how do you want your pet and npg?
what do you want from your pet, who collects the drops, which attacks the enemy, who can carry weapons or merchandise, or all these things, think it's nice to have an attacking, careful, or funny npg, what do you think?
There will be two types on pets, cosmetics and non-cosmetic. One will be involved in combat the other will just be for visuals. Id rather the non-cosmetic pets also pick up items and money tbh, that these abilities be more interlocked with gameplay rather than a wallet.
I don't think pet can run / fly around and collect items on its own due to loot flagging system.
It's not only about looting players and getting flagged as thief like this. Remember, other player can loot a mob you killed, and get flagged as thief, and you can do the same if you loot the mob other player killed, or loot someone else's remains, while he is "corpse running".
So I'd rather pet doesn't collect anything. This mechanic just goes against open PvP full loot system, where you have to quickly decide what to loot and what not too, even in middle of combat where several players can compete for the same loot that's on the ground.
Pets that loot for you would just severely damage this system.
(auto loot mechanics helping bots is also an issue, but we don't even need to get into that because an above issue is enough to make auto loot mechanic a very bad thing to have in Fractured)
@gothix all great points, fully agree.
Having some utility can be cool, but loot functions have problems as noted.
Maybe instead pets could help you with other tasks, such as generation of different resources. It would make sense for a number of food items, some could help with lumber, others could dig to make stone and dirts easier, etc. This wouldn't increase capacity or anything, just speed up the process a tiny bit.
Just as a thought where they can be of some use, without being too OP or anything. Having them be at risk of being attacked at the same time would ensure people who like taming have a solid purpose in groups too.
I'd prefer my cosmetic pets to be just that pretty to look at and with some antic or sayings to keep me amused but have no effect on game play. I don't even care if they can't be seen by others, heck in a PVP setting I might prefer they are not seen by others
I don't really want them picking random stuff up that I may not want or need. I've had pets in other games that would do that and it usually just annoyed me because they would pick up things I would just trash.
@gothix said in how do you want your pet and npg?:
Remember, other player can loot a mob you killed, and get flagged as thief, and you can do the same if you loot the mob other player killed...
Gothix, are you sure about that? In Feature Spotlight #6 it says:
Thief. You get this when stealing from a Good or Neutral player. It lasts for 24 real-world hours, and prevents you from choosing a Good Alignment.
My memory from the Q&A was that you are marked a Thief if you knock someone unconscious and steal their stuff. If you kill them, you get marked as a murderer.
I really, really hope that they are not planning on implementing a group loot system (where everyone can see mob drops) instead of a personal loot system (where everyone gets their own drops). The last game I played that had group loot was Diablo 2, and if they institute group loot, they'll have the same problem that that game did. No one will play a ranged or healer character because they'll never see loot if they do.
@needlehawk said in how do you want your pet and npg?:
I really, really hope that they are not planning on implementing a group loot system (where everyone can see mob drops) instead of a personal loot system (where everyone gets their own drops). The last game I played that had group loot was Diablo 2, and if they institute group loot, they'll have the same problem that that game did. No one will play a ranged or healer character because they'll never see loot if they do.
If you're in a party, then the leader will likely set the loot rules in which case you can decide if you want to be in that party or not. If someone not in your party steals your loot, they'll be flagged as a thief which will probably allow you to kill them consequence free. Also, this isn't a loot based game like D2; your progression isn't gated by random drops, so I don't really see this being a big issue.
I also prefer cosmetic pets but I like it when they collect items from drops.
On the other site Gothix is right. It will break the loot-decision-mechanic if the pet collect all the non thief flagged loot.
topic is important and can be of help to developers to understand the wishes of the players, not trivialized topic with ironic comments thanks
Hopefully just a pet that can do minor things like collect items. I hate it when screen clogs up with pets for battle and they only do about 1% dmg anyway. Makes larger scale battles a massive pain in the behind.
@chrightt obviously the pet in the big battles creates problems, and can unbalance the dynamics of the game, we should find a method for which you can only use solo or with a small group
@target said in how do you want your pet and npg?:
@needlehawk said in how do you want your pet and npg?:
I really, really hope that they are not planning on implementing a group loot system (where everyone can see mob drops) instead of a personal loot system (where everyone gets their own drops). The last game I played that had group loot was Diablo 2, and if they institute group loot, they'll have the same problem that that game did. No one will play a ranged or healer character because they'll never see loot if they do.
If you're in a party, then the leader will likely set the loot rules in which case you can decide if you want to be in that party or not. If someone not in your party steals your loot, they'll be flagged as a thief which will probably allow you to kill them consequence free. Also, this isn't a loot based game like D2; your progression isn't gated by random drops, so I don't really see this being a big issue.
I really hope it won't be leader of party that decide for the loot, every player should decide for himself.
@grofire There will be loot rules, like in most MMOs. That likely won't prevent or force anyone to take things which would flag them as a thief... but rather be for the party to be able to prevent people from being kleptomaniacal and leaving the rest of the group feeling left out (or alternatively setting it up for one person to get everything as the rest kill).
@jairone you didn't understand...
In most MMO games, party leader will decide if the loot is personal or anyone in party can take, IMO it's a bad design, I think that only the player should decide if he want the loot or give it to other players in the party.
@grofire said in how do you want your pet and npg?:
@jairone you didn't understand...
In most MMO games, party leader will decide if the loot is personal or anyone in party can take, IMO it's a bad design, I think that only the player should decide if he want the loot or give it to other players in the party.If you are playing with party then everyone hits the mobs at once, and healer heals you keeping you alive. You can not decide for yourself if you "give the loot or no" because it is not your loot to give. It is parties loot. And since everyone contributed to the kill, then loot is distributed according to party loot system, and not your decision.
On the other hand if you are in party, chatting etc, but everyone is killing own mobs without helping each other, then party leader can set the loot to "free for all" and you can loot your own mobs. So no problem there as well.
And in above scenario If party leader is an as..... and he is manipulating loot (not wishing to use FFA), then why are you in party with him in the first place? Just leave and play with someone else, or form your own party where you are the leader and will set fair loot rules. So again, no problem there.
Also remember that even those players that are not in party can loot the mobs you kill (and get flagged as thief in the process) so while deciding what to do with loot, be quick or you may lose the loot all together by some opportunist random player that happened to be nearby and picked it up quicker than you.
I love this mechanics, I'm glad devs are designing it this way.
@grofire Are you saying that the party members should have some sort of option to force loot turns not to skip them? That could be acceptable for random fights against a bunch of creatures, but what about something like a boss encounter? What do you do with the treasure chest you find if somebody has that flag on, and does that mean everyone has to have personal loot that cannot be traded under such a scenario?
I think a more practical option would be having a requirement for members to agree to changing loot rules (so they can't set to leader only at a boss or something). Otherwise, if the loot rules are a problem let the group know you will leave unless they change. There's not exactly a ton of people who will just say "Oh well, you can waste my time for your profit" out there...
@jairone said in how do you want your pet and npg?:
I think a more practical option would be having a requirement for members to agree to changing loot rules (so they can't set to leader only at a boss or something). Otherwise, if the loot rules are a problem let the group know you will leave unless they change. There's not exactly a ton of people who will just say "Oh well, you can waste my time for your profit" out there...
why is that more practical ? some players don't need the loot and some does, why its must be all or nothing ?
lets say a party of 7 people, 2 do not care about the loot, then what ever loot that was consider owned by them is free loot (if the players changed the settings) the other 5 people do not want to share the loot, and if anyone take their loot, he considered a "thief".
TheRippyOne TF#9 - FIRST AMBASSADOR Sep 23, 2018, 8:25 PM last edited by TheRippyOne Sep 23, 2018, 8:26 PM
We've gotten a bit far afield - let's agree that pets picking up loot is complicated, as an issue, and in the context of this game in particular, and move on.
Given that we will have at least 2 spell schools that will generate "pets" - undead from necromancy, and constructs from restoration - (and possibly a "charm" somewhere else in psychic or illusion or bard) and there is a possibility for a non-magical skill set that can get you one (the Animal Taming stretch goal), what is the opinion on attack pets?
ie - since there are a few ways to have a 1-vs-1 duel turn into a 1-vs-3, and the devs are going to have to figure out some balance for it any ways, is it an okay thing to have pets that can fight - maybe not well, or efficiently, but still "doing things" in a fight that are "useful" - whether that's as a very poor heal bot, or a ranged sniper for minimal damage, or a minor annoyance of a cc hinderer - do we want pets that are active "fighters" on...well, half-par, let's say...with a basic zombie
@grofire That's a lot of coding, server to client checks, and extra stuff that leads to lag for a fringe case of a few people not wanting loot and not being able to trust their group members. Where it might be nice, it's not practical from a code, server, or client standpoint. It has too many negatives, for too few cases of use.
@TheRippyOne As to combat pets, I think that becomes a big balance issue solved by total power. Pets being more than just a speed bump, but not overpowering people without them, is important. I'm thinking that having a range for pet power levels, and having them debuff the owner appropriately, is the best method. That use of extra data and coding is actually a benefit to trying to balance the two for a decent experience, mitigates the idea that always killing the pet (or the person) with focus fire is the best tactic, and leaves a wide range of potential for the devs to work with. It doesn't impact the server a ton, since it applies to only those with a pet, shortening calls and checks. Still, just based on coding requirements they may opt for something in the standard 'Pet is 10-20% of player power, but has enough hp/armor to make it not super-easy to kill' range.