what do you like to see next from the developers?
@jahlon Prometheus hasn't had much time yet to work on news due to the vacation and Gamescom. With that said, more updates are coming.
I have no ETA though.
@specter said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
(...)I have no ETA though(...)
'(...)Once most backers have filled the survey, we’re going to integrate your pledge in your Fractured account! That’s likely going to happen around August 13-15.(...)
Once the bureaucratic stuff is done, we’ll release the store, coupled with a small website update. That should be in a few days hopefully!(...)'Not that great of a start. I wonder why software developers have a tendency to underestimate problems they could encounter. It's far better to
Sorry for being so silent these last couple weeks - I've been doing a lot of dev jobs to speed things up towards Alpha 1 and haven't paid enough attention to you all!
Let's address your suggestions one by one!
@savvym said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
I would like to see their store working
The store is ready, but we're waiting to release it until we have a new development journal to be published at the same time. We're really close now though!
@zidroc said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
I want an official trailer
We're going to release one right before Alpha 1 begins. Some short video content before that too hopefully, @jozef
@target said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
I really want to know more about the gear system, like what kind of stats can we expect on items and how your armor choice will influence your build. I keep seeing the sentiment that because gear progression is almost purely horizontal that "gear doesn't matter", and I'd like to be able to point to something concrete to prove that isn't true.
Gear definitely matters, but not in the "vertical" way (aside from survival/primitive gear - such as stone weapons and hide armors that are objectively weaker). It matters the "horizontal" way - it's situational, there's better and worse gear according to how you've designed your character and what are the enemies you're going to face.
I agree it's not so obvious to "believe" things will actually play out this way, so I'm surely going to write a spotlight on the types of armor and weapons we'll have in Alpha 1 and their pros / cons.
@therippyone said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
I want to see a bit more about how stats actually translate into effects - how more strength translates into more damage, how badly under 10 stats nerf you, What It All Means, M~A~N~! XD
We've actually just defined the "final" balancing numbers little ago, implementing all of that in this Sprint. Could be a good topic for the spotlight as well, although it'd be a very "nerdy" one. In the meantime, check out this spotlight if you haven't already! @Jarek @TheRippyOne @suruq
@Ladyrowan @Jetah @Genobee we've roughly outlined in this update what's going to be the focus for Alpha 1. Making a really detailed roadmap for Alpha 1 - Test 1 would take a while and we believe it's better to focus on feature spotlights and/or content already developed at this point
@Cinnao religions are going to be implemented quite further down the line, so the spotlight will do as well, I'm afraid.
Thank you for the update
@prometheus cool, thanks for the update
@Prometheus Thanks!
@prometheus Much appreciated! I've holding off on doing more adverts until the shop was ready, so there'd be somewhere to send people.
I appreciate the link to Feature 5 - however, I already did a topic in response to it, working out stat arrays. https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/5940/character-creation-ideal-build-analysis-and-discussion-of-initial-attribute-builds/47 XD Yes, as you said, NERDY! XD but I am that sort of nerd XD (there are a couple of other stat posts around, too)
Most of all, I'd like to get deeper into the malus' and the differences - The extra negatives from being under 10 in a stat are a major balancing factor.
There are also several discussions about whether Intelligence is the king stat, because we know it's malus is so bad that non-Intelligence based builds have to take a 10 in it anyways, but the wizards not only get mastery in all 8 schools, as compared to the 4 or 5 non-magic schools, and excellent mana regen (A resource everyone benefits from), but does not have an apparent similar concern about having an "under 10" elsewhere that will hurt them as significantly.
@prometheus said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
@Cinnao religions are going to be implemented quite further down the line, so the spotlight will do as well, I'm afraid.
Can we have atheism as a choice pls? Different god religinon gives you different types of boosts and Atheism giving you boost to intellect or something like that. You know, not being a sheep.
I know that would interfere with current game design. I'm just tired of having to follow some god in every MMO out there. Screw gods and anyone else who thinks he is "above" someone else.
@gothix said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
@prometheus said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
@Cinnao religions are going to be implemented quite further down the line, so the spotlight will do as well, I'm afraid.
Can we have atheism as a choice pls? Different god religinon gives you different types of boosts and Atheism giving you boost to intellect or something like that. You know, not being a sheep.
I know that would interfere with current game design. I'm just tired of having to follow some god in every MMO out there. Screw gods and anyone else who thinks he is "above" someone else.
how about no boost at all. afterall you aren't following a god to be granted a buff..
@jetah Agree, I see a God and it's followers as an exchange of goods and services... "Hey god(s), I have all this faith here, you wanna trade some of them buffs for it?"..
@jetah said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
how about no boost at all. afterall you aren't following a god to be granted a buff..
But not following a god means you are not a weak brainwashed sheep. You are smart and intelligent, so INT boost seems appropriate.
@gothix and yet the gods in this verse are very real and can probably reduce you to atoms. hmmmm unsmart, maybe retarded... so INT debuff, or vaporization whatever the god's pleasure
@gothix There is also a god of intellect slated, which makes the suggested atheist bonus a little awkward.
While I have no opinion on the matter of including atheists, I might instead suggest that these rugged individuals, who ask for no help from the deities, receive a bonus to resisting ailments - a life spent fending for yourself makes you hearty, vigorous, and unlikely to fall to natural maladies and inflicted mesmerism?
Or a buff to charisma.
You bow your head to noone, not even "gods". Your personality is strong and you see every living being as equal. There are no "gods" just a different species perhaps more advanced ones but none more valuable than other. None that deserves being bowed to.
Seeing world as this built up your personality and you gained respect of others. This boosts your charisma by some amount.
@gothix said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
You bow your head to noone, not even "gods". Your personality is strong and you see every living being as equal. There are no "gods" just a different species perhaps more advanced ones but none more valuable than other. None that deserves being bowed to.
And then you take up divination to talk shit.
@target said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
@gothix said in what do you like to see next from the developers?:
You bow your head to noone, not even "gods". Your personality is strong and you see every living being as equal. There are no "gods" just a different species perhaps more advanced ones but none more valuable than other. None that deserves being bowed to.
And then you take up divination to talk shit.
I could entirely see Gothix taking divination explicitly to trash talk deities. not sure that would be a wise action, but I could see them doing it XD