Best posts made by Jetah
CHADRA (TIGER-KIN) Concept Pictures
In today's PIL (pill?) we're going to show everyone tiger-kin concept art.
RE: February 2020 Playtest Survey
i'm pretty worried about that "old Kickstarter packs" option on the survey. That's something i'd much prefer to see never come back. make a new version, decrease the value then release it.
RE: Min/Max'ing and crafting/fighting
i'd say min-max is best done closer to the release because systems and formulas can change.
Pre-Kickstarter Exclusives
I know it's early to mention this but I'd really love to see the Foundation rewards being exclusive to the Foundation. Recolor the items for Kickstarter.
Things I'm OK sharing with KS: Titles, Dynamight Gold, Bronze Founder Chest.
Things I'd like to see be exclusive (color) with Foundation: Feral Wold Mount, Fendyr Pet Companion, Legate Armor Skin, Bronze
FounderFoundation Chest, Trained Wolf Mount, Fire Fendyr Companion.KICKSTARTER EXCLUSIVES
I'd suggest making 3 tiers where the backer can create a unique monster, weapon, armor (piece or set), keeping with the style of Fractured.
[e] I'd suggest having no hard dates for these items. This also allows you to stagger 'new' content.Some Kickstarter Advice
There is one problem with Kickstarter that I'll mention. People will hold tiers and never intend to pay. KS mentioned that you can expect 30% less than the total amount listed, KS fees and taxes. If you need 100k, I'd suggest you ask for 200-300k.Decide what is the MVP (minimum viable product) that you can release Fractured. I've seen many campaigns where they add a bunch of stretch reward goals and say they'll have it done before release, and they don't have the funds to complete it. I'm still waiting on my Coolest because the person upgraded everything but it cost more than they brought in. Now I see the coolers in stores but I don't have one from when I backed. Crowfall and Camelot Unchained seem to be doing good. Enough developer interaction and updates where a person could ignore it for a few months and catch up quickly. [e] decide on a date/milestone when you'll stop posting kickstarter updates.
If you could hand out a weekend or similar kickstarter backer demo event where we can get in a test before KS ends, you could end up with more backers. Have the client display the account name if you want it under NDA so you can catch people as this happened in the ESO test. If you stagger the backers over a few weekends, that would be great too.
I wouldn't put the pre-alpha or internal testing tiers under 1,000$-maybe under the 500$ mark. You don't want someone to 'play the game', not like it and want a refund.
I do suggest following Crowfall and create a way players can buy and sell Kickstarter tiers officially (a fee given to you of course) to prevent scams. Crowfall called this their Trusted Trader Program. If you issue a refund on a tier, you could add that to the system to attempt to sell it. [e] or just remove it from the list.
I'm sure you know most of this but I just wanted to mention my frustration with some backing I've done in the past. [e] If you feel confident with a 2019 launch just say 2020. I'd rather have a further date and be surprised when if it releases early!
RE: First Fractured Gameplay Video Released!
@prometheus said in First Fractured Gameplay Video Released!:
There is full collision between any type of creature (players included, in the same party and not). SpatialOS makes it possible! However, we might tweak the rules here too. Alpha testing will tell whether it's really feasible on a large scale or not.
if you ignore player collision then people/groups will become 1 death ball. Think of an RTS where you can move 100 units on top of each other. If there's player collision then creating choke points is useful, death balls are less; also still deadly, and would cause tactics to be necessary (at least I'm hoping).
RE: Will Beastmen Be Able To Engage In PVP On Syndesia?
Beastkin can pvp on either human or demon planet. They aren’t prohibited from PVP.
RE: Bit worried where the Kickstarter is
Being active on the forums is cheap. When you ask for money you see true community!
There are some people that can’t use KS because they don’t have access to credit cards. Even prepaid cc aren’t available as I’ve asked.
RE: What will be the in-game gold sinks?
@Kralith said in What will be the in-game gold sinks?:
@Yitra said in What will be the in-game gold sinks?:
Don't forget that @Kralith"s Coffee will cost you an arm and a leg too. So you better start saving!
Well the arm or the leg is the mild form... it will cost the souls.
But shhhhh don't reveal it!so long as the arm and leg doesn't have to belong to me, i'm ok with that price!
RE: The Hype is building; can you feel it?
i've been through enough of these to not have hype. -
RE: I suggest to continue the Foundation program
the Foundation is a great way to hand out cosmetic rewards for being active in the community. daily post thread aside. One thing about these cosmetic is everyone can get them if they're active on the forums/community. IF needed you could change the color of the cosmetics so that each year/group or whatever is unique.
personally, i'd cap the level at 300 and let people catch up. when 100+ accounts are level 300 then increase it to 400. keep doing that every year or so. If the Daily post is leveling accounts too fast then drop the exp in half, remove it, or swap it to a weekly post.
RE: Gamer Demographics & Namings
@PeachMcD said in Gamer Demographics & Namings:
gender-neutral language
let them do whatever they want. i hate when the community demands this.
the developers are Italian, let them build their game.
RE: to the developers
they're not using me. the company can fight its own battles. i supported them and feel they'll do a great job, whether it's using existing models or create their own.
the concept of Fracture has me here, not the graphics.
RE: What kind of game do you hope Fractured will be?
it becomes what was stated during kickstarter and on the website.
i dont want it to start as that and end up as a full pay to convenience games which rivals a mobile game.
clippy pops up after you walk for 3 seconds, asking you to buy a mount from the store.. will be so annoying.
RE: Merry Christmas everyone and happy hollidays!
merry christmas!!
happy holidays too!
RE: Kickstarter Update - Pledge Packs
Foundation point shouldn't be given in KS rewards. You want an active community on these forums, best way to stop that is to allow someone to buy it. I will stop being active here if I'm able to purchase foundation points. The Summary Q&A says the rewards are exclusive, the points are apart of the Foundation system, keep it that way!
VIP membership includes bonuses such as additional Learning Slots, increased Knowledge Point gains, discounts on Store items and unique cosmetic rewards for accumulated VIP time. It's only time savers and cosmetic stuff - we're not selling power there!
I hate the VIP already. Paying for any learning slots, increased knowledge point gain is P2W (rough definition). I'd prefer no VIP and you design epic looking cosmetics and offer deals regularly like Path of Exile has. You can look at any of the P2W threads on Crowfall if you want to be labeled as that via youtube and reddit post. You'll see multiple post here asking if the game is p2w and someone saying VIP gives you more learning slots and more knowledge points gain it will be taken as p2w. Be like Path of Exile and less like Crowfall in your cash shop! and i'm saying this a ruby backer in Crowfall (I spent 1,000$ backing it). Here's a quick link to path of exiles store. This company has ran for 5+ years without VIP and have done a great job with their cosmetic only cash shop (they do offer account services).
@Prometheus Your single item €10,000 tiers will be squatted, you've just lost €30k in backing. I mentioned this in my Pre-Kickstarter post which you seem to be ignoring. Sell these via your website so people can't squat them. I've heard of people squatting KS tiers only to sell them for a higher price via 3rd party sites.
Planet tiers need to be well thought out because a Demon can become an Angel. What happens to their pack then? What happens if they retire that character and start a new character on a different planet?
Fog of War
I'm curious if Fractured would have a fog of war system in place.
thought about it a little further. In RTS there are towers that extend los and dissipate the fog. These could be player built structures. a basic form could be a crows nest (similar to ships) but placed on a tree. an advanced version could be a lookout tower or even a light house.
this would give the local population an advance notice if hostiles are near and could help prevent an instant attack.
the fog could also be used to hide.
professional gear could have +light (or other los attribute) that increases the LOS to see further.
Cash Shop Items You'd [Consider] Buy
I was wondering what you'd be interested in buying from a cash shop within Fractured? Now this isn't about p2w or about trading these items to other players. I just want to give DS a list of items the current interested people would consider buying to they can see the types of items we're interested in.
- Armor Cosmetics
- Can be separated into Light, Medium and Heavy types. Could be thick cloth, hardened leather or chainmail
- Weapon Cosmetics
- Can be unique flaming/chilled/lightning effects that attach to the weapon. Change a sword into a scicle, or a staff into a scythe. Bow into a crossbow or compound bow.
- Mount Cosmetics
- Can be different styles horses, or other beast
- Stances (melee combat animation)
- Spell FX
- Voice Lines
- House styles
So long as the visual fits the theme of the game and we aren't seeing pink teddy outfits or horse heads or automobiles as mounts, I'd be happy.