Your news posting states that '(...)Dynamight retains ownership of the IP and creative control over Fractured Online(...)', but MGI's financial report claims '(...)Gamigo has acquired the worldwide IP rights for PC and console(...)'. Given that intentional misinformation towards shareholders in a financial report has serious legal consequences, which of these statements is correct and would you be willing to sign a legally binding contract with your customers (us) that assures us DS retains full and sole ownership of worldwide IP?
What are the constraints to financial support in the contract with Gamigo? Is there a time limit, is there a concrete investment, does it permit seeking outside funding? To be more concrete, what happens if Gamigo decides the game's to be released now and simply cuts the money for development. That would mean a considerable dent in 'creative control', right?
Would you be willing to include a paragraph into the ToS of purchasing a pledge package that grants the customer a full refund at any time, in case that the game goes free to play? Since you don't plan to change the monetization model, this should be a non issue and would help mitigate a lot of peoples worries.

Best posts made by Logain
RE: Gamigo Publishing Deal Q&A - List Your Questions!
RE: Relaunch Pretest Start Day Revealed
@Prometheus said in Relaunch Pretest Start Day Revealed:
(...)a time-limited test(...)
Could you please clarify this paragraph of the announcement:
'(...)After reviewing user feedback, following up on it and further tuning client and server performance (if needed), Fractured Online will be back 24/7, with no more wipes planned. Thatโs going to be the proper relaunch(...)'Is the game going to launch/be persistent without the following items:
- Tartaros/Demons
- Wolf/Bear-Kin
- Religion (including the quests for transformation)
- Democratic voting system for Arboreus
- @OlivePit's weed, sorry, I meant 'third crops' and weather affecting harvest
- Kickstarter rewards (VIP, Carpenter, name reservation, blueprints, character slots)
- interactive environment
- Steam
I am worried that several of these points alienate a part of the community (e.g. PvP players would be 'forced' to either start on Syndesia, leading to issues with their desired playstyle, or wait till month after launch where others have a massive head-start with the now tilted vertical progression), have a serious impact on balance/progress (e.g. city upkeep and city voting would mean you build something and suddenly loose it later on due to changed circumstances), or were used as incentive to generate revenue (name reservation/character slots/VIP) and could lead to disappointment.
Furthermore, could you please update us on the promised AMA, the video(s) and a new roadmap?
And last, but not least, as always, thank you for your time and effort.
[Edit: Included Steam on the list, since I'm sure persistence without being on Steam first would lead to rather negative feedback/reviews. Yes, Steam users could play through the custom launcher, but they decided to buy the game via Steam for a reason]
RE: New Quest Rewards Needed (Forums)
I'd rather they spend their time on developing a great game, especially scoring well on the upcoming stress test is going to be crucial. When there's less urgent issues during Beta, sure, they could devote some time and effort to adding a couple more rewards.
RE: Extra races on Syndesia
Shouldn't all of that be discussed in about 2-4 years when the core game is finished, released, works successfully and a list of next features to implement is compiled and evaluated? The risk of feature creep in software development is real.
RE: Statement on the Gamigo-rumors
@Yitra said in Statement on the Gamigo-rumors:
(...)If Dynamight is ready and able to share, I like to see a message of them(...)
Which is why this thread was created, to raise their awareness of the situation and to get a response by the only people knowing what's really happening.
I'm glad that SpatialOS is spawning a lot of innovative games lately and I'm certainly going to keep an eye on Fractured MMO. For all we know right now, my favorite race would likely be the Wolf-Kin if I manage to find enough like minded people to be in a proper pack
Then again, the Bear-Kin and the Hart-Kin would have a certain appeal as well as the 'basic good old human'.
And that's it for now! (More to come later, depending on how things develop) -
RE: gamigo Data Transfer
@PricelessShingle54 said in gamigo Data Transfer:
@Crucifixx not necessarily... idk man lets see what happens
Yeah, as a very first step to instill confidence, a publisher, that has a seriously bad reputation with the gaming community, chooses to remove the protection granted by EU law and instead move the data and jurisdiction to the United States. If you don't want your rights to be be removed and your data to be sold, tough luck, no refunds for you.
But this move is certainly required to 'operate the game', because, yeah well... because! -
RE: Fractured Kickstarter - I pledged post!
I'm backer number 123 and currently went with early bird Recruit (20 โฌ), but consider going up early bird Patron (90 โฌ). I simply haven't decided yet.
RE: Any germans here
There are a couple of German players, I'm sure some of them are going to invite you to 'German speaking groups'. So, welcome to Fractured, and I hope you're going to enjoy your time here!
RE: Funding
@VyrVandalous said in Funding:
(...)I personally think they should be over the 2-3 million Euro point by now(...)
The company does have investors and 'other means of funding'. While I agree that the Kickstarter should have raised more money, I suppose that once we hit Alpha 1/2 and some videos of actual gameplay hit the net, we're going to see a higher influx of paying customers.
@VyrVandalous said in Funding:
(...) think options such as Auctions and some more pay options should be included here in the game in order to ensure it's long term survival.
You have some cosmetics and a VIP subscription that you can purchase for a steady income to the company.
RE: Give us Attribute Resets please
@Jetah said in Give us Attribute Resets please:
(...)people will like the aesthetics of certain sub-race but the play style may change. changing the attributes allows for the person to keep the aesthetics they want and get a playstyle they want.
again, i'm not even sure where you brought up race as the discussion isn't about that.
Because, as @Yitra and I pointed out, race has far more impact in Fractured than 'aesthetics'? Different race comes with different attributes. The whole point and argumentation in this thread is that people can't be bothered to create more than one character and should be allowed to change their attributes to always have the perfect attribute distribution for the build they want to play with currently. Now, if you are stuck with your race, even if you would be allowed to redistribute your attributes and you could not change your race as well, you'd still be in the same 'bad' position you are now and would have to create a new character, since you still wouldn't have achieved the goal you wanted, to have the best possible attribute distribution for a new build.
Statement on the Gamigo-rumors
Sorry to ping you @Prometheus, but there's rumors (and discussions on the discord) going around concerning an MMO teased by Gamigo. Given the 'reputation' of said company, it would be great if you could provide at least a quick 'No, we're not partnered with them' statement, if this isn't the company you teased and never announced. That'd put the rumors to end before there might be potential harm for Dynamight Studios.
RE: Gathered Feedback: Restrict buyers to only lowest cost items
That could get a bit tricky with something like equipment, where there's a large amount of factors (durability, material, enchants,...).
A system like this could be either misleading to some players (if you can actually buy the more expansive weapon, but not the more expansive reagent), or hamper trade/progression for 'advanced' players who know and value the difference these stats provide.And if you would want to prevent RMT, you'd have to restrict trading between players and allowing others to access your chests, which could be a tough restriction for city sieges, where you want to equip people in order for them to defend you.
As for accidentally purchasing the more expansive item, I agree, a confirmation dialog would be nice, hinting to the fact that there is a less expansive. but similar item, asking if you are sure that you want to purchase this one.
Female armour
Any chance that you'd include the idea of 'female armor' in one of your design write-ups?
I tried to advertise the game to somebody who shrugged, replied it's 'bikini babes' and never came back. I kind of hope that the 'very open' female 'armor' we saw in the concept art so far isn't meant to be armor and that women wear real armor in the game, but it is tricky to advertise that. -
RE: Week 86 - Weekly Drawing Winners
Congratulations to all spammers, sorry, I meant winners!
May you keep posting and gaining points! -
RE: Haven't pledged? Want to upgrade, but not sure yet? Tell us why!
I was under a wrong assumption when you announced going for Kickstarter. I thought (yes, I know what they say about assuming something :p) you'd need the money to actually develop the project, but as you stated you're financially stable, I would have advised to delay deploying the Kickstarter to far after pre-alpha and to as late into the project as you can push it.
That said, I've currently backed at early bird Recruit (20โฌ, backer #123), because I am (unlike I first thought when reading your early spotlights) not your target audience and simply want to support your project for your great spirit and dedication. It's fine that I'm not your target audience and you shouldn't change that this late into development, so what I'm going to explain is a moot point, but it won't hurt if I go into detail on it either.
I was looking for a less 'limited' experience where players can moderate the community by themselves (all actions are possible, but have consequences that matter). An example of this would be Chronicles of Elyria, where I backed $175 (early bird Ursaphant rider) and would have gone higher if they had your 'working spirit' (I wish I could blend the two projects together
). I mention that project specifically, since I'm not sure the common analysis in this thread is entirely correct (the company behind that game is a fresh start, no name - had nothing to show and yet managed to get past $1.3 million with high cost tiers [$350, $175, $90, $50 for Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta 1, Beta 2 and $25 for the base game]).
I love that you're trying to make honest (and reasonable, based on your current progress) predictions about your game development schedule and your community interaction and willingness to address questions. However, I'm trying to 'vote with my money' (since other companies are following these kind of Kickstarters closely and are adjusting their projects accordingly), so I'll have to go with projects that are targeted at my desires in a direct competition.
RE: Infinite progression or hit the wall progression?
@evolgrinz said in Infinite progression or hit the wall progression?:
So when you got the meta build(s), what is the force in the game to make you want to keep playing?
In a sandbox, you're supposed to set your own goals. If that's leading a dominant vibrant town, being an infamous Demon raider, becoming a renowned merchant or whatever else you can imagine is entirely up to you.
As for the OP, you might find the knowledge system spotlight an interesting read.
RE: February 2020 Playtest Review
@Shadowkhan said in February 2020 Playtest Review:
(...)And main question is "why people should play in it?"(...)
Right now, there is no game to play, but an Alpha to test. That's why QA is normally a paid job. But players often want an 'early look' and this specific test was simply about numbers, namely, how many players can the server handle without issues.
@Shadowkhan said in February 2020 Playtest Review:
(...)code of fighting is bad(command response is slowed down (problem is not in ping))
I'm sorry, I have no clue what you mean, could you elaborate?
@Shadowkhan said in February 2020 Playtest Review:
You might want to create a separate posting with your feedback, where it won't derail the thread.
RE: ๐น๏ธ๐ซ๐ท๐ฆ๐จ๐น๐บ๐ท๐ช๐ฉ ๐ฒ๐ฎ๐ณ๐ฎ-๐ฌ๐ฆ๐ฒ๐ช
I would much rather they focus on the real game instead of spending resources on mini games. That's too close to feature creep in my humble opinion.
RE: Forum to Website
@Melizenn said in Forum to Website:
(...) It definitely wasn't obvious at first glance(...)
It certainly could be highlighted a bit, but I'd guess that developing the game is far higher priority right now