@Jetah The devs are working from home right now so hopefully they're still ok.
Best posts made by Specter
RE: about that thing catching on..
RE: Legendary weapons
@finland There is certainly a difference between different types of weapons and gear. Here's what Prometheus had to say about it:
They do have different characteristics depending on the type of item and the material used to craft it. They could also have other parameters, such as the quality. A Bronze Platemail has different stats compared to an Iron Platemail but two Bronze Platemails are the same, yes. (aside from possible modifiers that don't impact the power of the item, such as its Quality)
RE: Unity has blocked SpatialOS - What's up and what it means for us
If you've worked with Unity before, you know that they're a very developer friendly organization. Furthermore, the TOS changes are merely for show. The fact is that Improbable has been breaking the TOS from the get go, (putting their wrapper around a one time use Unity License, then selling that to multiple people).
Improbable doesn't sell Unity to people. All Unity developers who use SpatialOS use their own copies of Unity. Improbable explained how it all works here.
RE: Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
@00 What do you mean, lack of info? The devs have explained multiple times what the VIP is.
- VIP membership? What's that about?
VIP membership is a monthly subscription planned to be priced around $10/month. It provides the following perks:
Discounts on Store items
Unique cosmetic rewards for accumulated VIP time
Other vanity rewards we might think of in the future
Additional study slots
Increased Knowledge Point gains
- Is VIP membership "Pay to Win"?
Fractured characters are already competitive from day 1. The core of progression afterwards consists of completing tasks requiring you to travel and perform a wide range of exploration- and experimentation-related activities.
The bonuses from VIP membership have nothing to do with the above, since they only impact the passive “studying phase” that kicks in once the tasks have been completed. Moreover, they've been balanced so that they only speed up progression for "completionists" who want to learn a ton of abilities (beyond what's actually useful for each character). Because of this, VIP membership ultimately has no impact on actual PvP competition, not between individuals nor between guilds.
Mega Update – Cheaper Packs, Pre-Alpha Keys & More
VIP Subscription
Here we are at the hot potato of the post – ouch!
As explained on the forums, VIP membership provides the following advantages:
Additional study slots
Increased Knowledge Points gains (from unlimited sources only)
Discounts on Store Items (which are cosmetic only)
Unique cosmetic rewards for accumulated VIP time
Other vanity rewards we might think of in the future
While cosmetic rewards have never been a contentious point, we’ve seen a few community members arguing that KP and slot bonuses are a form of “pay to win”. While getting a VIP membership could help you winning a hypothetical “let’s see who learns 100 abilities first” challenge with a friend of yours, it has no impact whatsoever on actual PvP competition, not between individuals nor between guilds.
Fractured characters are already competitive from day 1 – it’s part of what makes Fractured and its Knowledge System so unique. The core of progression afterwards consists of completing tasks requiring you to travel and perform a wide range of exploration– and experimentation-related activities. The VIP subscription has nothing to do with this, since it only impacts the passive “studying phase” that kicks in once the tasks have been completed and the ability inscribed on a book.
That being said, learning all the abilities in the game with a character is a meaningful objective only for a “completionist” – the kind of player who benefits the most from the KP and slots bonuses of the VIP subscription. If you want to play competitively, your aim is to learn the abilities that fit with the stat distribution of your character and have access to as many different resources as possible – the latter being crucial for competitive guilds too. The VIP subscription makes the former slightly faster and has no relation with the latter, therefore providing no real advantage in the competitive scene of Fractured.
If you care about vanity items, the VIP subscription offers a great value thanks to its unique rewards and discounts;
If you are a completionist, being VIP provides a nice boost, although it’s in no way necessary;
If you’re neither of the two, you can ignore it, whether you play competitively or not.
Content Creator Discord Program.
Hello everyone!
Are you a content creator or interested in becoming one? If so, you can sign up for the content creator role on Discord. By doing so you will get posting privileges in the dedicated Creative Corner channel on Discord. In addition to that, you'll also get a Content Creator title on the Discord and the forum. Of course in order to qualify there will be a few rules:
- Most importantly, be active. If you have decided to no longer make content for Fractured, please let us know.
- Your content needs to be high quality. That means we expect some kind of community interaction in the videos, streams, etc, not just random clips.
- Your content doesn't have to be in English, but please let the audience in Discord know beforehand if your content is in a different language.
You can sign up for the program by sending me a message on the forum or Discord.
RE: Stats / Characters retained from Beta / Alpha
@nightcoder There will be a wipe after each testing phase.
Week 68 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Hello everyone,
Here we go again! No Ambassador winners unfortunately because nobody participated. You can win 2000 points just for advertising the game somewhere (unless you spam it) and if you don't win an Ambassador drawing, you're automatically placed into subsequent Ambassador drawings until you win.
Engagement Drawing - Week 68
Each of the winners below has gained 1,000 Foundation Points!
Congratulations to everyone and thank you for being part of this awesome community! See you at next week's drawing!
If you're wondering what types of drawing exist and how to participate, check out this explanatory thread.
Please note: Drawing winners are drawn on Wednesday - so Week 68 ended on May 8th (last Wednesday).
Please note: the leaderboard is updated once per day. If you've won a drawing and want to trigger the update immediately, you have to open your own foundation page first
RE: No news?!
@hannielk Dynamight has no dedicated CM who writes the news posts. It's all written by Prometheus who is also the CEO and a programmer. Therefore, any time he spends on writing news is time not spent on the development of Fractured. I know this can be quite annoying for the fans because everyone loves news. Prometheus tries to write news posts in his free time but during a crunch, like the current pre-alpha crunch, he's generally too busy with the development of Fractured. Just to give you an example, it generally takes about 3 days to write a spotlight.
With that said, he did say on Discord last week that he wants to reveal more news soon, so hopefully the wait will be over soon.
RE: Character building
You'll start with 3 character slots, not 2. This was changed due to feedback.
RE: Spread The Word & Win A Key!
Just a note, the ambassador drawings have been replaced by this new system. Those who were still in the ambassador drawing ( @Kansei and @00) have been moved to this new system. That means you'll be getting only 500 points instead of 2k points, but it also means you will have a chance to win an alpha key for alpha 1 test 2.
RE: No news?!
@gofrit Well, Prometheus didn't tell me "we're in a crunch", but it's obvious to me based on our conversations that they are hard at work getting the pre-alpha ready. Crunch is just the word I picked, sorry for the confusion. Sadly there's a lot I can't talk about. What I can say is that Fractured is looking amazing. They've made further improvements to the graphics, to the point where the old Syndesia footage isn't really relevant anymore. I shall ask Prometheus if he's willing to give us some screenshots.
RE: This game will be p2w?
@suicideseed Fractured won't be P2W. The cash shop will only sell cosmetics and the VIP sub only gives minor benefits.
Week 70 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Hey everyone!
As you probably know by now, the ambassador drawings have been replaced by a new system. The Foundation points for advertising Fractured will be added to your account before each test phase, but no longer on a weekly basis. Also, advertising Fractured on your personal Facebook or Twitter account doesn't count as we already reward you with Foundation points for sharing news on your Facebook and Twitter.
Engagement Drawing - Week 70
Each of the winners below has gained 1,000 Foundation Points!
Congratulations to everyone and thank you for being part of this awesome community! See you at next week's drawing!
If you're wondering what types of drawing exist and how to participate, check out this explanatory thread.
Please note: Drawing winners are drawn on Wednesday - so Week 70 ended on May 22th (last Wednesday).
Please note: the leaderboard is updated once per day. If you've won a drawing and want to trigger the update immediately, you have to open your own foundation page first
RE: Important things in last month?
@gothix It's also important to mention that Fractured has only been in development since August 2017. That means there will only be a bit more than a year between the start of development and the release of the pre-alpha, which is very fast considering how long it takes to develop an MMO. Even if the pre-alpha gets postponed further, it's still coming much earlier than the alphas of other MMOs.
RE: Markdown in forum posts?
@eurav I don't think the forum has the plugins installed to make it work like that. It's something we can look into in the future.
RE: Pledge Packs Are Going... With A Sale!
@Alice Yes, they all come with a digital copy of Fractured.
@Pluto The old packs aren't being replaced with better packs, and if the new packs do come with new cosmetic rewards, the old backers who pledged at that level or higher will receive those rewards as well.
- I have one of the current pledges. If future packs will feature new cosmetic rewards, will I get those too?
Yes! If a future access pack has new cosmetic rewards and you have bought one of the current pledges of equal or higher value, you’ll get the new cosmetic rewards too!
RE: Pre-alpha invites!
@foxs Prometheus advises against taking time off. The servers won't be online all the time.
RE: Pre Alpha
@rocky The pre-alpha is under an NDA. The participants can't talk about it.
Week 74 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Hey everyone!
Engagement Drawing - Week 74
Each of the winners below has gained 1,000 Foundation Points!
Congratulations to everyone and thank you for being part of this awesome community! See you at next week's drawing!
If you're wondering what types of drawing exist and how to participate, check out this explanatory thread.
Please note: Drawing winners are drawn on Wednesday - so Week 74 ended on June 19th (last Wednesday).
Please note: the leaderboard is updated once per day. If you've won a drawing and want to trigger the update immediately, you have to open your own foundation page first
RE: Post Kickstarter Funding is Going Well
@j4po Nope, only the pre-alpha is.