Bandage Hotkey

  • Content Creator

    My guild and I keep talking builds and we keep coming back to the 8 ability issue. No bandages on the action bar when you have 8 abilities.

    Any chance we may see a dedicated bandage hotkey instead of having to have it on the action bar or use it from the inventory?

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  • Moderator

    Alternate idea.

    Everytime you enter combat (the game already detects combat state), your inventory and equipment are closed and you can't open them until you are out of combat.

    Effects of this change:

    1. You can't use bandages and herbals(or future consumables) from the backpack. You have to put them on the bar, making it part of your build.
    2. You can't trash your gold when a red attacks you.
    3. You can't switch armor during the fight. You can still switch weapons with the tab command.
    4. It immediately clears your screen when you get attacked, allowing you to react faster in case that you were caught while reorganizing your inventory.

  • Content Creator

    @spoletta I'm all for bandage adjustments as I don't think it's designed perfectly.

    Just want to know with the current bandage design if we would have the option to add it to it's own key so it appears next to the mount icon to the left(or right) of the action bar.


    Herbal remedy hotkey would be good (or even better) as well


    Maybe a "consumable bar" with it's own hotkey like the mount/dismount key, but we can choose to put bandages or herbal remedy or animal net or food there? Even just one slot would be nice.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    I fervently disagree.
    It is an ability just like the healing herbs and has huge advantages over other abilities as it is not restricted by mana, knowledge points, or having to farm monsters to learn how to make, and the bandages have a very low cool down. The only balancing mechanism is to require it to be in the hot bar and take up one of the 8 slots.

  • Content Creator

    i agree with Olive on this one


    I thought I wrote it here. For me the best option is for the belts to offer slots for consumables, the t1 to have one slot, the t2 two....


    @OlivePit that's not really a balance mechanism as long as you can use bandages and remedys out of your pocket

  • Wiki Editor

    I would be highly up for that suggestion combined with Spolettas ideas.

    But i would suggest just a single consumable slot, so that you have to chose, what you want to have in it. Either a remedy or a bandage or something else that we get later. like potions and food.

    I like the idea, that your backpack isn't accessbile as long you are in fight. Would make much sense, because why you should grab into your backpack, when you get attacked by someone?

    I don't really think it negates the balance, because we need to think about, that we will get much more consumables in future and with a restriction like spoletta suggested, you wouldn't be able to use them in masses.
    Also the actionbar is made to keep the spells, consumables aren't spells and you not even can add every consumable in it yet. So i think they are just designed to hold our skills, and if everyone can have 8 for skills, nobody will have disadvantages. And to prevent, that you just put more consumables into the hotbar, just restrict the hotbar, simply don't allow to place consumables in another slot than the consumable one.

    Additional there could be some thoughts about this destroying items when you get attacked.
    Just remove the destroy feature and add dropping stuff on ground.
    Let it decay after 3-5 Minutes, if not picked up again.
    There could be also some additional droping features, like droping stuff in water will remove it, as long it isn't an item that can swim.

    But well, last idea is maybe not suitable for Fractured and the limited ressources at the game studio staff.

  • Content Creator

    @OlivePit said in Bandage Hotkey:

    I fervently disagree.
    It is an ability just like the healing herbs and has huge advantages over other abilities as it is not restricted by mana, knowledge points, or having to farm monsters to learn how to make, and the bandages have a very low cool down. The only balancing mechanism is to require it to be in the hot bar and take up one of the 8 slots.

    Just to let you doesn't have to be on your hot bar right now. You can use it out of your inventory.

    Some players even setup a macro to right click the bandage in their inventory which they leave open in a very specific part of their screen.

    Not a good system.


    @Shivashanti said in Bandage Hotkey:

    (...) as long as you can use bandages and remedys out of your pocket

    @OlivePit said in Bandage Hotkey:

    (...)require it to be in the hot bar and take up one of the 8 slots.

    OlivePit's suggestion implies that it should no longer be usable out of the pocket. Which is a great balancing mechanism, as it is easy to implement (doesn't require a lot of development time) and offers balancing through restricting and weighting the different possibilites.


    @Nekrage said in Bandage Hotkey:

    Some players even setup a macro to right click the bandage in their inventory which they leave open in a very specific part of their screen.

    really. this is a real problem.


    my opinion is that you need 2 slots for bandages, cans, ointments, etc.


    I think instead bandages and remedies should be made unviable in the middle of combat and then increase health regen per con. Change them to be a heal over time that disabled upon taking damage from a direct hit.

    • It has no thematic or flavour purpose being used in the middle of a fight
    • If too powerful, it has the potential to ruin build diversity by giving an advantage to high memory point cost abilities
    • There is no strategic use of them, the optimal strategy is to use them off cooldown and make sure you have a lot of them (this will be easy once large cities become common)
    • Because of this, they add to the amount of required repeated inputs (that are unnecessary due to having no effect on strategy) a new player has to keep track of, and another required item for them to keep in mind.
    • Too high healing in high level pvp was already a problem and they had to nerf minor heal. This is literally the same thing except it costs 0 memory points or investing into int.


    The current state is clearly flawed since bandages can be used from inventory so putting them into the hotbar is just a shortcut.
    A choice must be made about this kind of consumables.

    1. Make them part of the build, so only usable from the hotbar, with the disadvantage of making builds less varied, since everyone is probably going to have bandages available
    2. Make them part of a consumable slot section, where you put your consumables without breaking your build
    3. Remove them altogether because you must rely on your skills, but this means to tune down a lot mobs too, since a new player could have a hard time fighting mobs without bandages
    4. Tune them down a lot so that they are not so viable in end game builds


    I prefer the consumable hotbar option, as long as it allows players to choose which consumables to be used there and that there is at least 2 slots for 2 different consumables; and that mounting isn't one of them since a horse (or any other mount) is not a consumable.

  • Moderator

    Provided that inventory isn't accessible during a fight, then I agree with having a single consumable slot, which could be increased to 2 by maybe a talent or a specific belt.



    I really like this idea.

    I also think inventory should looked when in combat and also 10-20s after out of combat so this can not be abused.

  • Wiki Editor

    I brought up the same issues as this and had the same fixes as Spoletta.

    I use autohotkey with a few extra functions- (Without people telling me OMG thats a bot, please ignore that and see it's an issue. Moderation can only go so far. proper system can eliminate such problems.); Macro key opens inventory [i] program looks for image [bandage] macro program moves mouse instantly to bandage to use then returns mouse to same position before macro was used. inventory closes. happens so quickly you see a quick flash of inventory.

    @spoletta said in Bandage Hotkey:

    Alternate idea.

    Everytime you enter combat (the game already detects combat state), your inventory and equipment are closed and you can't open them until you are out of combat.

    Effects of this change:

    1. You can't use bandages and herbals(or future consumables) from the backpack. You have to put them on the bar, making it part of your build.
    2. You can't trash your gold when a red attacks you.
    3. You can't switch armor during the fight. You can still switch weapons with the tab command.
    4. It immediately clears your screen when you get attacked, allowing you to react faster in case that you were caught while reorganizing your inventory.
    1. using items should definitely be part of being a build. Not using items or using items is just another system. but stacing your inventory with 10000 items should not be.
    2. very annoying problem any ganker could agree with. problem might not be there if we could ever just drop items on the ground instead of it going poof.
      3)This was a big problem of mine a few test ago. We were using armor switching with macros to use skills and negate damage. It can be very much abused by programs. (people gave me such a hard time about armor switching when I brought it up last time)

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