The Fractured Pre-Alpha Is Coming!


    @lohen the issue is the favoritism, i have been in enough games to see it happens all over, it start in choosing someone over just because you like his posts better, and then it grow to hearing only a select few of players, no matter, how much your game go down.
    good example will the the "round table" in Albion, a selected few that the developers listen only to them, drove the game to the ground but made a few players happy.

    and you can look on it in a different view, the developers don't really know the players, they just know how much did they contributed to this community, and how they know??? they know by how rank the player is, how many weekly's he won, how much he published the game, and how much he was active in forum, all that is in the rank. its true that some was active in the past but now they not, but its easy to check it.
    and you can't say one will be better tester then other since you do not know the people... i for example worked in this filed in the past, for several years, done QA for games and big server, but no one ask that...
    im rank 20, and it was fine by me to to not get first wave since only 10 got it, but if someone lowered rank got it, then i ask why? why would someone that is active same as me, just little bit less got in front of me, and if its favoritism, then it make me worry.


    @grofire there are several lists in Fractured I guess.

    Leader board list is only one of them. There is also post number list, where you can see how many posts someone has made. There is also star list which shows how many people liked particular players posts.

    Then there are also other factors, how much some players engaged in some drama on forums, then consideration how well they post overall. And then there are certainly other factors that devs consider that we may not be aware of.

    Point is, you can not only look leader board, as this is surely only one of the multiple factors in selection. 🙂

  • Wiki Editor

    @grofire to be honest, what you would do, if you want to start with a dozen people but you have to chose between 100?
    Nothing can be „fair“ in this case, it is always a hard choice and you will alwas find someone who thinks it is not fair.
    The Devs have chosed the dozen about they think it is good to start with and they still said they are sorry about them who have to wait.
    And they also said, the Top 100 will be in Pre for sure, just in waves, they never stated, the first wave will be the first 10.

    I would suggest to change your point of view and think about how you would handle it.

    And i am quite sure, the first ones will eliminate the worst bugs, so be happy to get a better Pre, when you can join them.


    true @Gothix

    if they especially wrote, that some people weren't consider trustworthy enough we can assume it were the place around 2 - 11
    thats pretty close because i am 12th
    and i dont think i contributed as much as many of those over my ranking

    especially Kralith, tulukaruk and 00 did so much here in the forum
    muker on place 12 contributed so freaking much here as well

    if its these players the devs did the best choice they could!

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @lohen Agreed. Besides i don't know why there would be jealousy in such a limited testing phase anyways. Nothing is carrying over and everything is apt to change.


    The selection could also be a random function on the top 100 list... No need to worry. Be patient that's all.


    I'm raising a concern, non of the things you said changed my mind, several list @Gothix ? Any one can write stuff that people like, or write a lot of nonsense post all over forum. What is fair @Kralith ? taking the 10 active by rank, people that spend much time in publish the game. And no it doesn't matter if after 2 weeks there will be more people in, this way is definitely not fair, and speaks a lot on how a company consider her players.

    Any case I do not care getting in to the pre or not, my idea of the game had changed a lot in the past 2 month, this decision just make it stronger.

    I have the founder pack, I fought to upgrade after the pre, just to make sure I like the game, I think I will stay in what I have now, and hope that in 2 years the game will be how I fought it should be in the start and not how I feel it going now.

    Any case, I do not want to talk about this anymore, I will not reply in this post anymore, good night all, and hope u have fun.


    good night sleep tight

    but running away in an argument is a little cowardly 😛

  • Wiki Editor

    @grofire there is was no question by me about what is fair, i tried to show you some way out of your grumbling mood.
    What exactly got you last 2 months? That Devs was not speaking much. Honestly, they had hard 2 months to get all managed and get it ready for all of us. What exactly is your Problem?

    And no, a Pre Alpha is never the question about fairness, it is the question about how they can do their business at best way.

    What you expect from Pre Alpha? Just to see, if you want to stay committed or want to move on?
    That is not the goal of an Pre Alpha, not even close to an goal of it!

    The Pre is not made for you and your decision, it is made for getting a game into the next state.

    Think about this.
    If you want to continue complaining, then the Devs did the right choice not to chose you! Yes, that sounds hard, but life is not just candies.

    Just my 2 cents.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    Wow, do u guys know if someone already did a gameplay of Pre-Alpha?

  • Moderator

    @ryatsuga The NDA prohibits such thing.

  • TF#5 - LEGATE

    What a pity! I am very curious!

  • Looking at all those posts and topics are getting me excited. Good times ahead everyone!


    I see some people missing their foundation ranking, does that mean those are selected as a special 10? or just a glitch in the matrix?

  • Moderator

    @evolgrinz If you saw some people disappear from the the top 100, it's because some people had their alt accounts detached from their main accounts.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @grofire I'm 8 in ranking, and I'm not in the first wave, so it's sure a lower rank than me is in it. But I know I'll be in it in some days, so I just have to wait, I'm not complaining. Yes maybe they took some people that that they think they could be more valuable than others to start. But I suppose only because they was sure. I don't think devs will start to do favoritism, they always wanted to satisfy everybody, and it would be a mistake to begin to do favoritism. For me, it's just a random pick, some got luck, others not. In all the case you'll have the access, you just have to wait a bit more.


    @esher if you right then all good, but in my eyes it's hard to defend this decision.
    i see many like @Kralith said that since i have complained, its good they didn't choose me, in my eyes, this is what is wrong in the gaming industry, developers punish people that complain, and do not take their words in mind... this how game lose players. this is favoritism. the developers favor people that just says like them, and not by objective assessment(by rank for example).
    maybe you right and in this is not favoritism, maybe they choose people that talked to them in discored and they know they hardcore QA that can check the base game core, maybe, i hope this is the case.
    but since no one told us why some been choose above other, with no apparent reason, im am raising the red flag of favoritism, in the hope that if the developers sees it, they will take that in mind.

  • TF#10 - CONSUL

    @grofire I agree that it could possibly be something with favortism, but I remain in the camp of needing pretty solid evidence to get outraged on it. I certainly won't badmouth anyone for complaining about it.

    At the same time, I will note that unless our identities are tied to our online presence AND there is strict law enforcement around any problem behaviors... such things will be. That's the internet of today. It's not a good thing, although the other way is also not a good thing (there may be some middle balance, but in general government always take that too far).

    As to nobody saying why some have been chosen above others, there was a developer post that they selected people they felt would be most helpful. That's not very detailed, of course. So you may find it isn't enough, and that's fine.

    I believe a large part of why they are not saying more is an effort to maintain the integrity of the NDA. Those are typically a problem spot with leaks for many studios, and the more they reveal identities of people already going, the more pressure those people will get for leaks. That's just a hypothesis on my end as to why they might not have given more information about their selections and process, so don't take it as fact (I'm just offering something that seems logical to me).


    @jairone i agree. im not even complaining since im only rank 20, i wasn't supposed to be in first wave, and i hope you all right its just an issue of who will help the most in this part.
    but i seen this happens once, twice, again and again, AO was supposed to be the new cool thing 3 years ago when i played it, and it was amazing for a while, but then the favoritism came, and slowly, every patch we seen that the developers stop listening to most players, and only listening to the "round table", and now its a shit game with about 3k people playing it.
    i like the idea of fractured, i think it can be the best new MMORPG around, but i started to see some old behavior from the developers, im might be wrong, i hope im wrong, but it all seems so similar, they started to change stuff base on 1 player opinion, they speak less with the community on forum, and starting to go to less popular channels like discored and so on...


    @grofire ok this is totally not to annoy you or discredit you in any way
    its a good thing you care so much about fractured that you try to discuss problematic topics

    but you made a fuss out of nothing concrete
    its still about the first few players and even if they took one player who isnt even in the top100 ranking ... its not my business or your business
    if the devs think its useful to use only italians as starters then its their choice
    of course can we talk about it
    so like the fact that the cultural context is limited with this choice etc
    but in the end we can just make proposals

    i hope you get the point im trying to show

    the pre alpha is not made for the public and so its obvious the choice for the devs
    every ranking board is exploitable and so everytime its some kind of favoritism

    and there is a big difference in critics
    you only flamed the devs for favoritism without trying to make a good point
    it was just a mimimimi about "im not in so i hope no one under my rank is in as well"
    thats not helpful in any kind
    and for that comment its a hard but valid point that its the right decision to exclude you from the start

    try to comment in a constructive way
    like you have a bad premonition about the course like AO chose
    thats a totally valid point you made
    and maybe the devs will think about it

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