@fibs I'd prefer if the foundation rewards (at least those that currently exist) stay exclusive to the Foundation. I want to see people needing to be active on the forums to get those items posted.

Best posts made by Jetah
RE: Foundation Rewards Question
RE: PK punishment
it has 500k players and has seen steady growth over the past 10+ years. Clearly they're doing something right.
RE: Daily Quests?
i hope not. i hate having a job outside of having a job.
RE: I want to get excited but...
@finland there are people across the globe and to limit eclipse to once a day will piss people off. It has to be multiple times that adjust over a week so everyone has chance as joining in.
RE: I want a new MMO to play and saw a review on this game.
i've never seen the about section being about the game but it's usually there for the people behind the company.news is where the game information is unless there's a media section.
the game is in pre-alpha and mechanics can/will change (not to mention a huge NDA to access to the test).
leaderboards have nothing to do with how much you spend. the Foundation is how active you are on the forums (unless you just post in the daily post thread). -
RE: Player Run Cities and You
@darian said in Player Run Cities and You:
A public square where people can gather to debate politics and vote laws for the settlement. Perhaps elect mayors. With a post wall where you may leave a request for other players or a suggestion for the current administration. It could also be the place where celebrations take place or artists can publish their work.
Worksops: print house for newspapers, smith, carpenter's workshops, tailor workshops, mills, Stables, caravan stations (also functioning as a post office), Alchemy workshops, enchanting apparatuses, Training grounds, Library (you could be able to buy lvl 1 lore books, recipes or bestiaries from here)
My Tavern, of course!i don't see my dictatorship allowing you to debate politics though nor vote laws. i'll handle all that for you! just sit back and relax (while working of course because i need my taxes).
RE: Does Fractured plan to combat botting/gold sellers?
it was answered in that they plan on it but can't give details because it could compromise the system.
tartaros wont have them because of the full time pvp, human planet might have it because of the optional pvp, beast planet will be plagued.
RE: AFK activity in game ? (ex: fishing)
@zwiterion said in AFK activity in game ? (ex: fishing):
@finland Afk activity could be fun for exemple when you are at school or working, but BDO had his entire crafting system set like that and it was to much in my opinion. If there is afk activity it should not be the focus of the game but just some little side stuff.
how is an AFK activity fun when you aren't there playing the game? that's no different than using a bot.
RE: Where is the news of the next test phase...
progress on the port could have been mentioned a few times. i know it's impossible to give hard deadlines but even a few "the port is going great right now and we do expect to hit that estimated deadline" then it could have been followed by "well we hit a problem and we wont hit it." maybe add in a problem that they were having and how they fixed it.
even some of the content pills could have been prewritten (and scheduled to be released).
We haven't really had anything new to chat about in 4-5 months so we're getting on each others' nerves.
I dont believe we've had a deep crafting spotlight (or i missed it/forgotten about it). I'd even be ok with a spotlight on what DS looks for while we're testing. like the behind the scenes look at some data, metrics, bugs that exist in text but not in internal testing (unless it's an exploit), etc. -
RE: Future armor ideas
less 'less is more' armor and more 'more is more' armor. If Fractured has evening wear then i'm ok with shear and not enough coverage but combat armor should be armor or there had better be some really good explaining going on.
(maybe tone down the shoulder pads some) -
RE: Life leech on spells / enchants / buff abilities
@asspirin said in Life leech on spells / enchants / buff abilities:
@Razvan If i remember correctly, devs stated you can chain stuns... which is IMO broken as the first guy to land aoe stun in team vs team situation wins the fight for team (even if SAVES are taken into consideration).
if so that'll be the first thing complained about. it's always the first thing complained about and usually the hardest for devs to fix.
@Prometheus we need some combat specifics spotlights. some communications on game mechanics in more detail. -
Joining a Siege without being required to join the Guild.
While writing a reply to City Conquering done wrong in Albion thread, I had an idea on how individual people or groups or guilds could participate in castle sieges without the need to join the guild. Usually after the siege you see people leaving the guild.
Most games require you to join a guild to participate in a siege or defense. What's bad about this is you have to leave the guild you're in to join the other guild. What if there was a way that allowed a guild or group to help in a castle/city siege without needed to directly join the guild. What if there was a sub-guild feature that individuals could use. It would work similar to an Alliance but be temporary.
Lets say a castle is being sieged. The defending guild has 20 rl friends of which 10 can be on. A siege requires 50 so they're short 40. They make a post in town or other cities requesting Mercenaries to help defend their castle. Those that volunteer are enlisted as a side-guild (or sub-guild) so they can stay in their own guild. Now that the defense has 50 people they can defend their castle.
Lets say in the same siege the ones wanting to siege the castle have 40 and are short 10. They request the aid from @WhoAteTheCat's guild to assist in capturing the castle. Glims Mercenaries is able to assist and the 10 can join the siege without needing to leave their guild.
RE: Adding Camera Options?
@Penetrate said in Adding Camera Options?:
I would love a different camera angle. My neck cannot handle this looking from the sky. I prefer 1st person and a larger view area. By the time I see any enemies they are already within striking range. This may be a game killer for me.
sounds like ARPG genre isn't for you. this whole genre is around the idea of a static camera angle.
I want a sea expansion!
my idea for this is to allow the 'humans' to research it over the course of x months and the demons can 'steal' it during an invasion. of course the beastkin and humans would share it because they're buddies. One thing I loved about ArcheAge was the naval warfare, private boats and underwater exploration/farming.
It would be a great way to get the community involved in a pre-expansion event. boats could start off small and over the months grow so that we eventually have something similar to battleships (maybe battleships will take years). The first boat could be small like a skiff that seats 5. a frigate that seats 10, cruiser that seats 25. then the battleship that could hold 75. all of these would be sails at first then the humans could start building some steampunk style engines! (this could be another expansion)
I would have the captain of the boats be required to have a skill to use them. Rank 1 Captain skill would be for the skiff, Rank 2 is required for the Frigate and Rank 3 for the Cruiser! There would be no fires on the ship to swap out skills so if you would want to save the Captain at all cost. I'd put a hard limit of 2 players able to equip the Captain skill while on skiff or bigger boat.
When humans finally develop cannons small enough to place on Cruisers then players would need a Naval Combat skill slotted to use them. This skill could use distance as rank perks with accuracy.
- Skiffs are used mostly to haul people from Cruiser to shore, to save personal when the Cruiser is destroyed or to invade another ship. Skiffs are pretty small and can capside easily so using spells or ranged abilities aren't advised, however, there could be a skill that allows the use of bows and ranged spells.
- Frigates are a faster version of the Skiff. It could have a crows nest to gain a bonus to line of sight. Players on a Frigate can use abilities freely.
- Cruisers could have 1-2 skiffs stowed on the sides. Cruisers can have 2 cannons on each side of the ship. Maybe the Demon version would have 1 in bow, 1 each on port and starboard, 1 on the stern. I figure the Demons would be more aggressive, maybe forgo the stern cannon and place 2 on the bow. Naval Warfare would be required to the cannons.
These 3 tiers of boats could be released over the course of a year or two. While in development there would be some advances to allow all races to stay underwater for longer periods of time. Either spells that allow breathing, spells that create a bubble (it dissipates over time) or scuba gear is invented over the course of the expansion.
Coral could be used in new recipes or be an additive to old recipes (i hate recipe bloat, btw). seaweed could be used in new food recipes. pearls for jewelry and oysters, lobster and other sea creatures for food.
I did mention farming at the beginning! coral, oysters can be farmed. either underwater plots can exist or you just have to remember where you planted your stuff.
This expansion can open up water plots for bungalows similar to this. we could swim or use a personal single seater boat to access it.
RE: Question about builds
@Ostaff said in Question about builds:
Don't know if that particular part is still true, though it probably is I would think. what I do know, is that you really really really do NOT want your INT to be below 10. Since the power level and number of skills you are able to use are based off of INT, it will be important even for a dumb brute build.
that's one creative decision i dont like. a group of abilities should have a primary attribute that needs to be x digit or higher. IE a rogue playstyle/archtype should need dex (example) to slot all of their skills. a barbaria archtype should need strength. and etc. maybe have a few that requires two attributes.
putting it all into INT only strengthens casters.
RE: hint for logout
keep the character in the game world for 15 minutes after a DC or logout. this will prevent network unplugging.
Be Careful with Pay For Convenience, Please.
My point is that too much Pay for Convenience can be bad. While the image depicts children with school bags it could be replaced with nearly any video game avatar.
RE: Two Words On Reporting, Leaderboards & Pre-Alpha. I'm tired.
I have high hopes for this community, even though it's small compared to others. We have to be the people who don't converse with the toxic; we have to be the ones to click on that ignore and report; we have to be the ones to shun that toxic behavior.We have to be the change we've asked for in other communities.
RE: what do you like to see next from the developers?
90 day raod map would just be developing.it would be sweet to see some art dev's streaming something, some animation dev, sound effects dev's, etc. I loved it when Crowfall did it.
RE: What sets Fractired apart from other MMORPG’s?
i'd say a crappy weapon unless the abilities we get can be done without a weapon (which would be pretty sweet).i do like the minecraft system where you start with nothing and have to punch stuff to get materials then craft a tool to get more materials... etc.