Losing interest...
Hey guys.
Fractured looks like a great game, but the reason I first looked into it wasn't really a sincere interest in the game and it's sort of fading. My leaving isn't really individually important so I don't want to waste time or be dramatic about it but I want to vent about it anyway.
I used to have a really bad habit of jumping between MMOs because I'm bored and depressed and need something to do. MMOs are really bad for people like me because as a genre they exploit our need to feel like part of something and very often they equate being part of something with wasting a lot of time and money.
Fortunately, Fractured is going a lot easier on that, which is nice, but I've come to realize I simply don't have the time to spend years on MMOs or the funds to purchase anything like the Kickstarter tiers, and the simple fact those high-roller tiers exist just sort of alienates and depresses me. It's like, I know they're basically just there to hook wandering individual investors (as opposed to corporate ones), which I'm not so I'm not losing anything, but at the same time I kind of feel like my role in the community will be relatively pointless because of this strong attention paid to ingame kings and governors or whatever. High-pledge tiers always make me feel this way since they're highly visible content I don't get to participate in.
Of course, as another consequence of the Kickstarter system, I won't be making it into the alpha, probably not prealpha either, so everyone else will be having fun (or more likely constantly bitching about how the game's not magically done in prealpha) while I sit outside sighing.
The other reason is that so many of Fractured's mechanics and design elements are coincidentally similar to ideas I had for a "one day" dream project MMO, which is fitting since my dream MMO also takes several ideas from Ultima Online, so I sort of clung to Fractured as the closest thing I'll probably ever see to that - but it's still not actually that dream MMO, which means I will probably be disappointed no matter how good the game is due to letting myself have unrealistic expectations, and I'm not very happy to be projecting this "perfect MMO" fantasy onto another game and it would be a lot healthier for me to just kind of avoid it altogether.
So all in all, I don't know if I'll continue to follow Fractured. It's not enjoyable to watch everybody else take part in the elite early be in the game club while I can't. If I vanish, I might come back for the proper release in however many years and be unhappy because everybody else has all the early bird bonuses and leave again.
We'll see how it goes, I guess.
Sorry to see you go @FibS, you've been an important member of this community for months now. I understand following the journey of a crowdfunded MMO is not everyone's cup of tea.
That being said, funding the game is of course very important for us, but activity in the community is equally relevant, so no one should feel left aside because of Kickstarter pledges and "titles".
Hope you'll keep an eye on Fractured and come back here later!
Note: I moved this thread to off-topic as it's really something more a personal note than a discussion about Fractured itself.
Thats some point of sadness @FibS, because you was a strong part of our community, as Prometheus said.
I understand your points, but i think you will never find THE MMO you want to play if you not even try it.The Pledgepacks are for me actual totally okay, since the bigger packs, even with this governor thing are quite okay for me. It says nothing else that someone can have a special name in it. How many it will be? I guess just a hand full.
I would be happy, if you would reverse your decision.
I see some people going, since we got a bit more toxitity in our community. But i‘m quite sure, that we can solve this problem together and with help of our Developer.
Prometheus mentioned so often not to tolerate a wrong way the social interaction is going.
If this would be one of your points to leave too, i think it is way too early to throw things away.For the point of THE MMO, i‘m still believing, Dynamight can do it. To be a bit like the good old UO, a bit like Diablo 2 just in Openworld and a bit like a themepark with a strong story.
Stay into the Revolution!
I stopped writing stuff in forums because of all the toxic people- I'll make an exception in this special case.
I know very well how you might be feeling. In my past I played many MMOs because I was bored and needed something to do. It helped me to find a place to be, so I would advice you to do so too. Find a community, or something alike, and start to feel better. It won't be easy, it won't start quickly, but it will happen.
And maybe, in such a community, you will find someone who would lend you his alpha-account so that you can play too... looks serious at everyone from the stuff... Look, flying cookies! Catch them before they eat your code!
runs away I'll never be serious again- for today!
@FibS yes, it's early days still, but that's part of the excitement here, and you need to stick around for that.
I've said it before, if you've ever played a game that you loved, and want that again, then you've got to fall in love and see this one through, you know like I do, that the concept and scope of this game if brought to vision, will be that game. You said you've dreamed about it!
So, the crowdfunding thing... I too don't like spending a lot of money on a game... but for the past 7 years I have been looking for a game to fall in love with like I'm hoping to here. I've played a bunch of other games (and am playing some now, one is pay to win and I've spent far more than is sensible on the little entertainment and zero love I have for that game.) but nothing has come close, not even close, to games I have loved in the past. And I mean LOVED.
At least not multiplayer ones, and that's the thing here that has me so excited, I can go play a single player game at any time, but for multiplayer, there just hasn't been a game that appeals to so many different play styles while still promising that mmo experience I like, that I think it'll mean I can bring a lot of my gaming friends to it to play with. Just the sheer scope of this game, you've gotta stick around to see it happen!
I don't know what you see in it, if it's the same thing I do, but what I see in it has had me stick around quietly waiting for the KS. I put in more money for this game than I have at the start of others, and did go for governor over immortal just for that starting town, because I have guildies, and to me it's worth spending a little bit extra for them. Sure I get a cool new skin for my horse, and probably cool armour and get to have an emerald badge and a different looking house... but really, the benefit of governor isn't for me, it's for the people I'm trying to entice to the game. I've spent a few thousand in one of our other games already, by the time the game would roll around here, I'd already have spent another few thousand.
I'd seriously kick myself if all I did was buy a beta and they ended up failing for lack of funds, and where I can afford this and you can't, it would be wrong of me to just buy a lesser pack. (really wish I could pledge more even)
So you don't get into the alpha, so what? The alpha hopefully will be a series of test runs where they have players running around testing different things to make sure it works and to make sure it's balanced. If you've never done testing before, alpha is when you go in to test parts of the game, generally most of the features are not even ready yet. You may be able to test one race, skins may not work, you may not have any pvp in the first tests, maybe just exploration. Key components may not have been added... but during alpha there are updates and things get put in bit by bit, but the thing to remember is it's not a complete game yet.
You really dont want to "play" alpha without realising this. Yes, people go into the alphas looking for things to break. Some want to break it to exploit it for their own gain, some are griefers and some want to make sure the game works well. But not being in alpha should not be the be all and end all of what excitement you get. I can bet that we won't even have all the feature spotlights out when they open it here. I can bet that many of the core features of Fractured won't be implemented at the start. It's possibly that world restriction happens in each test phase, with no travel between planets.
So don't fret. If they open up an alpha section of the forum, then players will share in there. I know several plan to stream, I may as well (haven't decided if I'll do public or private) but once the players are allowed to share, then they will.
But this game, leave out the crowdfunding, pretend the alpha hasn't been announced yet. Just look at the features and scope, look at the story here for it (and devs you need to introduce the lore of the planet a thousand fold more than you have) but don't walk away from this one.
It could be that one true love you've been waiting for.
Oh, the forum toxicity is expected. I've been on the Internet since the AOL Hometown days, so I'm pretty savvy in my expectations of communities.
Despite knowing ahead of time, it definitely affects my engagement on the forum and I expect it to compromise the game too - that and I'm basically just running out of meaningful things to say and losing track of the evolving info in the spotlights so I can say it without looking like an idiot.
Again, it's not really Fractured's fault. I just have very bad habits in my expectations and disappointments with MMOs and I need to detach a bit from the game or else it will just end up being an unhealthy relapse for me.
I'm real sorry to see that the Kickstarter isn't advancing as hoped. On the plus side, they were planning for only some of the Kickstarter offers to be available after Kickstarter, but if it fails (which means nobody gets any of their Kickstarter tiers at all anyway) then we may get another opportunity to acquire these tiers through the site later, when I might have the spending budget to join in.
I think if they try another Kickstarter later, when they have more assets and content reflecting the game's unique offers distinguishing it from other MMOs, it will be much more successful. It's just too early in development to convince the public that it's worthwhile compared to the cookie-cutter asset flips that dominate the market.
Don’t feel bummed out by it man, high spenders will just get to become a closer part of the team without really becoming team, anyone who is spending high amounts of money is doing so so that both they and we can enjoy it even more! Don’t leave man, just have patience for full release and enjoy what the rest of the community and the team at Dynamight Studios have worked hard to create!
Eh, no harm in taking a break. I got really buzzed on Fractured initially, but then there was a long wait until the Kickstarter. So I've been mostly disengaged for the last six months.
After the kickstarter campaign, regardless of success or failure, I'll probably be really active for a week before bugging out again. I'll eventually come back in once alpha access starts - presuming of course that I get access via kickstarter.
So if you're feeling burned out, there's no harm in taking a break and coming back later. Might be easier to sustain the buzz closer to release.
You do you buddy.
@fibs I hope the ks campaign fails, in order to oblige the devs to release the alpha 1 access at honest price (30 40 euros) the other rewards ok they are beautiful for vip aesthetics and some little thing. but nothing that favors the gameplay as it is right
@mattdaniel I think we should hope the KS campaign is successful! That would be a great help for the development of the game! Why would you hope it failed? We should try not to think only about ourselves: the guys working on Fractured have a lot at stake here
@sunlion It's for the good of these guys that I hope will fail. all those who will not entrey in the alpha, is hard return for the beta
@mattdaniel I personally don't think that not being able to partecipate to the alpha phase is a dealbreaker.
I mean, I've playtested for a few games, including WoW at launch, and it's fun, it's rewarding, you can give some meaningful feedback to the developers, but that's not the only way one can partecipate to the development of a game as a part of the community. As you know very well, there's the forum, the livestreams, the social media...
Moreover alpha testing can even be discouraging since one can expect bugs, a limited game experience etc.
I personally feel that experiencing a nicely polished game at launch is also something not to look down upon
The forum is suspected to be toxic, as it's well known PvP and PvE communities just don't mix well. It's like water and oil, Star Trek vs Star Wars, etc. So it's bound to get in conflict in interest in threads.
Don't feel bad about not being able to buy the high roller KS deals.
I don't have money to even buy the cheapest deal, but I am still looking forward to the game.
Don't let it destroy your dreams.
@mattdaniel ok that is NOT helpful at all. I don't understand your reasoning. you hope the KS fails? that is not right. I didn't pledge the KS cuz I wanted in on pre alpha (cuz I am not really sure I do) but cuz I love the concept, support Fractured, and want to help make the game a reality, and can afford to do so. THOSE are the reasons to pledge in the KS.
@evolgrinz the forum doesn't need to be toxic. just because folks have a difference in focus doesn't mean that atmosphere needs to be toxic. I will be whatever we decide to make it. Also I love Star Trek AND Star Wars
@FibS I see you posting in a few threads again. hope that means you decided to stick around
@Gibbx @SunLion I do not care much for what you want. 15k registered users and only 500 have taken a ks package.
do you want to stop defending this ks campaign? everyone wants access to the alpha without spending too much. no one supports the game by purchasing the beta package to play in 2 years. stop giving your pointless opinion. the user has decided that he does not want to spend 150 euros to play alpha
@mattdaniel said in Losing interest...:
@Gibbx @SunLion I do not care much for what you want. 15k registered users and only 500 have taken a ks package.
do you want to stop defending this ks campaign? everyone wants access to the alpha without spending too much. no one supports the game by purchasing the beta package to play in 2 years. stop giving your pointless opinion. the user has decided that he does not want to spend 150 euros to play alphaI appreciate you coming in here to perfectly illustrate the concept that the toxic manchildren on the forum are really dragging down enjoyment of the game.
I'm pretty sure you don't believe a word of that tripe and are just trying to convince everybody else that the game is failing and make us associate negativity with it, so that it will fail, because you have some petty need to make Fractured fail. I'd rather you didn't succeed in that regard because children should not have the power of kings, and so I'll address your horrible point for everyone else's sake.
The number of forum users and the success of promotions like Kickstarter are not related. That is because literally anybody can come over here and make an account, or two, or three, regardless of their interest level or how much or how little they know about the game. Many forum users are from the freemium MMO community and never had any intention of paying a dime for this game under any circumstances. That's why there are so many topics asking if Fractured will be free-to-play, long after the pricing structure has been formally announced in detail.
Kickstarter campaigns are unintuitive in that they don't have more activity earlier in the campaign, but rather often scrape through on the final day almost like everyone is trying to auction snipe. for example, Them's Fighting Herds looked like it was failing until the last few hours suddenly launched it up to some 130% of its baseline. Fractured might do the same.
Besides, Fractured has already accounted for the possibility of the Kickstarter failing. Its failure would only mildly reduce the game quality and slow down development, but the team still has deals and resources lined up to ensure the game gets out eventually.
As said before, it's not at all necessary to make it into beta or alpha. You can just pay 20 Euros now to get at least twice that value later.
I understand how you feel cause I felt like that about gaming some time ago, it was really bad. Nowadays, many people seem to suffer from depression and it’s usually streamers that come to mind when I hear that word. Consider my advice and take some time off from gaming altogether, you don’t have to commit to anything that’s not real, enjoy gaming as an activity to have fun, not somewhere to go when you are feeling down or somewhere to feel good with yourself, cause it’s not real.
I can talk from personal experience that everything related to my real life was crumbling down because of gaming, and outside of that fictious world I couldn’t be happy, no matter what I did. I used to hang out with friends counting the hours left to get back to my computer, I got fat again cause I stopped training with the same intensity and started eating out of boredom when I wasn’t playing and finally my gf dumped me cause I stopped paying attention to her due to spending so much time in front of a screen.
That’s when I hit the bottom and stopped gaming altogether for some time, I started living my life, enjoying the people around me and realized there was so much more to achieve besides trophies on a game, achievements that fulfilled me inside. Everything comes at a cost though, if you start to realize the time you wasted playing games, the opportunities you let go and you’ll feel down again for some time, until you realize you start getting better and doing things that make you happy. Eventually you might play a game or two every once in a while but you won’t feel the responsability to commit, you’ll just enjoy it a bit, get bored of it, and continue living your life, doing the things that actually make you feel like you succeeded.
Most importantly, if you can’t go through this alone get someone to help you through, preferably help you start, like a baby, you’ll eventually walk on your own.
Keep it up and be happy. @FibS
PS: My english might be a little bit off in some places but do your best to understand.
@fibs said in Losing interest...:
@mattdaniel said in Losing interest...:
@Gibbx @SunLion I do not care much for what you want. 15k registered users and only 500 have taken a ks package.
do you want to stop defending this ks campaign? everyone wants access to the alpha without spending too much. no one supports the game by purchasing the beta package to play in 2 years. stop giving your pointless opinion. the user has decided that he does not want to spend 150 euros to play alphaI appreciate you coming in here to perfectly illustrate the concept that the toxic manchildren on the forum are really dragging down enjoyment of the game.
I'm pretty sure you don't believe a word of that tripe and are just trying to convince everybody else that the game is failing and make us associate negativity with it, so that it will fail, because you have some petty need to make Fractured fail. I'd rather you didn't succeed in that regard because children should not have the power of kings, and so I'll address your horrible point for everyone else's sake.
The number of forum users and the success of promotions like Kickstarter are not related. That is because literally anybody can come over here and make an account, or two, or three, regardless of their interest level or how much or how little they know about the game. Many forum users are from the freemium MMO community and never had any intention of paying a dime for this game under any circumstances. That's why there are so many topics asking if Fractured will be free-to-play, long after the pricing structure has been formally announced in detail.
Kickstarter campaigns are unintuitive in that they don't have more activity earlier in the campaign, but rather often scrape through on the final day almost like everyone is trying to auction snipe. for example, Them's Fighting Herds looked like it was failing until the last few hours suddenly launched it up to some 130% of its baseline. Fractured might do the same.
Besides, Fractured has already accounted for the possibility of the Kickstarter failing. Its failure would only mildly reduce the game quality and slow down development, but the team still has deals and resources lined up to ensure the game gets out eventually.
As said before, it's not at all necessary to make it into beta or alpha. You can just pay 20 Euros now to get at least twice that value later.
it makes me laugh because you're talking about things you do not know. the trends of the ks campaigns are clear and certainly one in a thousand cases does not make the difference.
point 2 the choice to put the alpha at a low price is just a trump card for the devs, would get well over the 100,000 euros required and this would give the development a boost
point 3 if you call me toxic evidently of the comunity that there are in the sandbox full lot for 10 years now you know nothing. is the game par excellence that makes you more competitive because you can lose everything you have stored in months of game. if you get scandalized for what I say is better if you change gender, because people will get much worse than I assure you
step 4 ask for an alpha at an honest price like $ 40 50 is not the same as making a free to play fractured and making it p2w. you're talking about nothing
@mattdaniel said in Losing interest...:
it makes me laugh because you're talking about things you do not know.
You're catchphrasing, dear. Can you leave my topic? Don't let the doorknob hit you where the dog shoulda bit you.