Character Creation
I understand there aren't any classes. I'm just interested in hearing what everyone's ideas are for the direction they want to take their characters, in terms of race, skills and spells. I know we don't have details on skills and spells (we just know which schools we can study) so we'll have to speculate or generalize. Yes I'm bored.
@crowdac Out of boredom I made a rough billet builds, but there is a text in Russian, if you want, take a look.
Also we have like 1 person something like that did on the forum, maybe he'll unsubscribe.
I donβt have a build because Iβm not guaranteed which abilities Iβll unlock first.
I'll probably make a vampire warrior that heavily uses illusion skills.
I think I'm going with a human rogue type, knives and stuff and as a profession, a smith. I was also thinking of becoming a lich later on.
I'm either going with archer type or a mage type focus. A ranged DPS as my main character.
After that I will probably build a tank and a healer focused character.
I will build a shadow demon rogue for ganking and a human battle priest for solo exploration.
For sure a warrior with the greatest weapon that the game to offer.
As ergonomic a build as I can!
Although, since it looks like we can have multiple characters per account, I imagine I'll have various specialists in critical capabilities (crafting, enchanting, etc.).
TheRippyOne TF#9 - FIRST AMBASSADOR Nov 17, 2018, 6:16 PM last edited by TheRippyOne Nov 17, 2018, 7:26 PM
Some more reading: time around, Sollarium is going to be an Udo (wolf), that's sort of an explorer/vagabond/maybe mail-carrier? High charisma, high Perception, moderate dex and int, average strength/constitution (or mod int and con, low str. still working details). Charisma/Dex fuels illusions and movement to gtfo - and there will be much gtfo - and a little offense, a little spellwork in case my copious supply of Caltrops do not convince you to LET ME LEAVE(!), but not much carry capacity. Want to get a letter to the Shield Heights? sure, I've been there. Need it there today? no one faster in the business. Promise not to use your letter as collateral in a game of cards? ummmm...I promise I'll win? XD
Transa is going to be a human merchant/sniper. High Dex/Perception, Good int, Mod Cha/Con, Average Strength. Lot's of range, lot's of probability buffs/tom-foolery. "But Rippy, how is that different?" - More Dakka. MUCH more dakka XD Transa welcomes anyone raiding. Looting your thieving corpses is a nice side-business! May be a Lich...
Safeakala is going to do human Mass-Shieldmaiden bit - run High Con, Mod-high Precep/Int, Mod Dex, average strength. High defense, high aggro, buffs/abjuration to pass her toughness to others, little recovery, much counter-offensive - esp if we've got some warfare/Martial skills that get empowered/activated from being smacked around.
Bloody Ash - Demon, probably infernal, near-best Con, Mod-high Str/perception/dex/int, min Charisma. Pure meleeist, Heavy damage/reactive/self-damage for gain, with a healthy dose of local area effect/CC to keep enemies next to her, and a bit of regen/life-steal if available. Very "I'm not trapped with you, YOU'RE ALL TRAPPED IN HERE WITH ME!"
Harial - Human Warfare specialist favoring speed over power - High Perc/Con, mod-high Str/Dex, average Cha/Int. Dual wielding swordsman who specializes in chaining/stunning attacks to lock an opponent into a world of pain, with a few repellers to keep the rabble away while he deals with their friend properly, and a chaser to jump to the next target. May be a Lich.
Sixth slot is still up in the air - let's see what the un-announced beastmen and demons are like XD
@jetah But you do have a concept, oh consumer of worlds XD
not really. i haven't even really picked the demon i'll be.
I'm going beastman mage with a focus on conjuration and invocation.
My first character is going to be a Wolfman geared towards support and tanking.
The latter might be a mistake, since I tend to be a lone wolf (heh) in MMOs, so gearing towards tanking is probably going to hurt my ability to do stuff solo, but oh well. There will be other characters with which I can make horrible once-per-char-no-reset build choices.
If possible, I would like to make some sort of shadow priest, what enables me to heal when I do damage.
If not, I would probably go necromancer/summoner.
@evolgrinz said in Character Creation:
If not, I would probably go necromancer/summoner.
Are you the kind necromancer/summoner that floods the screen with a ludicrous number of minions, or are you the kind that summons a different heavy-weight Murder Machine for different circumstances?
(Now I'm wondering what limit is there going to be on the number of summons...)
@dragomok charism seems to be the stat to up to have more minions
@dragomok said in Character Creation:
@evolgrinz said in Character Creation:
If not, I would probably go necromancer/summoner.
Are you the kind necromancer/summoner that floods the screen with a ludicrous number of minions, or are you the kind that summons a different heavy-weight Murder Machine for different circumstances?
(Now I'm wondering what limit is there going to be on the number of summons...)
Kinda depends on the situation and limits in the game.
But usually like to flood the area with minions if I am taking care of random trash, but like to pick a select few strong ones if I am fighting a strong boss type.
But Diablo 2 Necromancer aka Zoomancer was my favorite kind of necromancer ever.
@evolgrinz Yep. Although I still liked it with Gothic 2 endgame best. Just keep casting Summon Army of Darkness and watch the masses of skeletons trying to kill the strongest enemies in the game. And they do. Eventually. Even the end boss. So long as you keep putting enough of them out to keep the damage going. Something about having dozens of them doing the dirty work was just so satisfying.
@jairone necromancy needs bodies to raise so probably there won't be any big zombie armies
additionally you're limited by your charisma as @Gofrit said.