For the love of all that's holy, I'm so glad we are back from Glyph! That is all. Have a nice day.

Best posts made by Xulu
OMG Thank You!
RE: Open Playtest Server Restart (May 29, 1pm CEST)
And THAT's why it's alpha!
RE: Patch b.1.0g - Economy, PvE & PvP Balancing
@Prometheus In Discord you said, "A wide nerf is a hard decision to make, but it's the right one."
And coming from over 30 years of gaming, I can tell you, that has never been a good option, ever. I have played more MMO's than I can count and nerfing so hard is never a good option for the customer base. I won't even go into the "neutral" buffs of divines, that's for another topic.
More people solo in this game than they do group. It's a fact, I see it everywhere I am playing. At most, you will see a duo. Sometimes 3. It's rare that large groups are out farming. So, we kill the solo farmers, the silent majority that play the game? I just don't see the logic. Who cares if people are doing "well"? It's harder for people starting out until they learn a good playstyle, but now, a lot of people go back to the drawing board to see what the next meta is and that's obviously intended. But what then, nerf that too? If ogres were never meant to be solo'd, that should have been from day one. Ogres have always been solo'able. So, if that is just stripped from people, what are they to do now? Luckily, I can get my GF to play with me and I "was" able to tank while she killed stuff. Who knows now.
I know you all are doing your best, but for a moment, think about what happens when you take some of the fun out of the game for people who enjoy going into the woods and hitting chest camps, or killing some ogres, etc. I haven't been in the game, just read what @Yalah had posted and, more than anyone, that guy knows what he's doing.
Love you guys, this is the most dedicated I've ever been about a game, but hold off the nerf bat. Take another look and step back. Instead of nerf, buff.
RE: Where can I view what stats do?(Detection/Willpower/ETC)
@Deftly I agree, it would be nice when you pull up your character you could hover over the stat and it gives a brief description.
What's your motivation for your pledge pack?
So, I got the immortal package. I liked the perks it has to offer such as: VIP for life, house, carpenter contract, etc. Now, I don't know what that means per se, but it sounds like something I'd kick my own ass for not having when the game is released. I don't know what the size or look of that house or whatever is either, but I'm guessing that to NOT have it would be a very daunting task once release happens.
As far as game play, I like testing things and giving my two cents. Truth be told, apart from my own observations, I want to be "in the know" by the time the game releases so there isn't such a curve at first. Alpha allows you the advantage to make all the mistakes everyone else will be making when they first start.
I like to help others as well, so knowing a bit about the game prior to launch is a good way to make friends or be helpful to new people when they start. I've tested other alphas and played days on end before figuring out something that would have saved me hours/days of time. If I can help someone do that, it feels good.
Finally, even though there is limited information and the updates aren't back to back, it tells me that they aren't willing to just put out a bunch of hype just to get the numbers. I like the air of mystery. I've enjoyed most every video they have and the entire idea around the three worlds is really cool. Anyway, I've rambled too much.
What's your story?
RE: Not A Guide: Gladiator Background (Pre EGC)
Extremely interesting read. I'm anxiously awaiting the next update!
RE: What I can do, can't do and won't do.
Won't hold my hand? What kind of game is this?! We all need to have our hands held at some point. A quick hug wouldn't hurt either. Being in mom's basement, I don't get the loving affection I deserve.
RE: Bounty Hunting & Jails - Official Feedback Thread
What I honestly see happening, regardless of this system, is that "evil" people will start on the demon planet, gain all the KP they can there, then head to the human planet, gain all of the KP there and start to really become toxic after that point. Sure, they will get a slap on the wrists but then what? They will befriend others of like mind and terrorize the planet. That will end up forcing everyone that thinks the balance sucks to move to Arboreus. This alone already has me thinking of trying to get all the KP I can on Syndesia, then moving to Arboreus and never looking back. Is that what the devs want? Who knows.
I've watched the global chat. I don't want anything to do with some of those toxic people at all. I actually saw someone in global say "I will go to your house and kill you over and over". That statement immediately soured my taste for this game, and I've been here years. I'm just saying this is only my opinion, but there are many silent people out there that think the same way.
RE: Fall Alpha Launch & Dev Update #2
I don't want to be negative Nancy here, but are there NO places to solo mine? That's ONLY going to be available to cities? Which, in turn, will be run by a governor that may only get all crafting mats for himself?
Latest posts made by Xulu
RE: Founder palace blueprint
I've asked on Discord so many times that practically all the vets there know what my question will be each update.
RE: Season One Overview
Uh hem, are we getting palaces this patch? (Sorry, had to ask...........again)
RE: Fall 2024 Development Roadmap
Sorry, beating that dead horse here, but what about the housing changes? We were told that was to be the first big upgrade. When will we see that? -
RE: QOL & Engine Update & More Free Play
@Prometheus Will this update include the housing changes? The new blueprints?
RE: Free Play Extended & Summer Roadmap
@Prometheus Any clue when the larger homes are released if we will be able to place "outside" items on the inside of the home? It's going to suck to own a "palace" that you can't craft in because you don't have enough land.
RE: Governors and City Housing Question
Still no confirmed anything on this topic. I saw a bunch of people really pissed off in chat last night because some governor or other deleted someone's house. That's not right, for either planet or regardless of your status. A house plot is something that shouldn't be messed with unless there is some sort of notice from a governor or something. Like everyone else here, I believe there should be an "eviction" notice or something.
RE: Question was answered.
@Fi So I went back and looked, most of what I was referring to, was actually in 2018 because it was discussed back then. You are right though, so I admit it.
So, HOLY CRAP, what about the people who have Governor packages that guarantee them a city? My buddy bought the Duke Of Syndesia package for 2,500. Now, he can't even claim a city either, lol. Gonna be some pissed off people if they decide to come into the game from this moment.
€450• Start the game as Governor of one of the towns of any planet
• Name the town you’re governing
• Permanent stone statue placed in the center of the town commemorating you -
RE: Question was answered.
@Fi I didn't see the response from him. However, I'm only going off of things said from long before. I would be more than happy for no more wipes EVER. Who wants to start over again? But I remember this from well before those statements made a month ago. I didn't just pull this shit outta thin air for troll purposes. I'm glad there is no wipe, so there it is then.