I will start off as a beast and when I get more familiar I will make a demon and walk the path to become an angel.

Best posts made by EvolGrinZ
RE: What race are you looking at playing from the start ?
RE: Preventing Bots in Arboreus
The best way to prevent bots is to just not make it profitable to bot.
For instance, killing and farming in the same spot over and over in a certain timeframe will give diminishing returns.But you can never get rid of bots completely, there will always be those people who want the shinies while not doing anything for it.
RE: [One Sentence] What turns you off playing a game?
Toxic community and pay 2 win (lootboxes).
RE: Cosmetic cash shop, RMT and p2w.
P2W means that there are items in the cash shop that are better than you can find in-game and the only way to get them is to pay real money.
Buying cosmetics with real money, selling them for in-game money and then buying gear with that is not P2W. It's just taking a shortcut, because you can do just the same by putting more time in and farm in-game currency to get the same item without having to pay any real money.So no cosmetics only cash shop with perhaps some convenience items will never be P2W.
RE: The psychology of gaming
For me, the most important thing in an MMO is the community.
For instance, was giving GW2 a go when it went free to play and there I was, complete noob, just out of the tutorial and there was a max level guy right there. Started talking to me and ran with me doing stuff gave me some goodies to get started and giving me some tips and tricks etc.
It made me feel good and kept playing and noticed most of the community in the game is very friendly and racked up about 2000 hours in the game so far and still going strong.On the other side. I tried DOTA2 and when joining a game, I immediately let them know I was new to the game. I was cursed at, for being a noob and not knowing how to play etc. I tried 2 more games and exactly the same thing happened. So I logged off and uninstalled that game and never looked at it ever again.
RE: Question about being a game tester
Being a game tester isn't always fun. You are basically working as a QA for the developers. Writing detailed bug reports on stuff you find, checking maps for gaps, glitches etc. basically doing things other than plainly playing the game in order to find the rare bugs in the game.
Especially for alpha games, as a tester you will focus more on the core of the game. Balance skills and other minor tweaks isn't the place for alpha, those can easily be fixed in beta. For an alpha testing the most important is to get the backbone for the game ready and preferably bug free as that would be a lot harder to fix later on, without having to wipe progress.I myself really enjoy this kind of work, but it certainly not for everyone.
RE: Cross-gender playing
I usually play light armor classes, and light armor (robes) just look better on female character so I usually end up playing female characters. But I am never pretending to be female myself while playing a female character.
And besides, most MMORPG's your camera view is behind your character and when running around for hours, I'd rather look at a nice female ass than a male ass.
Here's an idea I had for a feature in the game.
Players who played EVE-Online will know it and it's called contracts.
An in game feature that allows you to set up a contracts. For instance you are shop keeper and you have precious materials that need to be moved, you can put up a contract. In the contract you can fill in the collateral value that the contract owner pays up front and will get it back when the contract is completed, to make sure the courier doesn't just run off with your goods. You will also have to fill in an expiration date. If the courier fails to deliver the goods in time, the collateral value will be paid out to you.And also fill in the pay out for a completed contract.This could even be used to hire mercenaries to help defend you on the road, or help to take over a town or whatnot.
Another good option would be to have a rating system added.
At the end of a contract both sides will choose a simple positive or negative rating (or maybe a 1-5 star rating), so others can see how reliable others are. -
RE: This game will be p2w?
The developers are saying the cash shop will only feature cosmetics and quality of life stuff and no p2w elements.
The game will be more pay to progress faster.