What if you had to choose one announced feature to drop?


    Kinda curious to see what people consider the least important. there's always something in a game you won't like or feel like shouldn't be a part of it for one reason or another.

    I know there have been things in other games I wish they scrapped. So how about so far out of what they announced for Fractured? Anything that just comes across as not being fun or just not good enough for some reason?

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    @genobee Part of the pve community is not very happy that things can pick up after death in pvp, I think so far only it really does not like the users, but the game world is arranged.


    Never been a big fan of full looting in games. So I wouldn't mind seeing that dropped.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    Totally would drop the full-looting aspect of the game. Demons can have fun PKing others, but how is it fun when you just spawn to die without gear? Never understood how full looting meant to work well as it promotes events like people ganging up on poor solo players.

    btw, I know some of you guys who only think of the very surface layer will say "then simply don't go anywhere that you can get killed/full looted". Yeah, sure but it limits the "world" where people who hate the system can visit. Furthermore, while Fractured might be trying to combine a few systems while adding their new inventions themselves, a hot pot of too many styles of games mixed up and not well refined usually turns out really badly. Simply put it, too many mixed systems mashed together can be a bad thing because only part of the game appeals to certain audiences while other parts appeal to other audiences (trying to appeal to everyone while not satisfying any). If the systems don't turn out well knit together then it will be detrimental.

  • Wiki Editor

    Ohhh nooo, don't drop the full-loot feature, never! šŸ˜„
    Because it will give us the special fear factor to do expeditions into harsh and dangerous lands.
    The fear factor i always liked at my last game.
    And since we will get different areas of safety and less safety, it should not be "a thing" if there will be full loot.

    For the moment i can not decide to anything that i would not mind if it would droped.
    For first, because we don't have an overloaded featureset yet.
    For second, all announced features i like much and want to have them ingame.


    how it is fun to PK without a reward? Why do PvE raids get rewards by killing bosses but PK don't get a thing?
    I expect gear to be easily replaced, so any fear of it being replaced will quickly be overlooked.

    I wouldn't drop anything right now. It seems like a good system in theory. splitting the game types between the planets while allowing occasional conflict will keep the worlds active.

    My edit:

    Iā€™d drop the friendly fire protection everywhere.


    i would eliminate the different words, i already have seen what a separated world pve pvp do to a sandbox back in 1998 with trammel-felucca in uo and was a disaster, expecial if the pve world have 0 risk but almost same rewards as pvp, is the same thing albion failed to balance, the full pvp zones where not that more remunerative compared to the safest zones, dividing totally the players.

    Is the constant struggle of the devs to try accomodate everyone and then not make anyone happy

  • Wiki Editor

    @vicious Thats the main feature of Fractured, it would be silly to eliminate it šŸ˜‰

    Also there are 3 races who align to each planet, these races will have a good cause to be there. If you want to be evil from start you need to chose a daemon and you will be at the PVP planet. As i was reading before, many people want to play Daemons, so i doubt all people ingame will hide on the good aligned planet.

    There are other reasons to be on the different planets active, per example the resources that is just found on them. So you will have a need to travel to there.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    I would count a feature as something that takes development time, so I would agree with either Vicious' suggestion (games often try to spread themselves too thin). Another thing I would be fine with cutting are quests in general (aside from a tutorial that shows you how to travel, equip things, fight etc). They take time to make, get consumed at an extremely rapid rate, are generally stale and bland (unless you do a SWTOR and spend 200 million+ USD on quests, then it's fun to run through them once, before moving on).


    I have really no idea, what feature i want to get dropped.

    The feature, i dislike the most so far, is the full-loot PvP.

    But i can't say, i want it to be gone, because i haven't played the game yet (obviously) and i don't know, if the game design will make this feature acceptable for me. šŸ¤”


    If I had to chose one thing to drop, I would drop toxic people from the community. šŸ˜‰

    I would not drop anything from the game, all just feels right the way it is. If something needs more time to be done, I'd rather chose to delay release for a bit and finish that up first, and then release it.

  • I guess this isn't really a dropped feature, more of a revision of a system; I would drop almost all friendly fire protection. Friendly fire on at all times between everyone except for maybe good players on Arboreus (mostly because people would whine about pking).

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    I wouldn't DROP anything

    P.S. All you softcore people saying ''I would drop full-loot then go play another game.'' I don't understand why kids come on here where they know it's going to be a Full-Loot game and then says ''I want that out!'' It's risky, it's challenging, and etc. Full Loot games are probably one of the best MMOs just because of how fun it is when you kill someone and they lose everything on them, and then they cry and be toxic towards you in chat.

    So, if you guys wanna bitch and moan over the Full-loot system of the game then go ahead, but nothing is going to change.


    Generally, I feel that every feature in this game is well implemented. Even as a PVE player, I see the generous aspects of full looting, and the excitement that it is kill or be killed in some worlds.

    As well as if we did drop something, it just wouldn't make Fractured as unique, y'know? The reason I came here is because of the vastly different mechanics and gameplays from other mmorpg's. (I have a slight feeling that other people came because of that too.)

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    PvP šŸ˜› this game would be so nice without it šŸ˜›


    Purchasable cosmetic items.

    I have a minor problem with how most cosmetic items break art design by obscuring visual information about the gear other players have equipped.

    So from a pure gameplay perspective, that's the feature I see as being the most droppable.

    But from a finance perspective I concede the necessity, servers and employees don't pay for themselves. šŸ™‚


    the other bonuses of playing a particular race, besides what we already know.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @jetah said in What if you had to choose one announced feature to drop?:

    how it is fun to PK without a reward? Why do PvE raids get rewards by killing bosses but PK don't get a thing?
    I expect gear to be easily replaced, so any fear of it being replaced will quickly be overlooked.

    I wouldn't drop anything right now. It seems like a good system in theory. splitting the game types between the planets while allowing occasional conflict will keep the worlds active.

    My edit:

    Iā€™d drop the friendly fire protection everywhere.

    What do you mean PK doesn't yield a reward? They can easily implement a honor/fame or whatever system that allows you to gain some honor/fame even though you PK (as long as it is a worthy opponent not some newbie that just started the game, maybe similar knowledge levels?). How is it fun to get PK'd all day? It is funny how people think only for themselves: "how is it fun to PK without me just kicking newbie's ass?" Do people ever think about the multiple innocent guys that get PK'd even though they don't want it? "gear getting replaced quickly" is just an excuse, not a solution. in BotW your gear loses durability and you have to replace them, but at least you have some time to earn other gear. Do you think its fun to lose a gear in a minute and then another set in another? Whats the fun if gear is "easily" obtainable. They basically fail to capitalize on the gear progression system because they have to attune the gear system for full loot. I am a PVPer myself and I am aware that the PVE population far outstrips the PVP population in this day and age. Furthermore, even as a PVPer the idea of full loot just fails to make PVP fun. Whats the fun when people have to worry about losing their best set then using a subpar set to try and challenge someone who already defeated you. I mop the floor all day with people in PVP games. At least they don't lose their gear to me or else who else can crawl back and challenge me? No one basically.


    Yeah like in EVE-online, so much fun to jump into a warp bubble with 10+ people camping around it and killing anyone who get caught in there. Getting scrambled while you get there and other ECM that just immobilizes you and can't use your weapons, all you can do is wait for them to destroy you.

    This is something that will happen with full looting. Perhaps fun for those who do the camping, not so much fun those who are unfortunate to get caught.


    imaginary points isn't a reward. killing someone and taking their gear, that's an award. I don't PK for points, I do it for items.

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