a certain amount of time (after, they must be craft again or repaired, or something else). Maybe it could balance what @Gothix talked about (it could happen, especially with Exploited, I'm sure
After, if it's only rare skins, or rare items that don't give a real advantage, why not ? I see a rare skin in a maze, and you need to coop with friends (or try to go faster than your ennemies) to solve riddles, avoid traps and else, to reach it