Will this game feature a main storyline?
I ask cause storylines are great but not very fun if you miss out on them... Guild wars 2 has been a game I play off and on and it sucks to log on and see you have missed content.
I hope this game doesn't have content that you can miss...
@azraelius Fractured won't have quest-based main storyline.
@specter said in Storyline?:
@azraelius Fractured won't have quest-based main storyline.
No story at all? Or just not an quest-based one?
@brocki Fractured will obviously have lore, but no ingame quests (other than divine quests) to go with it.
I guess the lore gives us the frame in that we will walk.
Sandbox games mostly don't need a strong Main Story, since the story will be created by player.
But to get story out of Knowledge we discover would be great.
A bit like unhiding secrets of Elysium to use it for our brand new stories of new settlements and guild path that we create.
Like "Once upon the time of Elysium there was a big well..." -> Guild of Guardians of the well of neverending life will protect it to death.
I would love to see a library building down the line.
When you discover some knowledge bout the mobs or the world, you would go to library and now you would have unlocked access to new book to read, with more info and lore about what you discovered.
Kind of extra reward for discovering new knowledge.
Most of the time a good story in a game is as important as the gameplay for me.
But if there is a well written lore you can discover in the game, like "What happened?" or "Why did this happen?" not just for the planets, for interesting locations as well, i'm ok with that.
@gothix said in Storyline?:
I would love to see a library building down the line.
When you discover some knowledge bout the mobs or the world, you would go to library and now you would have unlocked access to new book to read, with more info and lore about what you discovered.
Kind of extra reward for discovering new knowledge.
@gothix I like this idea ! Good one !
Yeah big fan of reading and collecting books in game and reading about lore and creatures in the game...
Makes sense with sandbox not to have a main story quest... Divine quests will be cool. But wouldn't mind a few quests here and there, just please no grindy ones
@gothix said in Storyline?:
I would love to see a library building down the line.
When you discover some knowledge bout the mobs or the world, you would go to library and now you would have unlocked access to new book to read, with more info and lore about what you discovered.
Kind of extra reward for discovering new knowledge.
The newest God of War had a similar system in which there was a journal in which additional info on enemies, places, and history could be found. I personally found it really fun to go through these.
This would be a good idea, assuming that the devs have someone who can write these in an interesting way. It would especially be good for creatures; I think people with the Creator pledge and higher can make their own creatures. It would be cool to also be able to add a short description or backstory about the creatures you make.
Warframe has a system where you scan enemies to unlock their entries in a database that gives you info about them. Some of these entries, when unlocked, come with a lore snippet. Fractured will have a bestiary that serves a similar function to Warframe's enemy database, and it could also be a way to have some small bits of lore.
storyline good. missing bad. makes me sad.
@althalus said in Storyline?:
storyline good. missing bad. makes me sad.
i'm sure the story will be presented in other ways. this is a pvp game above most things.
@wolfkomodo46 said in Storyline?:
It would especially be good for creatures
It would be good for Gothix as well.
I volontier to write my own entry.
Or maybe the player must fill the library himself, and he must write notes about what he saw or found, not necessarily the game that add it for you.
Yes yes, every player should be able to write his own "lore", add it to one library, so future players can read about the accomplishments and adventures of previoues players. Good Idea
It seems like its going to be something more in-line with EVE when it comes to story. This is exciting being that those who play the game ultimately become part of the lore. The only concerning aspect is my actual life may suffer while I try to take my place among those who become apart of the lore.
@crowdac Admit it thou it will be totally worth it.
@lovechildbell that it shall.
But my wife will not be pleased.
In this game we make our own story and the players make the world story. By our actions the rulers of towns will be decided, the zones aestethic will be everchanging, the world it self will be "made" at our image