From all the skills being added which one seems to be just from the name alone the "coolest " or best
most useful
Shadow Dance
Shadow Step
Shadow Walk
Hunting (formerly: Marksmanship)
Shield Block
Protection From Poison
Verdant Regrowth*
Infectious Burst
Totem Of Decay
Frost Blast*
Shocking Lash*
Minor Healing*

I'm here
Best posts made by dj35
New skills
RE: Stretch Goals
I understand the want for more features but I still think they should focus on the basics game figure out how to do all the things they already promised before adding more workload
Skills gained through different means
Alrighty so we all know that skills can be gained by killing a certain amount of the same monster ( might he subject too change later )But what about the other ways of gaining skills I mean picking up a whole lot of plants should gain a skill maybe even chopping down a hundred trees
What I'm saying / asking is how do you think the gaining of skills via not killing things should work whether it be collecting a hundred types of herbs idk just throw out some ideas
RE: Concerns related to the attributes
I believe that is the whole point you cannot be good at everything you Ethier choose one or two or you become mediocre
RE: Some logs from chopped trees aren't klickable
@Daigon that is a correct you just gotta try and knock them over from the stumpt
RE: Skills discussion and general questions
@Specter you see that's what I'm taking about I personally believe certain abilities shouldn't be obtainable depending on race or alignment
RE: Fractured Content Pills - Week 20, 2019
Not gonna lie it would be kinda cool if the screen went dark when you were put to sleep
(I know it's not happening but but I can dream) -
Spawn problem
Im sorry I know it'll get fixed but I gotta bring it up earlier yesterday in the game I found a spot where a lot of deer gathered it should have been when I got close that they decided to run away which they did doo but they kept coming back until I slaughtered enough of them to get 100% deer knowledge plus some more I think it shouldn't be that easy for me to attain that I also think that deer should drop the skill fleet foot or something ( meaning they should gain a skill as well) (So, all in all, I think the pathing should be made better which will happen I am sure when they see others of there kind die they should run maybe when the deer with antlers see someone die they should attack besides that give them a skill fleet foot making them faster or something.
Latest posts made by dj35
RE: Humans suck
@Xzait Look man we basically caused nuclear warfare on this planet and blew it all to hell the humans deserve to get invaded by the demons. The demons got a trash planet because of human actions. I belive this is just justice
Humans suck
Humans are kinda trash, I always find it funny that the game lore itself says humans are trash. I am referring to how humans caused the fracture. We can't even get our act together in a game hahahaha.
RE: Hello New alpha player here
@sena26 heyo and welcome too the game
Give me new lore or give me death
New lore stuff please that's all
(Whether that be stuff found in game or stuff out here to read)