that's the website, not the game service.
people were automating recruits.
that's the website, not the game service.
people were automating recruits.
1 min isn't enough. this is a sandbox game where death has meaning. if you know your logout is 15 minutes, you'll spend 14 minutes making your sure character is safe.
i don't want safe worlds. i would play wow if so.
we don't know of 5s is enough time to loot someone. it could be possible that bags can be placed in bags like happened in UO. i've heard of stories of it taking 5 minutes to open all the bags to get to good gear while the other bags had junk in them.
UO with some survival elements in it. but i played UO before the split of the pve/pvp realms so i'm not sure which iteration of UO you're referring to.
@grofire said in hint for logout:
@jetah have you played a game with logout timer? I did and I tell you 1 min is more then enough, it's never feel safe.
If looting someone taking 5 min that a bad gameplay design. It should take 5s so you can keep fighting.
games are now too easy and hold your hand too much. UO had the ability to put bags in bags to keep stuff safe or to organize them. if looting takes 5s then there's a problem.
@grofire said in hint for logout:
@gothix so you gonna wait 15 min looking on your char, doing nothing, nice game experience
yes, many games with pvp have a time where your client is at character select or it closed, and your character is still in the game world. This happens in Eve Online and WoW to name a few examples. a 15 minute timer doesn't mean you have to sit there waiting the 15 minutes to close the game or swap characters. it's the amount of time the model stays in the game world. i thought you knew although i could have explained it a little better.
@Fraxav said in Gifting pledge packs:
Thanks guys, appreciate the answers and idea. I would have liked to get them a pledge pack as a gift/surprise, so ideally they would not have to know or be part of the transaction. Hopefully they will consider setting up this option before the packs go?
maybe @Prometheus can do this internally.
@grofire said in hint for logout:
@jetah said in hint for logout:
yes, many games with pvp have a time where your client is at character select or it closed, and your character is still in the game world. This happens in Eve Online and WoW to name a few examples. a 15 minute timer doesn't mean you have to sit there waiting the 15 minutes to close the game or swap characters. it's the amount of time the model stays in the game world. i thought you knew although i could have explained it a little better.
so you saying that every time you logout, your char will stay in the wold, and you will not be able even to see if someone attack you and run or fight ??
Yes. That's how it works in PvP games. Otherwise people will run and force a disconnect by unplugging the ethernet, disconnecting wifi or removing power to the router/modem. It was a commonly used system in UO back in the 90's. The answer to that was to keep the character in the game world for a period of time to force the player to fight or to run to a safe area (like a city).
I wasn't aware the system worked like that for Eve. Was that there since the beginning or was that changed?
the logout timer we're speaking of is when the character in the game world vanishes. It isn't the timer that you have to wait through to change characters or exit the game. It's there to prevent abuse from people wanting to 'terminate' their connection or client so their character can't be killed.
example is when you are chasing a demon. you get some attacks on them and start to run. you follow. they turn a corner and hide in some bushes. your camera position can't really see it that well. you continue to run around hoping to see them. What the did was jump in the bushes and pulled the network plug on their PC so the client disconnects. With a 15m logout system the demon will stay in the game world for 15 minutes. This give you time to find them and kill them. With a 1 minute system you might not find them.
I'm sure there's a term for what I'm describing but I'm not thinking of it.
What we're not saying:
you press escape, then press logout or exit. Then you wait for 15 minutes. That isn't what we're saying. That timer can be 1 minute! or instant if you're in a safe city.
it'd be smart and would make freshwater streams a point of interest. i just dont want to see 'specific spots to harvest' like in other games.
I was going to post this last night.
SWToR has tanks functional in PvP too. Where the taunt actually debuffs the targets.
So Iām curious how it will work here.
again. suggestions can be published well before launch. These are here to give ideas to the development teams, not to demand them be in the next test phase.
i mentioned it would be great to keep, just change the rewards if they want them unique, maybe reset everyone every time too. It gives players a place to chat, talk about the game and interact with each other. They could remove the daily post to slow down the leveling.
second thing it'd offer is free means to get cosmetic items.
@tulukaruk said in hint for logout:
And besides logging off is perfectly reasonable way to escape from lame people that want to kill PvE players.
no it isn't. imagine a dungeon boss disappearing and the duo/team gets nothing. you'd feel cheated and would jump on the forums to complain that the boss and thus your loot was stolen from you. Well the PvP players would feel the same.
you log off in unsafe areas you shouldn't get a safety net.
i think the Foundation could be setup similar to seasons or in this case maybe Testing phases. The current is alpha then they can change the rewards for beta, then change again for release.
I love the idea of the Foundation and really want it to stick around. These forums are alive because of them!
I'd like to see a hard cap of level 300 for each iteration that way others can catch up.
fractured is what AO should have been.
leather could be turned into water skins. we have the survival aspect already. water could be used to put out fires (caused by player). Imagine putting a player whos on fire out!
I'd love to see scuba dive (full underwater) exploration at some point. there are plenty of resources a character could access underwater. an expansion that adds underwater would be pretty sweet. ArcheAge did underwater pretty well, maybe some inspiration could be taken from it. the Navel part was neat too.
@benseine said in hint for logout:
@jetah if that is the case then pve beastman would probably go explore Tartarous to see if they would get knowledge. But instead of traveling back, they will just restart the game normally... and voila! They are back on Arboreus. This is the fifth reason I came up with why you need to keep game characters in the game for 15 minutes or more after logging off. If you log back in within the fifteen minutes, you are still at the same location. If it is longer and you are on a foreign planet, only then do you port back in my opinion.
you're arguing with the wrong person. i want 15m character retention after logging out or disconnecting. again, tell this to someone else.
had those in Archeage and they were great!
how about major cities have an object that is built. a Dungeon entrance. it has leaderboards and the layout and mobs change each week. it could be procedurally generated and a max of x floors. any death is a forfeit of the dungeon for that week.
was watching an anime where these types of dungeons would popup at random locations. They were deadly but the final reward was a pretty powerful item. That wouldn't work in Fractured but imagine getting a legendary item and it's literally the only one ever in the game.
As an alternative once it's beaten or isn't the entrance is moved (magic and stuff move its)!
i'm wanting to say it was answered, check the search bar.