Power Gap Struggles
@d3Sync said in Power Gap Struggles:
@Shivashanti said in Power Gap Struggles:
Why is there that much concern about solo players with solo parcells not beeing able to craft anything?
Well sorry i meant everything of course, not anything. And still i don't see a big problem like some of you solo players mentioned. You can taste the cake but don't get it all, it's like in every other mmo, you don't have access to everything as a solo player.
@d3Sync said in Power Gap Struggles:
I think you can let go to that tiny piece of pie. You don't need it. It won't affect the game negatively if you do. I'm only suggesting small concessions. Not the whole pie.
If we're using a pie analogy, look at it this way:
The nodes are wholesale
The city trade post is a retail store
Solo players are consumersConsumers don't buy directly from wholesale, they buy from retail. They can't go to wholesale stores that provide to WalMart and buy their product for cheaper than WalMart sells it for. They go to WalMart.
The items ARE available for you, the wholesale and raw material isn't.
So yes, you can buy your pie. You can't buy your wheat, apples, and sugar though.
@Manaia said in Power Gap Struggles:
@d3Sync said in Power Gap Struggles:
I think you can let go to that tiny piece of pie. You don't need it. It won't affect the game negatively if you do. I'm only suggesting small concessions. Not the whole pie.
If we're using a pie analogy, look at it this way:
The nodes are wholesale
The city trade post is a retail store
Solo players are consumersConsumers don't buy directly from wholesale, they buy from retail. They can't go to wholesale stores that provide to WalMart and buy their product for cheaper than WalMart sells it for. They go to WalMart.
The items ARE available for you, the wholesale and raw material isn't.
So yes, you can buy your pie. You can't buy your wheat, apples, and sugar though.If we are going to continue the analogy in real world. One person could ideally go take a pickaxe and smack on a rock and find minerals. They could then take those back home and refine them on a small scale and sell them on etsy. They can't even purchase those materials at a cheaper cost from a market and make it themselves because the only place-able benches don't include making armor or weapons. In the real world, people can make real weapons at home with equipment that is affordable. So logically, and realistically, the system is flawed and nonsensical in Fractured. It's a gamey system for one, and it turns a whole player set away too. Unnecessarily I think.
Crafting takes longer. Harvesting takes longer. Refining takes longer. One person has significantly less money than a city. Everything is already stacked against them. Allow them to make some things. Toss them a bone. They will never be able to compete on the market with a city. But they can make a few coins for the work that they can achieve. It's a supplement to the economy. And ultimately, it's a choice. A chance. Give me the downside of it. I've given multiple reasons to consider it. I don't think the city game play will be changed because of it. You could even restrict a solo craft to one profession. So you'd have to specialize to craft a work bench at home. But the option doesn't exist. Give those people an option. That's all I'm saying.
You know you can use the normal workbenches at every city? Just not the advanced ones.
@Shivashanti said in Power Gap Struggles:
You know you can use the normal workbenches at every city? Just not the advanced ones.
Do you realize that you just provided an excellent point as to why it should be okay to have them in your house.
I understand that you don't agree. But I don't understand why you can't discuss the points I'm making.
I've always had a nitpick with "Solo" players in MMO games.
Current testing phase "2.X.0" is meant for the roll out of Guilds, Town government, and PvP.
So currently the games no set for solo play at all.Legends getting KP-Pages. they are gated to lucky groups who can kill the bosses when it spawns at random times. After what the Pages can be traded and sold. so at some point a solo player might get their hands on such items.
As for towns, the permissions are far from done.
- Mining rights
- house renting (not needing citizenship)
- guild werehouses in other player towns
- Player Shops
- a bunch of other buildings
- you can use bench's at the correct shop, these will be taxed one day. so it might be best to rent your own shop later when the game allows it. Also I should point out THIS is why you can't have your own bench inside your house. Benches are tied to shops.
The merchant's will likely be solo players while bigger guilds are pushing frontline content- complaining because your solo and can't kill the Dragon just sounds silly.
Its MMO.
Playing solo should be viable, but can never be (nor should it be) on eqaul footing as playing in organized groups.
That doesnt even make any sense whatsoever.
You want to get ahead? Find friends, cooperate. Simple as that.
I couldnt post this yesterday
the forums went down but here it is.
Ok to start of i think it is important to understand that we are in an alpha, we are here to test the game and not to "play" as it were. I get it that everyone wants to MAXIMISE everything but i spend most of my time messing around with stuff trying to see if i can break it in some way. Or checking how things interact with each-other. With that in mind i think the current player experience is night and day of what I expect it to be in a released state.
Now to go over what you said. I actually dont think i misconstrued what you said rather im questioning what you define as progression and reaching end game. What people consider progress, and how they set goals is different from player to player. In fact i think that we can both agree that cities need to be more accessible to randoms and newcomers, and this is exactly what i wanted to highlight with the need for more permission options in cities.
Again i think that making work benches available to the public for a fee (some amount of gold or maybe a barter of some kind) would be a great way for towns to attract more people.To look at the stuff you specifically highlighted:
A reasonable path to 80% of character abilities. Which may include access to most base abilities, outside of special mobs that are too difficult for a small group.
Im pretty sure you can already do this, unless you are determined to play a certain spec and never change your spells any creature can be countered at the current time. I can see some problems maybe with some tougher ones but 80% should be doable even then.
A reasonable path to 80% of possible knowledge points. This should be everything outside of special mobs that are too difficult for a small group, which includes city content.
Again much like the previouse point this is completely doable ... frankly i would say that at the moment anyone solo or otherwise can achieve both a 100% in skills and knowledge points. It will take you a while, and you will need to create setups to combat the different abilities the creatures have but its doable.
The thing everyone is concerned about here is the Legends, but i think things like this need to exist to keep everyone interested not just the solos/small groups.Now for the part where i have to disagree.
The ability to craft every basic armor set in the game. Meaning, the base armor set of light, medium and heavy. Which would require the ability to craft work benches at your home.
The ability to harvest anything, outside of nodes. This would require !rare! high level harvest-able nodes in the open world. City nodes would still be incredibly important.
I do not think that an individual should be able to craft anything past the basics in their own home. The way the game is structured right now there are very few armor sets to craft, and the complexity comes down to the material you want to craft them out of. Thinking about it I would like to know what exactly you would want to be able to craft in your home in the current build. Where do you draw the line and why !? Should everyone be able to craft weapons and armor from some basic material (one that gives +0 bonuses) ... maybe but then the materials come in question.
When you speak about the harvesting outside of nodes I guess you are specifically speaking about the ore at the moment. Since there is not really any resource that you cant harvest outside a node apart from those at the moment. This is where I have to heavily disagree with you because if these "rare" were so rare that the big groups were not concerned about them it means that it would be an incredible grind to pile up enough of them as a solo, and on the other hand if they were not SO rare then the big companies would themselves camp those resources to pad their own numbers.
To finish of i would like to again say that there needs to be a focus on pulling everyone into cities, and in order for that to be a thing there needs to be more permission options (and probably a detailed log of what is going on in the city, who is taking things out of smelters/storage and who is crafting what etc).
@vedran625 said in Power Gap Struggles:
I couldnt post this yesterday
the forums went down but here it is.
Ok to start of i think it is important to understand that we are in an alpha, we are here to test the game and not to "play" as it were. I get it that everyone wants to MAXIMISE everything but i spend most of my time messing around with stuff trying to see if i can break it in some way. Or checking how things interact with each-other. With that in mind i think the current player experience is night and day of what I expect it to be in a released state.
Now to go over what you said. I actually dont think i misconstrued what you said rather im questioning what you define as progression and reaching end game. What people consider progress, and how they set goals is different from player to player. In fact i think that we can both agree that cities need to be more accessible to randoms and newcomers, and this is exactly what i wanted to highlight with the need for more permission options in cities.
Again i think that making work benches available to the public for a fee (some amount of gold or maybe a barter of some kind) would be a great way for towns to attract more people.To look at the stuff you specifically highlighted:
A reasonable path to 80% of character abilities. Which may include access to most base abilities, outside of special mobs that are too difficult for a small group.
Im pretty sure you can already do this, unless you are determined to play a certain spec and never change your spells any creature can be countered at the current time. I can see some problems maybe with some tougher ones but 80% should be doable even then.
A reasonable path to 80% of possible knowledge points. This should be everything outside of special mobs that are too difficult for a small group, which includes city content.
Again much like the previouse point this is completely doable ... frankly i would say that at the moment anyone solo or otherwise can achieve both a 100% in skills and knowledge points. It will take you a while, and you will need to create setups to combat the different abilities the creatures have but its doable.
The thing everyone is concerned about here is the Legends, but i think things like this need to exist to keep everyone interested not just the solos/small groups.Now for the part where i have to disagree.
The ability to craft every basic armor set in the game. Meaning, the base armor set of light, medium and heavy. Which would require the ability to craft work benches at your home.
The ability to harvest anything, outside of nodes. This would require !rare! high level harvest-able nodes in the open world. City nodes would still be incredibly important.
I do not think that an individual should be able to craft anything past the basics in their own home. The way the game is structured right now there are very few armor sets to craft, and the complexity comes down to the material you want to craft them out of. Thinking about it I would like to know what exactly you would want to be able to craft in your home in the current build. Where do you draw the line and why !? Should everyone be able to craft weapons and armor from some basic material (one that gives +0 bonuses) ... maybe but then the materials come in question.
When you speak about the harvesting outside of nodes I guess you are specifically speaking about the ore at the moment. Since there is not really any resource that you cant harvest outside a node apart from those at the moment. This is where I have to heavily disagree with you because if these "rare" were so rare that the big groups were not concerned about them it means that it would be an incredible grind to pile up enough of them as a solo, and on the other hand if they were not SO rare then the big companies would themselves camp those resources to pad their own numbers.
To finish of i would like to again say that there needs to be a focus on pulling everyone into cities, and in order for that to be a thing there needs to be more permission options (and probably a detailed log of what is going on in the city, who is taking things out of smelters/storage and who is crafting what etc).
Alright. So when thinking about this, as a solo player, you need to consider the mindset of one. They don't like anyone carrying them along. Often times, these people only have a friend or two that play. Or they don't have any. So I feel that they need a reason to interact, as it's just not in their nature.
Currently, the only thing they can do is create charcoal, harvest stone and plants, and create hide. The problem is that only one of those things is actually valuable to a city. Well, for the most part, it's enchanting resources. I'm worried that eventually, even that profession will be taken away from the solo player, as I've heard that tanning tubs once were place-able in housing plots, but no longer are. Perhaps leather working table as well? Not sure.
What is the incentive to go to a city? Game mechanic? I feel like that's a very poor way to design a game, when you're trying to convince people to play AND stay. There must be a way to give solo's more of a natural progression to push them towards city life in a way that doesn't feel forced. Where simply playing the game as it is, would naturally guide the player to cities.
Solo players have no bridge in my opinion. They can't become group players. The gap is too large. Their natural play sessions will be short. The life of their desired path is shallow. It includes the tutorial, some exploration to find a horse, grinding 1000 gold to buy a plot, and building their home. Then, they are left wondering what they could possibly do. Perhaps joining a city or guild is too much of a leap for them. At least right now. So how do you nudge these people in the right direction? This is definitely an alpha. And there will be a few other activities that could prolong this. But not many in my opinion, and not for long. A lot of them are group based. And the issues that most affect solo players will still remain.
Not allowing them to craft anything valuable. Not allowing them to harvest anything valuable, outside of enchantment reagents. Not allowing them to refine anything valuable. So what is the draw to cities? Hell, what is the point of a house? Just extra storage and a place to respec? No vendors, and will there even be any long term? This isn't even so much as a cry for representation for solo players. It's a highlight to a very shallow early game that forces players into decisions artificially.
I'll try and define my idea of basic materials. One step above primitive clothing that is done in your inventory. Not just hide and cloth. It would also include refining basic leathers and crafting basic leather armors. Refining basic alloys and crafting basic metal armors. So in terms of workbenches, I'd propose that non-citizens could have a basic smithy and smelter. A basic tanning tub and leatherwork bench. So on and so forth. The cities would have access to advanced workbenches. They would make all of the special alloys and leathers. Similarly, enchanting tables would stay, but not advanced ones. They would be in cities. That's the sort of way I'd like to see things play out. If you do that, you'd give these players the natural reason to take the crafts they've made into the cities for trade. Right now, the only reason is because the game tells you that you have to, or you can't progress. Or, you must grind your heart away to purchase gear to make your character more powerful. Which is fine. That's part of the economy. But it shouldn't be the sole reason. I believe this anti-solo mindset is creating a gate to content that isn't necessary.
Then, obviously, if you're going to let players refine, then you must allow them to harvest. I'll toss out an easy number, for the sake of conversation. On average, every 10 stone nodes that you mine, you'll get a random non-stone block. Of those non-stone resources, they'll have varying chances to drop as well. Including gems. This would at least give these players a chance to get something of value. And while it may not supplement the economy in a meaningful way, in terms of city needs, it may just be another bridge to convince solo players to interact in a natural way, without feeling forced. It will give them something valuable to barter with, as rags won't cut it. Weave all of these basic materials into common items, such as housing decorations, non-combat clothing, trinkets, weapons and armor, capes, etc. It would create a sort of sub-economy with the average player that wouldn't particularly effect the city economies. It's that sort of complexity that keeps people playing the game. Being able to sell the things they find, because they have value. We already know that charcoal isn't going to cut it for higher level alloys anyways. So even if they needed coal for something, they likely can't craft it with a basic bench, and even if they could, they'd have to go barter for coal in order to get it anyways. But, maybe they'd find JUST enough in those rare drops occasionally to create something valuable.
I think there are too many people trying to defend the city life idea. And too little people actually considering the downside of neglecting an entire play-style. I'd love to think that you're right about the game playing completely differently when it is closer to full launch. But I don't have that information. I can only tell you what my experience has been sans group/city play. I was done in three days. And I've had people tell me that I'm slow. That should send alarm bells off in every direction for the community and the developers. There may be hundreds of hours of city/guild play to experience. But getting to that point is the issue here.
@d3Sync said in Power Gap Struggles:
I'll try and define my idea of basic materials. One step above primitive clothing that is done in your inventory. Not just hide and cloth. It would also include refining basic leathers and crafting basic leather armors. Refining basic alloys and crafting basic metal armors. So in terms of workbenches, I'd propose that non-citizens could have a basic smithy and smelter. A basic tanning tub and leatherwork bench. So on and so forth. The cities would have access to advanced workbenches. They would make all of the special alloys and leathers. Similarly, enchanting tables would stay, but not advanced ones. They would be in cities. That's the sort of way I'd like to see things play out. If you do that, you'd give these players the natural reason to take the crafts they've made into the cities for trade. Right now, the only reason is because the game tells you that you have to, or you can't progress. Or, you must grind your heart away to purchase gear to make your character more powerful. Which is fine. That's part of the economy. But it shouldn't be the sole reason. I believe this anti-solo mindset is creating a gate to content that isn't necessary.
Then, obviously, if you're going to let players refine, then you must allow them to harvest. I'll toss out an easy number, for the sake of conversation. On average, every 10 stone nodes that you mine, you'll get a random non-stone block. Of those non-stone resources, they'll have varying chances to drop as well. Including gems. This would at least give these players a chance to get something of value. And while it may not supplement the economy in a meaningful way, in terms of city needs, it may just be another bridge to convince solo players to interact in a natural way, without feeling forced. It will give them something valuable to barter with, as rags won't cut it. Weave all of these basic materials into common items, such as housing decorations, non-combat clothing, trinkets, weapons and armor, capes, etc. It would create a sort of sub-economy with the average player that wouldn't particularly effect the city economies. It's that sort of complexity that keeps people playing the game. Being able to sell the things they find, because they have value. We already know that charcoal isn't going to cut it for higher level alloys anyways. So even if they needed coal for something, they likely can't craft it with a basic bench, and even if they could, they'd have to go barter for coal in order to get it anyways. But, maybe they'd find JUST enough in those rare drops occasionally to create something valuable.I like that definition and it is very fair I would say. Again I would prefer to have these kind of crafting stations and smelters as a feature that cities can make available to solos for a small fee (just to keep it private so no stealing is involved from anyone). However I completely understand your argument as to wanting more random stuff for the solo to do.
Currently I would say Enchanting mats are not really going to get you anywhere, in fact very little will if you are trying to trade with an active city ... the reason being is that most of us have made at least 1 other character which we dragged around getting KP which means we gathered a bunch of the Enchanting mats and gems (although i still dont understand what the plan is with all the chipped and damaged ones). Same goes for any and all leather ... i have thrown all my basic leather away since like day 2 because we had like 2 chests full of the stuff ready to be processed and it never seemed to go down.
The issue I see with this idea (the random stuff coming out of stone nodes) is that this same mechanic would apply to all the rocks the guilds/cities are hitting. Which would in itself devalue everything you are collecting in this way (except the most rare of stuff like flawless gems and/or certain ores). In this case my concern would be that the big groups might be incentive to go smack every rock looking for that rare thing and then we go back to the problem i mentioned before that you are forced out.
The way I think it should work is that the smaller groups, or god forbid a group of randoms, should look to attract solos to their city in order to create a small self feeding community. There are plenty of issues in this as well (like who gets dibs on the first metal stuff ... etc etc). BUT, this is the only way I see things going smoothly. Just because you are a part of the city does not mean you are not playing solo ... we have randoms (that occasionally shit the bed) in our city and we get a long grand atm.
Personally my concerns for this game are more related to how the game will play out between the different worlds. But that is probably a different topic entirely.
Not to go on forever again I would like to point to Life is Feudal and how that game worked out for solos ... or rather how it didn't. Frankly if you played that game solo I feel bad for you why would you do this to yourself. This might seem like a seg-way but what I wanted to say is that there doesn't always need to be a clear solo track in a game, maybe you should be forced to INTERACT in this MMO SANDBOX ...
PSS: I think that if the markets actually worked as intended (this being a player/guild issue as well) and solos just accepted that they might not find the ore themselves but would have to go and buy it after collecting some cash.
PSSS!: Sry again
but to make a note of why I think the game will play out differently, its highly linked to pvp. In a purely PvE setting I would love to go crazy city builder and pull in as many random bobs as possible and see how long it all lasts before the entire city catches on fire. BUT in the more pvp orientated environments you are going to see groups/guilds ,even those random groups of people that have come together just to survive vs those groups, focus on generating stockpiles and basic sets that are going to be used by those "core defenders" in the case of shit hitting the fan. This might not sit well for some solos since they are of the mindset "i mined it its my ore" well ... I get you but I'm sorry you are just wrong. I can feel the anger of those random solos even now but I'm sorry you just are. In a situation where we (guild, group or otherwise) must defend something then the first ppl that should be armed are those that are experienced and always around. Eventually everything becomes accessible, and if it is taking to long THERE is your opportunity to jump in and try and fix the problem, and if its not working thats all good move on ... I have seen plenty of big guilds die and lose to attrition as their PvP guys get lazy to farm and the PvE guys get tired of enabling them....
@vedran625 forced to INTERACT should never be together with MMO SANDBOX......
@grofire said in Power Gap Struggles:
@vedran625 forced to INTERACT should never be together with MMO SANDBOX......
Well if we are never forced to interact then i see no reason for it to be an MMO
. If we are all going to be just boats passing in the mist doing our own thing there really is no difference to just playing a Single-player game and there are plenty of great RPGs and sandbox builders with survival elements.
Multiplayer games need to create reasons and environments for people to compete in a healthy setting ... just look at the last season of Atlas nobody wanted to PvP on land no matter what basically.
And it also doesn't have to be 100% forced but some incentive goes a long way. I really dont understand why you want to FORCE solo play in an MMO
@vedran625 im not sure where are you from, but its probably a dark place where people do only what they forced to do...
i guess you never heard about free will in this dark totalitarian.
let me explain that for you, if you will not force people to do stuff, some will choose to do stuff with other players, on their own free will, because they want to.
and now that you understand this new concept, free will, you can see that im not "FORCING solo play in an MMO" as in your words, only ALLOWING to the one who choose it, to do it.
your welcome.
SO FAR the devs focused on the clan/party content. It doesn't mean we'll never have solo content, but we don't have it yet.
@grofire said in Power Gap Struggles:
@vedran625 im not sure where are you from, but its probably a dark place where people do only what they forced to do...
i guess you never heard about free will in this dark totalitarian.
let me explain that for you, if you will not force people to do stuff, some will choose to do stuff with other players, on their own free will, because they want to.
and now that you understand this new concept, free will, you can see that im not "FORCING solo play in an MMO" as in your words, only ALLOWING to the one who choose it, to do it.
your welcome.Well for someone who claims to understand free will you seem to think that the game should also tailor itself to you. Nothing you have said in this makes me think you have a genuine solution to the problem.
The game is not FORCING you to do anything, and it is your choice to play as you will. The fact that you perceive it as punishing you for your choice is another matter entirely ... and I completely agree with you there it is punishing and slow to play this game (and games like it) solo.
It seems to me like so many people dont value groups in this argument. Playing as a group is difficult even for those who enjoy doing it. Organizing people, getting people to work together on a focused goal etc etc. Not to mention all the drama that comes with you know PEOPLE.
If you are so insistant on playing solo and NEVER interacting then why not just play a single player game? I mean there are loads of options out there that are way better than this with all the stuff ... horses, crafting, magic, mele, ranged ... I dont get this obsession with having the playing-field be equal when it is NEVER EVER THE CASE. No matter what you do, no matter how you balance it the big boys are going to find a method of bending it to their benefit. And when they inevitably do the same people are going to come out and cry about it some more not realizing that they are just perpetuating the cycle.
With the way the game is setup right now the main gateway is for crafting, and is mostly related to the crafting of METAL gear. Yes I understand that the light leather armor requires processed leather, but maybe just maybe you could ask some nice city dwelling hobbit to trade you some in exchange for the raw material. If they dont want to maybe you can offer the some other stuff, or perhaps they might even be selling some (ideally they would be selling). All the mage armor is up for grabs and the mage staffs need city crafting benches but again you could probably trade for one of the less desirable staffs if you have one of the more desirable flawless crystals.
What you mr @grofire as many people today seem to be misinterpreting is that the outcome of whatever it is you choose to do should be equivalent to that of what others (even groups it seems) do.
So thanks but no thanks you can keep your sterile explanation to yourself.
I think the problem here is "expectations" of what the game actually is. The problem is that the devs did indeed say "solo" play available, however they are clearly not going that route to the "extent" that some of the "solo" players are envisioning. From the way the game is being designed, I just can not see the devs ever allowing a "pure" solo experience (nor do I care to see that in any MMO), however, if you are part of a community then you will be able to go "solo" at times because the community will have given you what you need in order to do so.
This game is quite clearly CITY dependant, which means it will definitely be "community" dependant. Even if they did sprinkle non-city controlled nodes around, true solo players will still not be able to do much because the citizens of near-by cities will farm those spots and if its contested which it most definitely will be then a solo player has no chance in winning against the vast mobs that will be storming there.
I keep hearing the same complaints about allowing "PURE" soloism and the devs have definitely answered with "not gonna happen". However, for those who wish to play SOLO but don't mind being PART of a community, those players will thrive as they will have the ability to obtain everything they wish for and they should be allowed to. The devs have made this possible, they have made it so that a citizen of a city does not have to live within that city, there are mobs that are easily killed by a solo player, and a player can make the things that they need to survive off of the environment. But a player can not thrive in any measure of the word unless they are willing to be a part of a community.
@vedran625 said in Power Gap Struggles:
With the way the game is setup right now the main gateway is for crafting, and is mostly related to the crafting of METAL gear. Yes I understand that the light leather armor requires processed leather, but maybe just maybe you could ask some nice city dwelling hobbit to trade you some in exchange for the raw material. If they dont want to maybe you can offer the some other stuff, or perhaps they might even be selling some (ideally they would be selling). All the mage armor is up for grabs and the mage staffs need city crafting benches but again you could probably trade for one of the less desirable staffs if you have one of the more desirable flawless crystals.
lol a new player that come 23 days ago, explain to me 2.5 years on this game and forum what this game should be? go to sleep boy, i know better then you what this game was all about, and BTW im already in the biggest guild in the game, we have 3 different cities.
the road you try to take us, is the same of AO, a bad game that will deter solo and new players from playing it.i will not response to you anymore, i have no interest to talk to a blind foolish child.
@grofire said in Power Gap Struggles:
@vedran625 said in Power Gap Struggles:
With the way the game is setup right now the main gateway is for crafting, and is mostly related to the crafting of METAL gear. Yes I understand that the light leather armor requires processed leather, but maybe just maybe you could ask some nice city dwelling hobbit to trade you some in exchange for the raw material. If they dont want to maybe you can offer the some other stuff, or perhaps they might even be selling some (ideally they would be selling). All the mage armor is up for grabs and the mage staffs need city crafting benches but again you could probably trade for one of the less desirable staffs if you have one of the more desirable flawless crystals.
lol a new player that come 23 days ago, explain to me 2.5 years on this game and forum what this game should be? go to sleep boy, i know better then you what this game was all about, and BTW im already in the biggest guild in the game, we have 3 different cities.
the road you try to take us, is the same of AO, a bad game that will deter solo and new players from playing it.i will not response to you anymore, i have no interest to talk to a blind foolish child.
Please dont your comments have been more than useless, and sorry for waking you from your nap grandpa if i wanted to be ridiculed and called names I would have trolled the shit out of this forum ages ago. But i see no substance to any of your posts except to call people wrong, you provide no solution that makes sens.
You claim to be in a big guild that owns 3 cities .... and !? You want a medal, oh master of the universe. My god your ego is so pathetic, get over-yourself.
I can only judge a game on what I have experienced, and the rather common reaction I have seen in games is that people cry the second you change something in their precious play cycle.
So until you have something actual constructive to say please do refrain from posting here.
K thnx and bye !
Game shouldn't force people into anything.
Game should simply offer content of different difficulty, and danger setting, and then people will naturally flock to being organised to embark into that specific content.
Full loot PvP zones will naturally incentivize people to organize to protect themselves.
Sieges will not be possible if solo player comes and attacks the city. Well I guess he could, but that will not end up too well for him. xD
Various other content in Fractured MMO will be extremely hard, or outright impossible for solo player, to do alone. So I see no problem here. Fractured is looking good so far.