Character Creation: ideal build analysis, and discussion of initial attribute builds
So if we take into account that PER and DEX are the most useful stats for an archer (and I would love to have both at 20), lets try to see which would be the least useful one, to place it at 9. I will mention only the most (imho) important effects of stats connected to archers:
STR (max life boost and how much one can carry, having it below 10 could give penalty in carry capacity, which would be bad, limited hp too)
INT (learning speed and max mana, if this is on 9 learning speed could be slower but that will probably not be game breaking, however if an archer uses mana for its main attacks (?) then penalty causing more limited mana poll could be bad)
CON (also max life boost, and carry capacity like str, punishment to carry capacity could be bad, limited hp too)
CHA (number of combat pets controlled at once, luck that might be minor combat RNG boost, negative luck could be bad, unless its minor cus devs hate RNG, as do i)
As I theorize here, I guess CHA might end up as the least useful stat for an archer, and I might be putting that stat to 9 (alternative could be placing INT on 9 if an archer doesn't use mana for its main attacks).
20 PER, 20 DEX, 10 STR, 10 INT, 10 CON, 9 CHA
Is this distribution possible for Shadow Demon Archer based on it's affinities?
yup. and, as is fairly normal, that -2 con doesn't bother you in the least because you don't get anywhere close to that ceiling XD
About the only thing I'd add is that, while your general attack isn't mana based, as far as we can tell, all your skills are - "mana" is just the catch all term for "thing we expend doing skill stuff" - so while you are fine pinging arrows at someone all day, you care about Intelligence (mana regen) for how often you can Arrow Shock Wave! the unruly masses if they try to zerg rush you XD Over all, I think you have it nailed down pretty well.
@therippyone said in Character Creation: ideal build analysis, and discussion of initial attribute builds:
I assume that this is more an expression of how bad the malus are, as much as anything (and that the malus at 6-8 is notably worse than it is at 9, by the devs thinking)
FYI, I asked about this back when the racial stats were released.
@prometheus said in Feature Spotlight #5 - Character Creation, Attributes And Resting:
@kairosval said in Feature Spotlight #5 - Character Creation, Attributes And Resting:
It seems weird that the cost of attribute increase for 7 and 8 are both 3, but that the cost of attribute increase for 10-15 is 2 per level. Then the cost per attribute goes back to 3 for 16 and 17, then up to 4 for 18 to 21.
Having 7 and 8 cost three seems like a weird deviation from the rest of the pattern.
I'm not complaining about it. Just curious as to the reasoning.It's to make it more viable to lower a stat below 10, given the penalties for doing so are quite heavy. You made an example of a character with 6 PER and CHA - that's one who would have a hard time doing PvE (can't identify items, has very bad luck) and in PvP would be smashed by any half-decent user of Assassination and/or Illusionism. Doesn't mean it's not a viable character, but very unbalanced
@kairosval Much appreciated, both the asking and pointing out you did! so the devs are intent on making under 10 painful regardless of what stat is under 10. Worth while consideration, that XD
Well devs also said that they hate RNG and they intend to make sure that RNG doesn't have much influence in the game (just a small one). So if luck penalty from low attribute value is high, and luck has big RNG effect on game play ("player having a hard time doing PvE and PvP" as quoted would mean exactly that), that would be contradictory with the devs first statement.
This is why I'm very curious how luck will work and how large it's effect will be.
We need to wait and see how bad will be attributes 10- and how good will be putting them above 16. Cause if low attributes cripple you more then high boost you it might be better to make somewhat average build over min-maxing.
I'm curious if having an attribute too low just eliminates the chance of success which eliminates the RNG aspect. PER of 6 might be too low to have any chance of seeing invisible creatures/players or identifying items.
At some point, however, RNG will have to come into play to determine chance of success on actions. It's possible a CHA of 10 is neutral luck (no affect), lower than 10 might skew any RNG roll negatively, and above 10 skewing positively.
Are these analysis still valid? i am abot to start the game and would like to know how to min max depending on the possible builds for humans. But i am still not sure which way i am going (archer, tank or rogue).
I doubt stat at 6 will completely eliminate chance of success. That woud be stat at 0, which cant be done. Sucess is calculated by formulas and only 0*something give a zero.
Chance can however be extremely low, thats true, and very likely. Stat at 6 will definitely mean you are very bad at that thing.
Gear will possibly add some stats. So people can go 10 dex, 14 str, and then add more str with gear. Or they can go 6 dex, 18 str, add more dex with gear and achieve same result.
The question is how you wanna walk around naked, after you have been killed and looted.
Perhaps if dex is giving movement speed, you want higher natural dex to get into game faster after you have been looted and are naked so 6 dex and then increasing it with gear might not be the best choice, because you will be very slow while naked, and getting back into game will take longer time. And this is pvp game where you will die and get looted a lot.
Havent yet seen people theorycraft from this aspect. All I've seen is people theorycraft for ideal situations.
@Gothix said in Character Creation: ideal build analysis, and discussion of initial attribute builds:
so 6 dex and then increasing it with gear might not be the best choice, because you will be very slow while naked, and getting back into game will take longer time.
Frenzy ability, melee gap closers, teleportations and especially mounts (unless they´re also lootable - so far they have no place in inventory) will offer way higher bonuses to MS (albeit for short durations). Move speed is nice bonus DEX offers, but unless you´re maxing it, those few points won´t probably make much difference and will serve better elsewhere ... and it certainly isn´t main reason to pick DEX.
LOL i probably do the suck at everything thing again.
Will be really nice to see the skill tree and see how it affects this.
Hmmm i haven't thought about mounts here. If they are a spell that you can cast anywhere even after you die then movement is non issue ye.
Hmmm I'm also curious if DEX will affect your mounted movement speed as well. Also the cart speed.
Cant find a good thread to post this questions, so here we go...
What mob can teach me stealth?
@Jevrath there are stealth goblins in the camp at vale of shadows
@Shivashanti Thanks, appreciate your reply
@Target said in Character Creation: ideal build analysis, and discussion of initial attribute builds:
leaning towards an illusion based crowd control warrior vampire
That sentence is just awesome lol. Really love the possibilities available
sorry for cross-posting, but i would like some suggestions about my current build if you don't mind
i'm perplexed about how luck works as well!