can we say foundation points?

Best posts made by TekNicTerror
RE: Disappointed.
So what it really boils down to is that you're complaining about the fact you didn't fully check up on a game before paying for it? Or is it that fact that you'll actually have to wait to get to play since you'll only get to help test in the beta?
Point one is clearly your own fault.
Point two.... well you are very likely not the only one who has to wait for the beta to get to play any... and I don't see anyone else bytching and moaning about it. -
RE: Will guilds always be racially locked ?
I believe so, but there's nothing stopping players from pretty much making the same guild on each race/planet and doing pretty much the same things on each side.
The real question is if people make a guild on humans called ABC, can there be also be a guild named ABC on the beastmen and/or demon planets.
RE: The decision for public vs citizens-only crafting stations should be made by Governors, not Dynamight
I feel it is a stupid idea for the cities to be open (unless the governor is allowing it if the players are given the choice) for everyone to just come into and use the shops and crafting stations.
It's a slap in the face of the city citizens (whether they're all in the same guild or not) who worked, and will work, to build and rank up the city and then some people who never helped with the city just come in and start crafting just cause they want to or that city's crafting stations are the closest or highest about.
Not to mention there are toxic players who will just waste time in safe zones and run their mouths off non-stop in the chats. I do not know about you, but I do not like ignoring people and I generally end up turning off local, global, and other chats not to see that crap. This stuff should not be allowed to happen in player cities.
Latest posts made by TekNicTerror
RE: Possible change to raids
I have not been in a city raid lately, but if they made it if there it no equipment/gear loss on death in one; then that is actually a good thing. It will bring more players into them as they will be willing to use whatever gear they have without fear of losing it.
If that puts a damper on the full loot pvpers, too damn bad, raid pvp and normal or general pvp shouldn't be considered to be dealt with the same way.
All I can say is that if people do not need more than one set of gear saved up to replace lost gear, more people will do raids; me included (I have not been in one since I have not been playing the game for awhile, so therefore I am not even evenly equiped with most other players or have all the skills/talent points as them as well). Not to mention people would more than likely bring their best or better gears to them, which would bring more interesting battles in raids.
RE: Citizens, Farming, and trust.
My permissions idea may be complex, but it would also give freedom to all the cities to name the roles with permissions. Governor, Lt. Governor, and Citizen could be renamed however the city's founder leader wants. Maybe someone would rather the title be Mayor instead of Governor? Or even King? Who knows. Maybe some founder would like to call the lowest role Peasants instead of Citizens?
RE: Citizens, Farming, and trust.
Activity logs would really help out players.
Regardless if activity logs are done. Cities need to have more then Gov, Lt Gov, and Citizen roles. There needs to be some sort of city permissions list, something like: who can accept new citizens, who can place new buildings, who can place plots, who can spent/change research points, who can use forges, who can use smelters, who can use tubs, who can use any crafting station, and who can use farm plots. And with such permissions, a normal citizen could also have the "farmer" role and be trusted to deal with the cities farm plots. Along with trusted crafters who'd have access to the crafting stations.
RE: Glyph and Re-downloading Fractured?
I don't think you get the meaning..... if you end up deleting the fractured files for whatever reason, why are you (or anyone else for that matter) going to redownload them now when there is no test running (at the given moment of course)? It doesn't even matter if there is a question or not if the game's launcher will be changing or not, why is it anyone would need to redownload it right away?
RE: carrying capacity for non-STR chars
Con also effects carrying weight last time I saw..
RE: Glyph and Re-downloading Fractured?
How bout just not downloading it right away genius?