Roadmap To Alpha 2 - Test 4
Hi everyone!
Alpha 2 – Test 3 is officially ending on Wednesday, August 19 – about 1 month since its inception, and the time has come to reveal the road ahead.
Just like at the end of Alpha 2 – Test 2, we’ve decided to once again release the roadmap earlier than we used to. This is likely going to become the new standard, since we know how hungry you are for news.
Enjoy Fractured!
Very cool!
Some questions:
- Is one resource node the maximum a city can have?
- Some of the nodes appeared to have double names (silver/gold). Does that mean one node can have multiple resource types?
- Is the quantity of resources gatherable from a node infinite? Are there any restrictions at all (say, X total resources gathered per hour)?
- Is there a cap on citizens who can gather from a city's node in parallel?
- Can unclaimed nodes be gathered by anyone?
- Can cereals be harvested any other way than nodes?
- Are the vegetables, meat, and gold required for city upkeep what we gather in the wild?
- Can gold gathered from a gold node be used for upkeep?
Also, it occurs to me that if there's no reliable way other than resource nodes to meet the cereal upkeep requirement, and if there can only be one node connected per city, that will probably push most cities to being cereal producers.
Founding a city that doesn't have a cereal node will be a huge risk, since you can be starved into destruction simply by no one trading with you. All other nodes are "would-be-nices" in comparison, and only bigger guilds will realistically be able to found cities to exploit those nodes.
In short, non-cereal cities will be extensions of cereal cities. That seems imbalanced.
@Roccandil said in Roadmap To Alpha 2 - Test 4:
Is one resource node the maximum a city can have?
Some of the nodes appeared to have double names (silver/gold). Does that mean one node can have multiple resource types?
Is the quantity of resources gatherable from a node infinite? Are there any restrictions at all (say, X total resources gathered per hour)?
Is there a cap on citizens who can gather from a city's node in parallel?
Can unclaimed nodes be gathered by anyone?
Can cereals be harvested any other way than nodes?
Are the vegetables, meat, and gold required for city upkeep what we gather in the wild?
Can gold gathered from a gold node be used for upkeep?- For now it's only 1, in the future there will be more than 1 node connected to each city (besides a few exceptions) and ways to get more than 1.
- Yes.
- Resources in nodes work like existing resources. Once you gather them they deplete and you have to wait for them to grow back.
- Nope.
- No one.
- Yes, you can make cultivations in regular city territory but they're way less productive (and take away space in the city territory - space matters a lot).
- Vegetables can be cultivated, meat and gold are gathered in the wild.
- We are exploring the possibility of cities being able to use gold to create coin, but it's just speculation for now
Really exciting stuff! I'm especially looking forward to having a mount to explore the world with.
I noticed that the list of weapons made by the blacksmith didn't include anything for mages, so wonder, - are the staffs we can make now will be the final iteration of mage gear?
- will T2 enchantments become available in the next test?
It's been fun to play in the new cities during A2T3
On to working on winning a key for A2T4!
Thanks for the answers!
Some more questions:
- Can a city meet upkeep via cultivations?
- More precisely, are you planning to allow a max-level large city the option to meet cereal upkeep by dedicating space to cultivation?
- What about a max-level small city?
- Oh, and I keep forgetting: does a large city get more from its nodes than a small city?
- And while I'm thinking about it, will we get cultivations at the same time as cereal upkeep requirements?
- And river transport/docks, will that ever be a thing? (would be awesome if you could transport more goods via navigable rivers than roads!)
As to the gold upkeep requirement, the gold economy currently feels bizarre, since the source for it is humanoid monsters, and the sinks are entirely abstract (who's actually receiving the gold for an unclaimed wilderness house or city plot? ghosts of the past residents?
To be honest, I think a knowledge requirement would make more sense for founding houses/cities. And a barter economy might be cool.
(A player-made currency economy might be even cooler!
To build a house, you must first KNOW how to build a house. To build a city..... you must first have played Sim City!!!
What’s enticing me the most? You mean I have to choose one thing?
To start with, the horses not only mean faster travel but since they can be wounded it adds a level of interest to the game that is missing in so many others.
Will there be armor for the horses?
Will there be saddlebags?
If so, when your horse dies does it lose its items?Can’t wait for those wagons! Will we be able to place small items inside or only logs and large stone like the hand carts?
Thank you, thank you for mini-map pins and direct trading! These will make playing so much less frustrating and so much more enjoyable! The improvements to cities are very exciting as they offer me many new and continuous ways to contribute. I also get better armor and weapons, happy dance!
A ton to review....excellent.
Governors will really have to look at placement this upcoming test.
That's a lot of features planned for the next test. I hope we'll get a little more insight into the resource nodes so we have a better idea which town spots are better.
This post is deleted!
That is a lot to look forward too. Keep it up !
Sounds pretty cool!
I'm looking forward to that test and hope you manage to accomplish Trolls, even though I know it's a low priority item
The need for maintenance is certainly going to skew the way people act and hand out slots in a city, I'm eager to see that develop!
To build a city you should think like city :3
Yaaaas! My vote is for the pet system
Very nice spotlight!
Also thanks Prometheus for answering extra questions.
Here's to looking for an impactful test 4. I'm quite surprised that we are looking at an October launch for it too.
Hopefully there isn't an issue with chest creation inside a blacksmith like there was for the magic shop.
I had a blast with the limited content. Looking forward to more content
All looks good. As for the ones that we would like to see in the next round. I think we should do the first iteration of the city tech tree and the ability leveling. I think it would go better with letting us know how to better handle building and maintaining a city. So to have the tech tree to go with it will get better test results towards the city management side of things.
Really looking forward to testing the manufacturing and the city upkeep! This might make me want to test the governorship! I wasn't able to this last test