Not enough slots


    The number of slots really sucks.
    The higher ur int the higher the memory the more abilities u can use - in theory only though since the slots are limited to 8. so basicially 7 skills + bandages.

    This makes the memory really pointless. ESO did the same, limited the slots too much thanks to publishing for consoles. In my opinion this makes mmos really bad.
    The limit for using abilities should be a players skill, not the UI. This makes games just more noobish

  • Wiki Editor

    It's by design so you have to be more "strategic" when choosing your skills.


    This makes zero sense. You have to be strategic with your int attribute and your memory- this makes the whole int/memory thing just pointless.
    Same for the 16 slot drop-down menue. what is the point of it ?

    So why developing all that when in the end neither int nor memory counts- but just the UI ?

    To me this looks just like a console-UI, which makes mmos worthless


    Since Fractured is currently not developing for console, afaik, I don't think that's the reason. I too believe that the current slot amounts are really slim.

    This does not even have much to do with the actual abilities, but as @Tyrgrim pointed out, most players probably have bandages quick slotted. I'm confident there will be more tinctures of some sort in the future (mana regen, other short term buffs, antidotes, etc.) that would ultimately want to live in a quickslot. Especially since we need the mouse to move. So opening an inventory, while moving and using a potion is not necessarily an option either.

    I highly hope they are just not there with their UI yet and will add more slots coming up.



    I mean. Its not super effective mid fight but you can absolutely switch out spells faster if you have the memeory to learn more at one time then meeding a fire to change and then STILL have the 10 second cd.


    @AlejoTheBear but even that appears to be just added hassle which could be avoided with additional slots right? Memory itself seems to be the limiting factor to not allow a I-can-do-it-all character. I don't think quickslot numbers are needed in addition. That just appears as an inconvenience over a limiting game feature.


    @kellewic Now I want to and can automate the battle with opponents by writing 1 macro. I will press 1 button and wait. I will need to press and hold the mouse button and press the skills in a circle. The fight feels very bad right now.


    More slots would be nice. Maybe have separate slots for bandages and herbal remedies?


    Just My Opinion! all Trolls please move along.

    I feel the Slots available are perfect for end game balance. Games like WoW and other MMO's that allow a "Billion" slots and "Bar Swapping" makes it hard to balance anything. Now keep in mind my opinion here.

    Making Players limited to a small group of presets and having to build and choose based on encounter helps the balance.


    @Wika said in Not enough slots:

    Just My Opinion! all Trolls please move along.

    I feel the Slots available are perfect for end game balance. Games like WoW and other MMO's that allow a "Billion" slots and "Bar Swapping" makes it hard to balance anything. Now keep in mind my opinion here.

    Making Players limited to a small group of presets and having to build and choose based on encounter helps the balance.

    ^ This ^

  • TF#3 - ENVOY

    @Wika said in Not enough slots:

    Making Players limited to a small group of presets and having to build and choose based on encounter helps the balance.

    I disagree completely. Limiting players to only having 8 skills (or 7 + bandages) regardless of the memory stat restricts players from experimenting with their builds by having most of those slots taken up by "must have" skills. It encourages "brute force" builds that only rely on a small number of skills while discouraging support or combo-based builds that often require a large number of skills in order to be flexible or achieve a specific combo.

    If there is going to be a limiting factor on the number of skills that can be slotted, it should be Memory exclusively. We should not be limited by what we can physically fit on hotbars.


    @Kriptini this is the way of old school. You must either choose full support roll. Full Tank Melee Role. Full Mage role. No room to have duel specs. Its Old way of business.


    @Wika well...true old school mmo would be having 30+ slots and skills....


    @Wika I totally agree. It's great to HAVE 40 skills but we should only be allowed to USE 6-8 at a time. (and maybe 4 more for utilities) This makes the game MUCH more strategic.

    If you can slot 20 skills then everyone has the same 12-15 "main" skills, the meta is born, and we're all the same. We can all tank, cast, melee, heal, cc, etc..

    Limiting the skills to 6 or so makes you choose smartly, and decide what kind of character you are. You can't "do everything"... you are forced to choose to be a support character, tank, caster, off-healer etc.. It makes group creation VERY interesting and strategic too.

    I don't like MMOS where everyone can learn everything, do everything, be everything. I prefer to have to choose or reroll. Heck, I'd prefer to have something like 160 skills broken into 8 sets of 20, and when you start you choose 3 sets and that's it.

    I hope when they add crafting trees you can only pick 1 or 2 as well.



    @Znick but isn't that exactly what the Memory points do? They do limit you to like 8 skills or so regardless of available slots and make you choose needed abilities for your build carefully.

    I feel like the slot limit is really just adding inconvenience and not limitation.

    I can certainly agree with you on the dislike of MMOs where everyone does everything and no specialization is needed. Just not sure we need a slot limitation for that.



    @Silynx Memory really only inconveniences low int builds (so anyone who picks gladiator preset atm and doesn't edit it.) Don't like the concept of memory at all. Was not a fan of it in divinity either.


    Just adding my 1.5 cents here but I do agree with the limited slots option we currently have. I think it makes it more interesting to have to strategically spec out your presets for specific purposes. I have a PvE, PvP crowd control, and a PvP ganking preset, as well as my "RUN" preset that specs the quickest method I know to get from point A to B in this world at the moment, I.E. Frenzy, teleport, shadow step and other skills to get me where I need to go and avoid most of the mobs that would otherwise slow me down.

    Not that I've actually used my PvP presets yet, but once I kill like 10 more Ghouls and 1 more Warg, I will either do some more PvP or try my hand at governorship. As I won't have anything more to learn in the game.

  • Also guys don´t forget that Fractured should have MOBA style gameplay. Most mobas have 4 abilities, only LoL has 6. Fractured has 8. If you´re not able to build your archetype from 8 abilities and ton of passive talents, you´re doing it wrong.


    @asspirin said in Not enough slots:

    Also guys don´t forget that Fractured should have MOBA style gameplay. Most mobas have 4 abilities, only LoL has 6. Fractured has 8. If you´re not able to build your archetype from 8 abilities and ton of passive talents, you´re doing it wrong.

    no, its not a MOBA style game... its an MMORPG sandbox, that can have very large battles with many participant, that can take long time, and 8 slot might be too few of a skill slots.


    8 slots is enough to define a single playstyle and means build will be diverse. If i had unlimited slots I would triple focus every build and nuke everything even as a tank. However, i think the game should choose to either use Memory for number of slots OR just use 8 slots.

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