@lukgb It'll depend on the size of the playerbase and the latency of the players. Here's more information: https://fracturedmmo.com/going-worldwide-regional-servers-localization/
Best posts made by Specter
RE: Do we have any idea of sever localisations?
RE: If I buy Master Bundle - Can I play today / Now? Is there a test phase going on?
@jsheroux The server isn't up right now. The next test will start sometime later this month.
RE: Playtest
@Bick It's currently scheduled for fall 2021. Which means it's no longer scheduled for the summer but there's a good reason for that, which will be explained in a future update once Prometheus is ready to release it.
RE: Welcome the first Fractured forum moderator
@outlawhero I have to admit, that does look quite ominous. Prometheus's handshake looks a lot friendlier. Don't worry though, I shall only use the banhammer as a last resort.
@Everyone else, thanks for the welcomes. If everyone here behaves like that, I am sure we can keep the forum nice and clean.
RE: Un paio di domande
@omega555 said in Un paio di domande:
Will there be NPCs inside who will give this quest?
There are no quests other than Divine Quests.
Will the "world" be one or will there be several?
There will be 3 different planets each with their own ruleset.
Do guilds have a separate territory to build their camp or not?
Guilds can build cities in the open world.
RE: Russian language?
@spoilt21 YES! As I mentioned earlier, Prometheus already answered that question here. It is certainly planned.
RE: Una raccolta di tutto ciò che sappiamo su Fractured.
@PricelessShingle54 Nice work and thanks for the translation. It's always nice when the community make translations of useful forum posts and news. I've pinned it.
RE: More News Coming Next Week!
@Logain @HolyAvengerOne Well, the second spotlight was delayed because of some changes that were being made to the website.
The news posts are written by Prometheus himself, and it takes him a few days to write a spotlight. Generally the update to the foundation quests is timed with the release of the news post, but sometimes small delays happen.. Or maybe Prometheus just wants to build hype?
Speaking of the devil.. It's live!
RE: Fragen zum Open PvP
Dämonengebiet ist ja PvP-Areal ohne Justizsystem und ohne Strafen. Wenn mich da nun jemand ausschaltet, kann derjenige alles einammeln was mein Charakter bei sich führt, ja? Oder gibt es da ein Zeitlimit? Wenn ich vorher meine Leiche erreiche, sollen die Gegenstände ja bei mir bleiben. Was schwierig werden wird, wenn ich erst anlaufen muss und mein Mörder ja schon dort ist.
Other players can loot your corpse. More information can be found in this thread.
Ist schon bekannt ob es vielleicht so etwas wie eine zu aktivierende "PvP-Markierung" wie in anderen Spielen geben wird?
This depends on your race and planet. Demons can always attack other players whereas Beastmen cannot attack innocents. There's no such thing as a PvP flag you can freely turn on and off, but your actions will affect your allignment and determine how the environment can and will respond to your presence.
RE: Just some questions
I am moving this thread to Questions & Answers.
@esher @Frost Dynamight Gold will be the cash shop currency for fractured, which can be used to buy cosmetics. whether or not this currency can be exchanged for the normal ingame currency is something I'll have to ask Prometheus.
Everyone gets the wolf mount and pet. I shall pass the question about fauna on each planet along aswell.
@Delta91rs Could you please check if you mistook an O for a 0 or something like that. According to Prometheus the key should work.
RE: New info coming?
The wait will be over very very soon. I was just being very reserved on Discord because I know how busy Prometheus is.
RE: Eigenen Server oder Offiziell?
@chenentano There will only be an official server, no private servers.
RE: ники в игре
Prometheus gave me an answer on Skype:
Collision makes it so that you can't have SO many players on your screen. Anyway, if it's crowded, you can look at the color of their name tags, life bars, guild tags, etc.
RE: Alpha?
@wyld-wolfdragon The alpha is currently planned for late 2018.
RE: Domanda sul VIP
@Myeerco Your VIP reward from the pledge begins on release.
RE: Guild names
@gibbx said in Guild names:
All that being said I was somewhat dismayed while searching for a guild to join. I realize that some of those guilds were created simply for foundation points but still "Russia Must Die", "Erection"? Really people? I am hopeful that such guilds wont actually exist in game.
This is indeed concerning. I haven't paid much attention to the guild names on the guild profile page but it looks like we might have to prune a few of the names. I shall discuss this with Prometheus.