Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2018
@jairone said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2018:
@gofrit The problem in general that I have seen is that torches are merely a highlight of where the people who are ignorant are, unless there are actually big disadvantages to moving through the dark without one.
The big advantage to the truly dark screen, is that people work around that to see when it is not intended. Which makes it pointless.
So my note is that BOTH of those problems need addressed, or the entire idea of a dark night and light sources becomes rendered nothing but something to abuse.
humans have tech and you're not wanting them to have torches to signal where they are? pfff. I want every human to have a torch!
@kralith said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2018:
@Prometheus what happens, if our knowledge about torches is too weak, do we burn accidentially the woods down?
Hmm nope
Everyone has a good innate knowledge about torches
@logain said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2018:
Is the amount of visible light going to have in game effects (e.g. influence aiming with ranged weapons), or is that for 'players convenience'?
No other effects planned as of today
@jairone said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2018:
@vortech So long as they find a method to keep people from altering the night brightness in various ways, sure. However, experience with recent efforts toward really dark nights in PvP games has shown that to be... tough at best.
Fractured will ship with a strong anti-cheat system, but we share your concerns, we'll see how it plays out in Alpha.
@pushedx said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2018:
Looking good! Will we be seeing more of these "content pills" leading up into Alpha?
Sure, giving you more frequent content updates is why the pills concept was born!
Azurael TF#12 - PEOPLE'S HERALD Oct 29, 2018, 10:15 AM last edited by Azurael Oct 29, 2018, 10:16 AM
@target that is pretty good idea, perception innately shouldn't offer vision in the dark though.
Being able to perceive things better is what the stat provides but no matter how high you skill you can't perceive things if your vision doesn't work. But this is fantasy I guess
Perhaps a talent in the perception tree that allows this.
@azraelius All of your senses are used to perceive the world, not just sight. Having a nightvision perception talent also sounds pretty good though.
@jairone said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2018:
So my note is that BOTH of those problems need addressed, or the entire idea of a dark night and light sources becomes rendered nothing but something to abuse.
As to abusable light levels, I'd consider making it easy for the player to see the screen/world in darkness, but the not the player's character.
So, for instance, enemies simply wouldn't be rendered on screen unless the character could see them (based on skills/attributes/gear/etc.). That would mean adjusting contrast/brightness on one's screen would be irrelevant.
@gothix @Jairone Yeah you're right both. I though about this also
A single lit cigarette in a dark night is visible in a long distance so a torch
When a rpg party go in a dungeon and if they use a torch you could add a lot of bonus to strike the group... because they couldn't see more than the light circle and they are visible a kilometer away
Signed by an rpg master
@target said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2018:
@azraelius All of your senses are used to perceive the world, not just sight. Having a nightvision perception talent also sounds pretty good though.
i would LOVE to have an "audible vision" somehow. maybe sound has waves that the person can 'see'.
@target said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2018:
@azraelius All of your senses are used to perceive the world, not just sight. Having a nightvision perception talent also sounds pretty good though.
Or just a normal skill that requires you to spend one skill slot to see in the dark. After all respec at fireplace will be easy. That way everyone could get it.
@tulukaruk but in real, if you looked at a fire for a while and then you go into the dark, your eyes would not be able to see anything for a while.
And creatures who are able to see in the night would get blinded by a fire.
I think a system who set into that malus would be great.
Means, character who see good at night, probably should have it more difficult to see while day.
So we get craftable sunglasses to compensate?Actually, the idea of (some) Beastmen being inherently nocturnal, and having their culture arrayed around that, is pretty cool.
Owl-kin could be cool down the line.
But I agree with @Roccandil , just dark screen will not help, because today GPUs and monitors have good way of altering brightness levels by hardware, so this is not something that cheat engines can detect. It is a simple modification of brightness and gamma on players hardware.
So in addition to having a dark screen, I would agree that having other players characters not rendering unless you can actually see them would be very nice, so altering your monitors brightness would still not help you in PvP, and in PvE as well if mobs follow same rendering principles.
Torch, PER, and innate racial night vision could be some of the factors that affect on how other characters and mobs render around you and at what distance.
Rendering distance:
- not rendering at all
- close
- medium
- distant
Character transparency:
- invisible
- very transparent (barely visible)
- half transparent (averagely visible)
- not transparent (fully rendered)
Combination of rendering distance, and character transparency, based on various factors (torches, PER, innate night vision, tech, etc.) would be pretty cool. Of course, it would require some extra development work.
But think about it:
using torch and having no night vision = characters render only at distance that torch lights up (perhaps there are stronger and weaker torches)
using torch and having night vision, low PER = characters in torch light radius render fully, characters outside of torch radius are half transparent
using torch, having night vision AND high PER = characters outside of torch light radius render with almost no transparency (better visible)
having night vision, high PER, but no torch = characters inside closer radius, aren't rendered fully, but are rendered same as outside of torch radius, partly transparent, depending on PER
high PER, no torch, no night vision = characters in close radius are rendered half transparent, characters at longer distances are barely visible (strong transparency, only some blurry edges are periodically visible, then vanish)
low PER, no night vision, no torch = you don't see characters rendered even at close range (just feel that dagger stabbing you from behind)
Include other factors like tech, perhaps characters being tired, thirsty, hungry, etc. and you can get huge amount of combinations.
I would personally love to see something like that.
Again I acknowledge, as awesome as it would sound, it would be a lots of development work.
@kralith but in real
people that got better eyesight usually see better both in bright light and in the dark. And about skill - usually you cannot sit at a fireplace and walk away to cast lighting bolt
So I think getting darkvision skill at rest is "real" enough.
@Gothix too much to read - I'll just agree to everything
Despite the discussion and the appearence of torches, will there be the possibility that e.g. fireflys are in some spots? Especially in some forests? And that they might be tameable?
As invocation ability?
The videos are already very niceI love the water and the UI also looks simple and friendly
@Gothix: Sounds logical
The point is really how much effort should be in the night vision for characteres and players and how much cheat-secure effort is needed there. Like you mentioned, there are many factors to be included if there is time. Let's see what will happen after alpha and pre-alpha
if you want fireflies then you might as well have a big LED target over your head at night time. because that's what taming fireflies will do.
Could be a trade-off, though (seems like most things in the game will be, so why not?).
i'm not seeing a reason for me to have it. i don't like floating LEDs allerting demons to my WoW, when non-combat pets were first introduced, some rogues would forget and you'd see a little pet running around.
to me your fireflies remind me of that.
@jetah: Yes, you are a spot, but if you can tame it you can maybe tell it where to fly and if it is not over you head you can even use it to confuse PvP enemies
@alcriblp I'm sure the devs would be delighted to work on precise fireflies control system so you can direct each of 50 fireflies you control...
@prometheus said in Fractured Content Pills - Week 43, 2018:
@tulukaruk : I will hope so