Death and what it entails


    Alrighty I would like to hear what you think will happen when you die/ your suggestion whether you die and leave everything all the ground or you keep the stuff on your body or you leave a bag on the ground you have to go find maybe even just teleport back home and keep everything what do you think needs to happen

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  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    As far as what we know so far through dev communication and alpha testing, you have an endurance bar that dictates what happens when you die. If you have a solid reserve of endurance you just 'pass out' and wake back up after like 30 seconds. If your endurance bar is depleted then you die and respawn back at your home, leaving all of your items behind which can be reclaimed before X amount of time passes and your body decays.


    In the most recent video that came out less then a week ago on twitch, the guy from Fractured said that if you died, you respawned at the nearest spawn point that you had visited and bound to, which would be in towns (which is what he pointed out as a very good reason to visit towns often as you were traveling), you then ran back to your body to loot it (which he also said would only be around for a span of time and that if you had to run too far, it would disappear). He also did say that you could designate your body as lootable by your party.

  • Well, the game is supposed to be full loot pvp, right?
    Imo, if you die to mobs and have more than zero endurance, you should get up after a few seconds. If you die to mobs and have 0 endurance, you should respawn naked to your spawn point or the nearest city and your body should be fully lootable (by everyone). If you die to players, you should respawn naked to spawn point / nearest town and your body should be fully lootable regardless of how much endurance you have because otherwise, we'd have some awkwardly long zvzs.


    This is already determined.

    When you die, your "stuff" will remain on the ground, and since this is full loot MMO, it can be stolen by someone else (consequences for theft, and possibility of theft is different based on planet you are on).

    You will respawn at respawn point (your home, nearest town or tavern, maybe some other respawn points get added), and if you want your stuff back, you will need to run to place where you died, and pick it up (if noone stole it in meantime).

    If you had very little on you, and you respawned far away, it may not be worth for you to run back to pick the stuff though.


    Hi @dj35 and all others that commented before,

    About death, you can read the last announcement on this matter in the Roadmap to Alpha 2 – Test 3. As precised by the Devs, first you are knocked down when you reach endurance 0, after some time you come back up at the cost of Life points. If you reach Endurance 0 and Life 0, you are dead and you respaw either at your house or (for the time being) at the last tavern you rested in. You are asked to choose.
    Consequence of being knocked down includes:

    • Players can stole from your bag. The theft will have different consequences depending on the planet you are.
    • Non evil monsters will stop attacking you.
    • Someone can use a recovery/revive spell to help you.
    • Evil monsters and players may keep attacking you, what will make you lose Life points, when you reach zero you are dead.

    Consequence of dying includes:

    • You respaw at a determined place, as explained above.
    • You become full-lootable, meaning that players can loot everything you have on you.
    • Before you corpse decompose you can come back to retrieve your items or give permission to party members to retrieve them for you.

    That is what I got so far, more or less.


    Have they said how much your gear is damaged upon death? Anything on repair yet?


    @Farlander said in Death and what it entails:

    Have they said how much your gear is damaged upon death? Anything on repair yet?

    Repairing is usually used to sink ingame currency from the game and in my experience (at least from WoW and Albion) death or knockdown always makes a big hit to the gear, lowers good amount of the durability and makes the repairing expensive. In addition, better gear usually costs more to repair as well. I presume we are going to see something similar where player will be penalized at least financially if she/he dies or gets knocked down. Or did you have something else in your mind?

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    I rather enjoy the system of no repairs, it puts more emphasis on the materials/reagents rather than the currency. Unless the repairs work like Conan Exiles and you use the materials/reagents required to craft it. That'd be a good form of repair - but not like WoW where you just throw currency at it.


    @Manaia said in Death and what it entails:

    I rather enjoy the system of no repairs, it puts more emphasis on the materials/reagents rather than the currency. Unless the repairs work like Conan Exiles and you use the materials/reagents required to craft it. That'd be a good form of repair - but not like WoW where you just throw currency at it.

    I agree with @Manaia, repairs should not be done only in exchange of currency. Of course it could be an option, for example, you handle your damaged gear to a blacksmith and he repairs it for you in exchange of a fee. But I think that a more fun way would be the use of crafting stations to perform the repairs, i.e., using the same mechanics as crafting a new item, you put the damaged gear and some required materials/reagents and you have the option to repair.

    I don't remember reading it anywhere, do the game has the option to dismantle an item and get part of the crafting materials back? It would be a good thing to have this option when the repairs become prohibitive.


    Repairing stuff with resources or with other items is of course one option. However, repairing system which uses ingame currency might sound boring but unfortunately in many cases it is simply a necessary evil. Sinking ingame currency out of the game is crucial especially in games which have a player-driven economy or otherwise inflation will cause significant problems. In addition, repairing via ingame currency is a really good way (easily the best one) to sink currency out of the game and this is the main reason why this kind of system usually are seen in the games. Using repairing to sink currency is not usually enough and it needs other system to support that purpose. Different kind of taxes and service purchases can be created as well but the options are somewhat limited because most of the things are meant to be trade between players. People needs to take this point of view in consideration before saying repairing should not be happening with ingame currency.


    So we don't have any dev info yet on this subject? We can all speculate and discuss the subject but I'd rather know where the jump off point is. I think up to this point I have only heard there will be damage upon death. I haven't seen anything about being knocked out causing damage. If it only happens at death and death is not often in PvE then this isn't a big deal. However, if we die often each session this could be a big deal if damage is high and you have to constantly repair/replace your gear.


    @Farlander I guess we do not have a dev answer why we just need to be satisfied for speculation. I presume, gear and items you use will loose durability everytime you get hit or you use those, but in knockdown or death situations your gear takes much more damage than normally.


    @Farlander said in Death and what it entails:

    So we don't have any dev info yet on this subject? We can all speculate and discuss the subject but I'd rather know where the jump off point is. I think up to this point I have only heard there will be damage upon death. I haven't seen anything about being knocked out causing damage. If it only happens at death and death is not often in PvE then this isn't a big deal. However, if we die often each session this could be a big deal if damage is high and you have to constantly repair/replace your gear.

    I'll test this during the next Alpha test. I will say I died to teleport home a lot in the last alpha and played all day. And my gear didn't start needing to be replaced by the end of the 2nd day.

    So if we currently lose durability on death or knockdown neither are in a position that really handicaps people's play time. The amount of times I died almost makes me feel like it could be tuned up on death. But it is at an okay spot.

    My hope is that the game's economy works into this and people who enjoy farming can trade food for gear from other players/governors, and people who enjoy PVEing can trade regents for gear. People who enjoy crafting can trade gear for the other items. And people who enjoy PVPing can just loot it from people.


    @Whisper Oh that's good to hear. BTW that's how I got home sometimes in SWG when short for time to log off but then noticed the hit to gear was so high I never did it on purpose again lol.


    Where is some of the posts wrote into this thread? There was at least one of mine and @Spectre 's? Deleted of some reason or something else happened?

    EDIT: Never mind, I already found announcement that some post are lost because of server migration.

  • @Tuoni
    It happened to another thread I watched as well. They migrated the forum to another server and maybe the last backup was too early and didn't include those posts.


    @Razvan Yeah I found that announcement 1 minute after posting. 🙂


    Well that happened to me too. The funny part is that I was commenting on a post by @Tuoni 😐


    Oh well, lets try again. In my opinion it might be a good option to have a mixed repairing system in use. Meaning, there would be a NPC blacksmiths which will repair gear and items for exchange of gold. This would be very effective gold sink, QoL feature and standard MMO system. On top of that there could be craftable repair stations which can be used repairing using resources. That way repairing would remove gold and resources from the game and offer players different kind of possibilities for different situations.

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