@PricelessShingle54 You know they will though.

Best posts made by Gibbx
RE: gamigo Data Transfer
RE: Maker’s Mark
Oops I thought this was going to be a thread about great bourbon.
RE: Merry Christmas everyone and happy hollidays!
I'd like to echo @Gothix's sentiments as above.
Happy Christmas friends
Please be safe over the holiday's (practice the three Ws) and may 2021 be a better year for all!
RE: [-CO-] Crownless Order [EU based/Worldwide]
Well if you has cookies...
RE: Where is the news of the next test phase...
My only reason for being in this thread at all was to hopefully provide a gentle reminder to the devs that lack of any news seems to be contributing to waning in the community and that some news would be helpful to keep us all engaged. I was not demanding anything of the devs or castigating anyone for not doing their jobs.
@Prometheus Thanks for bring such great news!
@Znirf thanks for your reasonable reply in this thread
@islesofurth thanks for your opinion, but I can tell from this thread that you are exactly the kind of player that I don't want to run into in game.
That is all.
RE: What are you reading right now?
Lord of the Rings. I realized that somehow I got to the north side of 50 and had never actually read the book. My inner nerd is deeply embarrassed!
RE: Daily Message posting
@grofire said in Daily Message posting:
@Gibbx @Logain @RolanStorm why are you guys keep doing the daily massage ??? there no more points to earn.
Because this has been my daily routine for YEARS. I will continue to do it for as long as I want until I am done following the development (and perhaps ruination) of the original vision that intrigued me. When I stop posting here I will be DONE with Fractured.
Also because its there
RE: Gamer Demographics & Namings
I hope the devs don't change a thing.
RE: to the developers
@keshanberk I am really not sure what the point of this post is. Did you expect the Devs to read this and say 'aw dang it man this person is correct and our game sucks. Lets just quit now to avoid further embarrassment'? If you don't like the game engine, graphics or alleged similarity to other games then don't support it or play it. This community is made up of experienced gamers who are intensely looking forward to participating in the Dev's vision. If you are not then just move on. Bye.
RE: Ok, Bought the game after a 2 min video on youtube; was it the right choice?
@Girlxs To be brutally honest and completely disagree with the above post there is no way to know if it was the right choice. Like always in these kinds of threads only time will tell.
You have however joined many others in this community who have chosen to financially back this project to one degree of another because we like what we see and want to help make it a reality. So thanks for jumping in whole hog and welcome aboard. Its a nice community and the devs have pretty much done everything they can earn our trust.
I believe that eventually all of us, including you, who have supported Fractured, will be rewarded! -
RE: Statement on the Gamigo-rumors
The longer the Devs go without commenting the more likely it is that this is a true fact. I mean really they are gamers too. They have to know Gamigo's rep in the gaming community. They have to see that this issue is a concern for the Fractured community. If it wasn't true how long does it take to jump into the forum and a quick
post 'Don't worry guys rumors of DS being in bed with Gamigo are just BS'? -
RE: Statement on the Gamigo-rumors
@GamerSeuss I appreciate your efforts to be open minded but every day that passes without word from the Devs on this rumor only serve to lend validity to it. I find it impossible that the Devs could be unaware of Gamigo's well deserved reputation. Since this is virtually the only topic with traction here on the forums and seems to be blowing up in the discord as well I find it unreasonable that the Devs could be unaware of it.
While I generally support the Devs not taking time away from developing the game it would only take @Prometheus 30 seconds to jump on here and say "look guys the whole Gamigo thing is BS".
RE: Statement on the Gamigo-rumors
I am bitterly disappointed to learn that Fractured has been in bed with Gamigo for so long. It is unfathomable that @Prometheus and the other devs did not know the deserved reputation that Gamigo has in the gaming community. It feels like a betrayal. The whole thing was just a cash grab and the devs don't give a damn about the community or putting out the game they said they envisioned. @Prometheus ' s 10 minute YT vid was worse than if he had just said noting. I really hate being lied to. There is no way possible that they can possibly think they can put a good spin on this. Either the whole thing has been nothing more that cash grabbing pack of lies or the devs are a bunch of naive noobs.
RE: Are you looking for a group of mercenaries to do your dirty work? would you like to be a mercenary? Look no further than Glims Mercenaries!
@WhoAteTheCat glances into the bathroom, notes movement Good to know, I am saving up gold now
RE: Losing interest...
@mattdaniel ok that is NOT helpful at all. I don't understand your reasoning. you hope the KS fails? that is not right. I didn't pledge the KS cuz I wanted in on pre alpha (cuz I am not really sure I do) but cuz I love the concept, support Fractured, and want to help make the game a reality, and can afford to do so. THOSE are the reasons to pledge in the KS.