@Prometheus well... that's why its called alpha and why you do testing! No worries, we from CoE are very ... patient. and still love you all for making the game!

Paul Fijma
in real life i am windows system engineer and mssql database administrator, I have been trying out several games that didn't live up to the promise (worlds adrift, guardians of ember, Atlas, landmark, the repopulation, shroud of the avatar, Chronicles of Elyria... Crowfall* and many many more) , still waiting on some (star citizen) ….
*Crowfall did not live up to my expectations, but i think its becoming a decent (niche?) game.
Best posts made by Dordolio
RE: Alpha 2 - Test 3 Postponed
Lore Locations and a Map (on world anvil) by Dordolio
As a user of World Anvil i am able to create stuff and i added the current map with the locations known to me. It's a moment in time and i will not be able to keep track of changes.
but the current status is visible.
https://www.worldanvil.com/w/fractured-world-akimotos/map with mouse over markers and towns named.If you have something like lore or a (short) story to tell or note about your location, let me know. i'll add it to the map.
Poliponi, a town governed by Dordolio
Hello and well met traveller.
I am Dordolio, Governor of Poliponi. (https://www.poliponi.com)
My idea is to build a town around the musical theme and until i know the details around FracturedMMO Town management i will call it a free town where everyone is welcome to enjoy housing, music and freedom.I ressurected a Guyild for those who are interested. https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/5574/tessitura-a-guild-in-poliponi-town
Working and living in my town is for all non obviously not evil people. (i need to read up on races and classes.)feel free to help in designing, building and planning around and in my town.
i will (when i know more details) raise my pledge after the kickstarter eventually up to higher levels.Contact me to talk business.
Bard Extraordinare
Governor of Poliponi (OOC: EU based) -
RE: Nice songs to listen pls!
depends. what do you consider good music?
Visit my town one day and i'll show you around
I prefer playlists with Yello, Hraach and some 80's... but I am an old fart. -
RE: Zenith, capital of the Kingdom of Meridian - a nexus of community/politics/trade
@Bardikens King? nice... self proclaimed or chosen?
RE: Character names
Shooffroony Tounne (looney tunes fan)
McShooffer (macdonalds fan)
Shoofferdub (chinese martial arts fan)
Shooffoff (well we all know wat a shooffoff is)
Shofooffer ( foofer lover
Nofooffer ( ... )
Foofferoni (pasta lover)
Fooffart (art lover... often mistaken for fart lover)
Louis de Fooffer (Louis de Funès fan (super silly but i loved it when i was young.) -
RE: Greetings all... Again!
@Darhk Hello!!!
Lets fix that community and make this a great game! Good to have you here!!
RE: Nekrage's Community Award Program!
@PeachMcD its simple. first feed them, then eat them.
Latest posts made by Dordolio
RE: Fall Alpha Dev Update #3
@Shivashanti ah thanks, i was already under that impression...
ok .. well till next test then... -
RE: Fall Alpha Dev Update #3
@Prometheus tried to claim a location but i dont have the option.... did i miss something?
RE: Hi Friends!
@Dizzi Welcome to you and your guild Alesia. Have fun and enjoy!
RE: What is the point of having your own plot of land?
tl;dr (too long; didn't read - had to look it up)
here my essayHow I would see it (but who am i):
Furniture in your own home and furniture in a city needs to work. in the city you should be able to rent a slot. (NPC guards keep track of time and stuff)
Making the slots available only for local townies is a good step, but not enough.
the tubs in your house should be regular. Tubs there should be limited and due to smell outside the house making it a risk.
the tubs in your town should be regular, but have larger capacity. rent one to get more stuff done in the same time. (1 or 100, it still takes 16 hours.) In town you can rent and pay for transfer to your home delivery in your designated chest. This might be a task for other guildies to make a quick buck. They can only accept, transfer and deliver inside the town. (to prevent theft by cunning """thieves""" using a second account to steal.. bla bla bla...)
I always assume that players are out on bad intent, i always assume they want to kill, steal, demolish and make money in any way they can. (especially with real life economics and -exploitable/npc manipulation- mechanics) They always find ways to bend the game mechanics, circumvent rules or use intended game mechanics to do stuff, find a way to do something unintended. Thats what you learn from 12 years of Eve-Online. If guards are defeatable they will be defeated. if walls are having 10000 hitpoints. one day someone will find a way. Never ever underestimate the power of people working together towards a common goal.
These things will (imho) will always happen. and it is how the devs deal with the mechanics and intended gameplay.Does that mean that there is no way to make a game work? sure there is. It just takes time. WoW had all of this in one way or antorher, it still exists. Eve Online just made it "valid" and still exists. and other games are just bad just because of it. Some have good measurements to monitor behavior and find strange anomalies. hat they investigate and sometimes they find a loophole. kill a 1000 accounts in one day and move on.
curious to what will eb done here to make it work. -
RE: New player concerns
tl;dr for most:
I noticed too the 'lack' of posts since 2018.
For me so far I can say that the bitter taste of CoE and therfore my (and i guess many other CoE fellow players) scrutiny in and around the game is well addressed by the dynamight studio. (in other words, they know)
I have had no answer on any question about my small investment (before it all went down) when i got suspicious, and here my questions every single one of them have been answered. So i am happy with that, confident about the development and hell yeah they deserve more credit for having a playable alpha. Having people from CoE in the game is a big gamble for Dynamight (its not the promise of CoE, but kinda-similar. (isometric and stuff) as well for the CoE players (investing in a smaller company setup...) .
For me its clear. they deliver (playing right now). and they communicate. -
they might be running behind schedule as the world problems dont go away by sending in a wizard.
running behind and the time around is maybe a setback, might be problematic. (the license for spatial os might be expensive, i dunno)
so the best way to mitigate that is to have that trust (yeah CoE did its thing) and interact with the game on any level. (i bought it, bought a pack for a CoE friend. will do as much as i can just to have that one shot.(i am positive thinker until business case prooves me wrong) -
Endgame... good question. i never bother cuz my endgame is having fun with my town. seeing it grow and expand...
mioght be quite daunitng in the long run. (as there are always other things to do IRL..