I find it fascinating that, with two planets wide open for PvP action, it seems vitally imperative to some folks to ensure that their PvP action pushes whatever boundary @Prometheus & the devs might decide to set up.
I personally think that the devs have done a really cool thing in Fractured by creating a world where those who dont' dig PvP can play against the environment, or travel to other parts of the game for a more controlled PvP experience, or create another toon to fight with.
I also think it's really cool that the devs have set up some stiff barriers to violent incursions, to ensure the enjoyment of the game by those who have chosen that environment over the 2 (count'em TWO) planets where PvP is just fine and dandy.
This is, obviously, the cue for anyone who hates any kind of limitation on their prerogatives to debate the need for/desirability of those barriers, and look for ways around them, instead of playing on their own f'ing TWO PLANETS.
Can you tell how I feel about that? Here's some emojis

I can't tell folks how to play, or what to want, but I would ask y'all to consider being mindful of what will attract/repel others. I don't think I'm the only one who invested in this game because I would be able to enjoy PvE w/o getting attacked by people who have spent LOTS of time getting big and bad. If I want to fight other players, I can go to another planet anytime.
Pushing the boundaries on Arboreus, simply for the sake of doing so, has the potential to fubar Fractured's whole basic concept. I like Fractured's whole basic concept very much.