one thing that's changed over the years is information. Back in UO we still were reading magazines to get our information about new games or any tips n tricks within them. Now we can hop on youtube and watch a walkthrough or visit the website that datamines to see new content before it's released. If you're having a problem with a quest, just read the comment section on that datamine site for the walkthrough (or watch the link to youtube).
We use to have hard decisions when building our character and we have no information to go on, just the description on the character or talent sheet. I remember picking a Fireball skill in Diablo 2 because it has the highest base damage. Eventually I used a character trainer to try the frost orb and then it dawned on me how different these spells are and that the description & numbers listed on the tooltip weren't explaining it all.
What had me log in UO and DAoC were my friends. I had no idea what I was doing back then so everything was new and exciting. It reminds me when I played Monopoly for the first few times. Now when I play Monopoly I can see who's going to win after 30-60 minutes.
I bought the CE of SWG but never played it. It had some interesting concepts. They wanted a world where pub dancers were needed and it allowed players to do something completely different in a game. It wanted to create an organic world where small professions had huge roles to play.
Now it seems the pace is hastened, the sense of adventure is gone. mobs aren't a threat unless you're in a dungeon or raid. Professions don't matter because gear drops are better in raids. PvP is instanced and a win can happen in less than 10 minutes. and you'll never lose gear because everything can be infinitely repaired.
Then the online bullies, aka trolls, entered the game created a toxic environment which pushed out many females and forces those that stay to 'have thick skin'. Right now this community is one of the better ones i've seen. We're still learning about the game, still speculating, still butting heads on points of view but we're having good conversation that should be building a good community. If there was a way to shun the trolls and keep them out then this could be the best community!