Honestly, this doesn't feel quite needed especially cause the game isn't centered only on PVP. Plus, personally I always found this number to be trash as trash can be. Most people who want to boast just kill afkers or farm noobs rather than fighting the strongest. Plenty of little shits running around thinking they're good with their inflated ego just makes trash talk material.

Best posts made by chrightt
RE: Will we have a kill count in pvp?
RE: Cross-gender playing
I think it just depends on preference. I've seen females pick male characters and males pick female characters. Why? I guess a common reason given is you would rather stare at a hot guy if you're a girl or a chick if you're a guy.
RE: State Of The Game #2 โ On 2018, Alpha 1 & Unity
must've felt good when you found out the Unity Fiasco was a big scare!
RE: Switching Characters
Nothing, absolutely nothing at all. Go ahead and do it. Their demon characters will suffer the demon debuffs if they're going to do something on another planet just like anyone else. If they're going to do "bad stuff" on Tartaros, that is just normal. Why can't a player have multiple characters? It is not like I care, I'll just beat them on all three of their characters. Easy Peasy.
RE: Let's pray for sick Blizzard :(
hope blizzard crashes and falls. Let a giant that doesn't deserve their popularity fall!
RE: How do you feel about transmog system for fractured?
Personally, I think if they implemented this system it would suck real bad so that almost no one would use it. Why? Simply because in Fractured, once you die your gear can get taken away (like Runescape, Albion). what the heck is the point of transmogging? Basically turns into a crappily designed system on the dev's part. There are reasons why games where gear change hands quickly don't really implement this system. People just have to understand some game design.
RE: Town Location Advantage
Take Archeage's commerce/trade for an example if you've ever played it (since it works pretty accurately). It is obviously easier and quicker to trade something from one coastal town to another, but you get much more rewards for trading something inland to another continent. Why?
Simply because it is harder to get something inland to another continent. The harder it is, the scarcer the resource is, so the higher the price. It works just like real trading back in the days. If you want land on coastal regions, then obviously you get an advantage on the location of the trading hub, but there might be resources where you CAN'T obtain on the coastal regions but are highly demanded elsewhere. Those items inland can make far better cash for a longer trip.
Basically, if the game is well made, both coastal and inland regions should have their own advantage. Players should just seek to find a location that suits their trading styles.
RE: Suggestion about hunger/thirst
I just hope the hunger/thirst system is not a pain in the ass.
RE: Weapon upgrading
@eurav said in Weapon upgrading:
So, letยดs take a Longsword Recipe as example. You can craft this Longsword with wood, which will result in an wooden longsword. The wooden longsword has some specific stats, which will always be the same when you craft a Longsword with wood. If you craft the Longsword with stone, you will get a stone longsword, with a different specific set of stats (different from the one craftet with wood) , which will not change no matter how often you craft it with stone.
Yeah, kind of disappointed when I saw this. I hope not all gear just look the same in endgame (what I mean is I hope if I'm using a spear I'm not just choosing diamond spear because that is the best spear in game). That would be incredibly boring gear-wise and dumb down their whole idea of having various builds because gear is so limited.
Example: If I want to use a spear as a weapon, I can't choose between three or even two spears (For example one spear gives bonus to X skill while the other has higher base attack speed, and the last one deals 30% bonus damage when opponent has bleed status). If there are no gear selection it would limit the build selection especially because Fractured is marketed as a "horizontal" progression game where you can have more diverse skills that combo together to help you produce effects.
With large variety of skill usually comes inefficiencies in most possible combinations; therefore, it still leads to certain combinations of skills being better than others. This can be changed/alleviated by having more than one system (example: game not only based purely on skill, equipment matters for builds). I really hope gear is not too generic to make a well made skill system seem boring.
RE: Taming animals
Personally, I really like the system of Bless Online where almost everything is tamable as a pet/mount in the open world. They also make a mini-game for taming and functions that go along with it. A side pokemon game always attracts collectors
Latest posts made by chrightt
RE: Daily Message posting
help my L to the sit's past tense. HELP MEEE OH GODDDSSSSS
RE: How is the state of the game?
Nowhere ready yet is the short answer. You can check out some youtube videos like: