It will end tomorrow at midday (CEST).
Best posts made by Specter
RE: When is the alpha finishing?
RE: Winter Alpha Spotlight – City Overhaul
@WaterMerchant It's true that not all of Arboreus is safe but from what Prometheus has told me most if not all of the actual content on Arboreus will be located within the safe area. Also, PvPers who travel to Arboreus wil have a hard time staying there and can only visit for 30 minutes.
@Ostaff On arboreus items are dropped on death just like on every other planet, but your items cannot be looted by fellow Beastmen.
RE: Is Fractured in trouble?
@Arterius That's old news. Improbable and Unity resolved it months ago.
Week 162 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Hey everyone!
Engagement Drawing - Week 162
Each of the winners below has gained 1,000 Foundation Points!
Congratulations to everyone and thank you for being part of this awesome community! See you at next week's drawing!
If you're wondering what types of drawing exist and how to participate, check out this explanatory thread.
Please note: Drawing winners are drawn on Wednesday - so Week 162 ended on February 24th (last Wednesday).
Please note: the leaderboard is updated once per day. If you've won a drawing and want to trigger the update immediately, you have to open your own foundation page first
RE: ETA on developer forum?
@Alexian @LilCassiopeia @Eurav @PeachMcD
Prometheus wants to add the developer forum but he's so busy right now he's unable to make time for it. In the meanwhile, maybe we can discuss what you would like to see in this developer forum. Many questions are already being answered in the other parts of the forum by Znirf and me, and updates are already being posted in the Fractured news section. What could the devs do to make this exclusive section unique and valuable to backers like you?
Week 163 - Weekly drawing Winners
Hey everyone!
Engagement Drawing - Week 163
Each of the winners below has gained 1,000 Foundation Points!
Congratulations to everyone and thank you for being part of this awesome community! See you at next week's drawing!
If you're wondering what types of drawing exist and how to participate, check out this explanatory thread.
Please note: Drawing winners are drawn on Wednesday - so Week 163 ended on March 3rd (last Wednesday).
Please note: the leaderboard is updated once per day. If you've won a drawing and want to trigger the update immediately, you have to open your own foundation page first
RE: Will there be a unique titles or achievements?
@Diceman Fractured won't have an achievement system but players can obtain titles. I doubt those will give any gameplay bonuses though.
Week 168 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Hey everyone!
Engagement Drawing - Week 168
Each of the winners below has gained 1,000 Foundation Points!
Congratulations to everyone and thank you for being part of this awesome community! See you at next week's drawing!
If you're wondering what types of drawing exist and how to participate, check out this explanatory thread.
Please note: Drawing winners are drawn on Wednesday - so Week 168 ended on April 7th (last Wednesday).
Please note: the leaderboard is updated once per day. If you've won a drawing and want to trigger the update immediately, you have to open your own foundation page first
RE: Enchanting crafting materials?
@Dariusacmar I'm still working on it. Prometheus is back from Gamescom so he should be able to answer it soon.
Week 169 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Hey everyone!
Engagement Drawing - Week 169
Each of the winners below has gained 1,000 Foundation Points!
Congratulations to everyone and thank you for being part of this awesome community! See you at next week's drawing!
If you're wondering what types of drawing exist and how to participate, check out this explanatory thread.
Please note: Drawing winners are drawn on Wednesday - so Week 169 ended on April 14th (last Wednesday).
Please note: the leaderboard is updated once per day. If you've won a drawing and want to trigger the update immediately, you have to open your own foundation page first
RE: Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting
@Farlander Gear progression is supposed to be horizontal so you're not going to find items with better and better stats.
RE: Anti-Hack/Cheat/Bot
@CodeTsilon The devs will have something in place to deter cheats/bots.
RE: Alpha 2
@Norseman Certainly longer than a weekend. The test weekends are just replacing the 3rd and 4th test of alpha 1.
RE: Info on Angel/abomination?
@asspirin Those effects won't apply to evil Beastmen (abominations) and good Demons (Angels).
RE: Don't Have access to my email anymore
@Althalus I'll pass it on to Prometheus.
RE: Change Settings outside game
@WillDragon It's possible your issues are being caused by the server issues as a result of the stress test rather than the settings. Please try again after the issues have been resolved. If it's still an issue then, I'll ask Prometheus if there's a way to change settings outside of the game.
RE: So that went well, huh?
@pistkitty Yeah, Prometheus is going to write a blog post and newsletter today to explain what happened. As for your last question:
Were I to purchase a "founder's pack" and jump right into the alpha this very moment, is the experience I had during the stress test typical of what I'd see on a daily basis?
These server issues weren't an issue during any of the alpha tests so no, you wouldn't experience this on a daily basis unless everyone all of a sudden started buying the alpha 2 pack. With that said, the server is down completely right now and I don't know when the devs are going to bring it back up again for the A2 testers.
RE: Game F2P or P2P
@TMaxter @TekNicTerror It's buy-to-play with a cosmetic cash shop and an optional VIP sub.
RE: Buying into the game and the value...
Hello @Azurose
is there going to be grouping system
Yes, but it's not yet implemented.
Is this going to be a crafting centered game or drops?
Crafting is going to play a prominent role. Monsters will drop loot that makes sense, so rabbits won't be carrying coins on them.
Also can i upgrade purchase packs at a later date?
Yes, you can.
Is the kickstarter over or can I still contribute through there?
The Kickstarter is over and the packs were retired a while ago. The only available packs are the ones available in the store.
The game plays quite well currently. It was a mess during the stress test due to the large influx of people but performance hasn't been an issue during the various alphas. The vast majority of the crafting system hasn't been implemented yet though, so I can't say much about that.