Housing Limits?


    Housing Limits?

    Is it limited to the number of houses you can have per account? per character? per character and race? I have plans on having at least 3 houses. 1 in each of the realms. Are my plans in jeopardy? or is this confirmed or known yet?

    Thank You


    Unless things have changed since I last actually read the news posts (coz i personally like to figure everything out when I am in the game, rather than read spoiler posts), you will be limited to 1 house per realm (Tartaros, Syndenisia or the other one). I am pretty sure it was account bound, but it is planned in the full version that you will be able to move your plot around. I would assume it would be resetting your plot, instead of teleporting it though. So far, you havn't been able to move you plot or take a second one at all.

  • DymStudios - CEO

    @VyrVandalous said in Housing Limits?:

    Housing Limits?

    Is it limited to the number of houses you can have per account? per character? per character and race? I have plans on having at least 3 houses. 1 in each of the realms. Are my plans in jeopardy? or is this confirmed or known yet?

    Thank You

    1 land claim (doesn't matter if in town or out of town) per account per planet, that's the plan 🙂


    @Prometheus said in Housing Limits?:

    @VyrVandalous said in Housing Limits?:

    Housing Limits?

    Is it limited to the number of houses you can have per account? per character? per character and race? I have plans on having at least 3 houses. 1 in each of the realms. Are my plans in jeopardy? or is this confirmed or known yet?

    Thank You

    1 land claim (doesn't matter if in town or out of town) per account per planet, that's the plan 🙂


    I'm sorry? dumb that down for me?

    Does that mean 3 houses total?

    One house only per account on each planet?


  • Moderator

    @VyrVandalous Yep, that's how it works. 😉


    Do all the characters on your account have access to all the houses?

    How are the accesses setup for allowing others to have access? Does it mirror UO where you have a friends list that you can set levels of accessibility?


    @Prometheus good to know! I don't like playing multiple accounts so I'm glad to know that I will still be able to have houses in all 3 planets even with only 1 character!


    @Farlander the house plots are account bound and yes there are similar options to grant people access


    @Shivashanti Oh good. Makes it easy to trade goods between your characters.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    Interesting to know this. Makes crafting much easier


    Would be nice to have a house both in and out of town

  • @Krismuncher said in Housing Limits?:

    Would be nice to have a house both in and out of town

    Totally agree! Especially if the town houses open up unique things.
    Who doesn't have a "summer" house out in the wilds.. 🙂


    If all players can get two properties, then most of us will - and towns will fill up all the faster for it.

    I think sticking with one plot per account is the right move in the short term.

    I'm a little torn over the tradeoff between having an out-of-town house that nobody can kick me out of on the one hand, or having a town house with access to NPCs and good crafting stations on the other. I think that's as it should be, tradeoffs should matter so decisions remain impactful.

    Planning to do Tartaros first, so probably going to aim for a town first in the hopes of some kind of mutual defense thing with other demons in the town. But it's going to suck if I need to take a 2-3 month break from the game and I get kicked out and loose all my stuff. Will have to wait and see.


    There's a casual voxel (Minecraft-ish) MMO called Boundless which allows players to build as many houses as they want, using a beacon / plot system. Every planet is smoothly divided into square plots, and a character has a certain number they can distribute across all their beacons.

    What's more, if you develop a particular beacon enough, all of its plots "reserve" the spots 2 plots out from theirs, preventing any newer beacons than yours from claiming those plots. (All plots "reserve" the plots above and below theirs regardless of prestige.)

    This is balanced by the game auto-generating new planets based on player / plot count, and by the fact new characters can simply choose where on the planet they spawn, complete with a button to swap between a geographic view and a highlight-player-buildings overlay.

    Also, beacons need to be fueled and will expire otherwise, causing its plots to regenerate back to a natural state soon afterward.

    So, my suggestions for Fractured are:

    • New characters should be able to scroll over their starter planet and pick where to spawn. This way, new characters can just pick an unsettled area to put their house down.
    • The game should keep track of how many houses there are on each planet, updating at least once a month (or once a week would be better.) Each planet should then auto-scale or auto-expand itself thru new continents etc. to be several times larger than needed for how many houses there are, to avoid shoulder-to-shoulder syndrome. The planet never scales down if the house count drops, only up if the house count expands sufficiently.

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