@Jimbolini @Kralith https://forum.fracturedmmo.com/topic/10142/my-opinion-about-stage-of-gamedev
I just was expecting to see at least one working component of the game on the public alpha test

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RE: February 2020 Playtest Review
My opinion about stage of gamedev.
I typed this post becouse meny of people told me "It just Alpha". So my thoughts about game and test disassembling step by step.
What is public Alpha test for my opinion and from my experiance: it's checing some part of gaymplay's mechanic, collectig information about lags/bugs and collecting gamars opinion about pieces of game.
It's mean that parts of gameplay that added on test is in some completed stage (idea of pieces of game show what develpers conceived, ofcourse with bugs). Process testing a game should be as interesting like playing in a game (sometimes it can be more inteeresting )) ).
Now back to the game.
Three Races, Three Gameplays
Universe, Planets And Travels
The Knowledge System
Skills & Spells Galore
Character Creation, Attributes And Resting
PvP, Alignment & Crime
Towns, Governors & Politics
From this Feature Spotlight i understud that main idea of game is EXPLORING BIG INTERESTING WORLD that developers provide to player. It comes from that we don't have a normal level system as in other games. Everything what we find can make us stronger.
What wee see on public Alpha: possibility create character, huge map for exploring, possibility get knowledge (without knowladge tree), possibility get new skills, crafting, fight system.
Just add that from public Alpha 1(fail) to public Alpha 2 was prowided huge job arout server stabiliti and fixing many bugs related to it.
Possibility create character: I don't have any comments on the alpha stage. Good anough.
Huge map for exploring : Here is first problem. It's the great that world is very big but this world is ampty. I spent 3
hour to explore the map and felt only boring.
Posibility get knowledge : no knowledge tree - for Alpha it don't need. But I'm sad by gamplay created around
knowladge system. "... Fractured is neither level-based nor skill-based, and strongly rejects
grinding in any form.". To get knowledge you just need kill beast X times, collect material X
times... If someone don't know IT'S GRIND. And the biggest problem is than I have NEVER
saw more "grinding game" than this. To kill one big monster (like bear) you need spend
several minutes. What about little bit larger monsters? Maybe - one hour. I think in future
developers add other way to get knowladge without grind but part to getting knowlange from
hunting stay the same.
Posibility get new skills : The same bear wich you need beat several minutes give you 5% knowladge, if I remember
right you need 80% to get second skill: 80%/5%*4min= 64... about 1 hour to get 2 simple skills
(very exciting, specially on a test that lasts for a limited time). I get several skills and saw
video in youtube, but haven't seen enithing interesting in all hundreds skills.
Crafting : Not bad, but for game wich have main option crafting, as for me, not anough. Firstly i didn't
find reason in differend Armor. You can craft one complect of each armor and it gives you
posibility to use different spells (no other effect that light armor give you better mobility or
somthing like this). And you need spend 18 hours to make leather armor on a test that lasts
for a limited time. Realy??? If you' DEVELOPERS, added to game 2 complects to differend
typse the same armors, weapons, potions, it would add new materials, make world not so
empty and repetitive. What reason to add enchantment to game I don't understand. It can rise
damage to 1-1.5% (as example). On bow wich damage 80 against bear it rise damage on 0.8.
And what about dagger - 22 damage and you rise it to 22.22 - ASOME. Enchantment it's
option without wich Alpha can't be realised. As I said - just adding several rare material would
make test more interesting. And about materials - everithing spaun on prepared place, in
game - no random system... that destroid ideas of exploring a world.
LAST. Fight system : It video from site fightings look more better than in game, that's create some confusing.
Character move very fast in this time command to attack is a very slowly. I think it's build by
scripts, very slow scripsts were moving have a highest priority. It force you to do fight on
place or keep a big distance from enemies and run after each bow, or magic attak (often
moving process disable atack). All my try combined attak using skill or spell and moving was
destroed by fighting system. One more problem for me was moving the camera. As I said
moving command have very fast reacting, enemies in the same way move fast anough, and
camera attached to the character. Any moving in fight create very big number of "missclick".
Maybe developers can look on, like it was realised in other game??? On Alpha present so
many numbers of skills (hundreds). And I have a question WHY? There no interesting skill,
fight lagged, to get any skill need spend many time. But main idea of Alpha is "WE HAVE A
MANY SKILLS". Maybe it better add several tenths skills, but make fight system more
interesting. Why not? Maybe it better make somthing small but in better way.So what we have: Empty world, empty craft system, not well done fight system, knowladge system not realised, player relationships not realised.
I was expecting to see at least one working component of the game on the public alpha test but didn't see.
Yes it just Alpha, but if no one components of finish game is not present on Alpha when it be realised? Maybe on BETA... so, as i understand fixing bugs will be realised after release... or release will transfer to several yers.
I don't understand why so many people happy after test. Becouse thay have posibility connect to server, or what?
Yes developer have done a huge job but this job doesn't complete in any aspects of game described by developers. -
RE: February 2020 Playtest Review
@Jimbolini Could you explein my please: What is Alpha test and witch game's mechanics should or can be tested on it?
RE: February 2020 Playtest Review
@Kralith Nope. I was on several alpha tests in different games. And I saw a main concept of game (idea) but here I see just empty page. If It's enough for you and you ready pay for it - Good luck.
If here is so many happy people I don't see reason describe wich problev, from my opinion, i see in game's mechanic. -
RE: February 2020 Playtest Review
So what can i said about test and game: I'm COMFUSED. Status of game in a terrible state? And main question is "why people should play in it?". From all aspects of game I didn't find anything positive.
Fight system:
"Bait" anemies is very uncomfortable becouse code of fighting is bad(command response is slowed down (problem is not in ping)).
Skills added to the game have no interesting mechanics.
Figh without "bait" (using magic or bow) is unreal boring. Bear have 2600 HP i deal about 22-30 dammage by dagger. Now question : How many times i should strike Bear to kill it? How much time it will spend? (borrrrrrrring)
To get new spell you need kill beasts X times (is someone tells about NO grind?)
Greate EMPY world. Nothing more....
I spent several hourse to find somthing interesting on map but nothing found.
Knowledge system:
"As you may know already from our homepage, progression on Fractured is neither level-based nor skill-based, and strongly rejects grinding in any form"
Find, interact with, or kill specific creatures.
Kill some specific creatures in a unique way.
Find, collect or refine some amount of a specific resource.
Consume X units of a specific item.
Be hit X times by a specific spell.
Perform a specific combat action X times.
Explore one or more world locations.
Rest in a specific location.
Craft X units of a specific item.
Die in a specific way."Someone please explain why this is not a grind???
as i saw on test it's VERY BORED grind.I know what many of you will say - it's just Alpha. If it's not interesting now, will it be interesting in future? Better do somthig small but interesting, and step by step made it larger, than create somthing big but from bad components and try somhow improve it.
RE: February 2020 Playtest Review
Ok. One more. How can I spend or use knowledges?
RE: February 2020 Playtest Review
Hi. Before I will type a my thing about test and game in general I want put a question. Who find a way to open new skills without fighting (killing a monster)? What it was?