#9 here... currently Founder, but might upgrade.

Best posts made by Canterbury
RE: Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!
RE: Stretch Goals
I like the way the devs are handling this. Unlike seemingly every other game out there, they want to get the game right first, rather than adding carrot after carrot after carrot to people and then having to squeeze all that stuff into the game. Far better to aim for a manageable game, rather than one that has two-dozen extra features tacked on.
RE: Ultima Online
The thing about UO isn't that it was a great game. Demonstrably, it wasn't. The graphics, the controls, the system overall... all of it was pretty average. What made it special was the community and the fact a game like that hadn't really been seen before. And that's why, year after year, people go chasing MMOs hoping it will be the next UO. And it never can be because that time has changed, both in terms of the video game industry and where people are in their personal life.
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
@mazikar said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
The more of the game they can show, and the cool stuff.... fighting, magic... and not the seen it before stuff... cool "look at that!" stuff. The sooner the better. Monsters and cool animations, interesting deaths, finishing moves on bosses, that kind of stuff sells.
I agree and, presuming this stuff is already lined up for the weeks ahead, getting it out maybe sooner than they were planning to. Don't go into the last 7 days, for example, still saying, "We have great things to show you guys!" Get it all on the table in the first half of the campaign so it can soak in out there.
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
@staticsprite said in Bit worried where the Kickstarter is:
Already at 43%, it will be fine the kickstarter will get there. The more info they give to us, the more people will pledge. For the ammount of marketing they did I think we are on the right track
Yes, but it's 43% of a tiny amount, coming from a small group of people.
It needs to raise more but, more important than that, needs more people willing to pony-up.
I fully understand Kickstarter fatigue, and people who have been ripped off in the past with it.
But for passion projects like this, they really do need support at this stage; even from the point of view of showing investors/publishers (who are clearly needed in this equation), that the interest/support is there.
So, yeah, even just greater numbers would be good at this stage; even if most of them only tossed in a small amount.
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
So almost halfway through the month, and we've only just limped past 500 backers, and are still halfway to the target.
Someone new to crowd funding might conclude that's OK, as we'll get the second half in the second half of the month.
However, that's not how successful crowdfunds work. Especially for such a tiny amount of money, we should have been smashing that figure in the opening 2-3 days, tops. In terms of numbers, we should have at least a couple of thousand people interested now; a drop in the bucket versus how many are here in the community (unless there's a lot of sock puppet accounts, of course).
Does this mean I think it will fail? No, presumably it will keep growing and if anyone involved in the project, or a big backer, has any common sense, if there's 20K left in the last 24hrs, it makes sense to drop a 20K pledge in to unlock the 150K worth of money (talking in US$ terms here).
So I think the crowd fund will get there, but I think the support level is WAY too low,
RE: What albion did wrong- not a bash thread
I hated the maps in Albion. All really small and tricksy pathing. None of it felt like a big world where I could go anywhere. It felt really really really annoying to get around after the first hour or two.
RE: Pledge Packs Are Going... With A Sale!
@Pluto said in Pledge Packs Are Going... With A Sale!:
Wrong. You are significantly better off backing now versus the KS. Without the KS, they wouldn’t be at the position that they are.
Wrong? Er... we can all see how much the KS raised - €111,662 for those who don't want to check - which clearly hasn't paid for the team to be making the game all this time, including before the KS. While that KS money is nice, sure, there's no way it's the backbone, or even a significant amount, in terms of what it will cost to make the game over the life of the project. Do you know how much this stuff actually costs? Possibly not, given what you're saying. To pretend that the KS somehow saved the game and is the only reason the game is being made (or whatever you're inferring by "they wouldn't be in the position they are"), is actually the wrong comment being made here. Not mine.
Long story short, I'm delighted new people are signing up to the game, spurred on by the pledge discounts, which largely equate to what the early-bird rates were on KS. More people and more money is GREAT for the game. You can pooh-pooh that all you like, but I think anyone with their eye on the bigger picture cannot see it as anything but a great outcome.
RE: [Discuss] The Sandbox you wish to have.
Aspects like being able to build anywhere (or at least, outside of established cities, like in Star Wars Galaxies), remains the Holy Grail of open world sandboxing to me. It places you and your stuff in the game world and even if no one ever comes inside your house, it doesn't matter because, to you, you are there, living in the game world.
RE: Pledge Packs Are Going... With A Sale!
@Esoba said in Pledge Packs Are Going... With A Sale!:
Yeah, for me: game being made > individual gripes that I may have. I suppose they could have offered the discount, but removed some things from each of the discounted pledges, in order to keep the original value of some of the earlier purchasers. However, even that route is filled with tons of extra work for very little benefit imho.
I hear you in a broad sense... but do keep in mind that many of the discounts are in line with what the earlybird KS prices were... so there are KS people who paid exactly the same amount as what's being offered in this sale. I think that's hugely important to remember. A lot of people got those earlybird KS prices, me included! So was that bad, too???
Latest posts made by Canterbury
RE: Stress Test Server Issues
Cheers for the update. All part of the development process
RE: Peeking in for the brief open test! How do I choose my race?
They seem to be four human classes so far.
I've tried on and off for hours to get past character creation, but the server is full.
RE: where i download this game
Ahhhhh, "Where can I download the game?"
As seen on every MMORPG in development forum for the past 20 years.
You know someone's taking the game seriously when they can't even read the website first.
RE: WoW Classic is coming
Pretty much zero interest. When WoW was becoming 'a thing' back in the day I was on the EQ and EQ2 side of the fence, having got my start in UO. We kinda looked at WoW as being a bit naff. I moved on to SWG after EQ2. WoW just never got a look in back then, so won't be getting a look in now. It just never interested me in the slightest.
RE: Pledge Packs Are Going... With A Sale!
@Aurellas nicely said. Same overall position as me, much earlier in the thread.
RE: Hype Train!!!
Without being a Debbie Downer, hype is what kills a lot of games at launch.
I'm open to "whatever". I'm putting zero expectations on dates.
RE: What are you watching right now?
Finished Good Omens recently, it was fab. And loved the backlash it caused, with calls for its cancellation. But the people protesting were so clueless they protested to Netflix, instead of Amazon. PLUS, they didn't seem to comprehend it was a one off series. There's nothing left to cancel.