@Pariah I played on Great Lakes.

Best posts made by Farlander
RE: Stretch Goals
Stretch goals were for the kickstarter lol. If there are funding problems at this point I'd suggest working more on the main content and getting it out there advertising it hard. Seeing a working polished game will spark interest. Nothing is worse than a game that hits setbacks and misses release goals or worse yet released with bugs. The hype starts to fade the longer it takes to release. New content can come in expansions
RE: Event Ideas for fractured
Some of my favorite times in UO were server run events. The huge event leading up to the formation of Trammel was one of the most attended in the game's history. In fact, so many were online most servers couldn't handle the traffic and were crashing.
Player run events are often mediocre at best. Players do not have access to dev tools. Our guild used to run server events every month but things just never could be pulled off the way we wanted. Hopefully there will be server events that tie in story arcs.
RE: Pledge Packs Are Going... With A Sale!
@Pluto It is common practice for purchase prices of games to go down though. You did get into alpha 1 while those new guys coming around won't get in until alpha 2. They missed an alpha phase if it helps you justifying their lower cost. Their cost is roughly 10-20% lower? I don't even buy games on Steam unless they start hitting the 50% or higher from my wishlist. That's when I felt I have gotten a deal lol.
RE: What part of the game is most intriguing to you all
@Xzoviac That's why I said I like the idea that they give you the option to choose
RE: Pledge Packs Are Going... With A Sale!
Another thing about jumping into the game earlier is now you came here faster than those other people. You got newsletters that they won't receive. You earned more freebies in the game in the form of cosmetics that they will not receive. I've tried to recover those newsletters that somehow must have found their way into my spam folder. I lost out on 500 forum points just on those few I saw I missed. If you purchased any early bird pack you have received 2000 foundation points from all the newsletters. Those who are coming here now for those cheaper packs lost all of that. They have no way of getting those points. Maybe look on that and feel a bit better.
The point is you want to play the game. If you get your enjoyment out of it then you made a good investment
Latest Newsletter
I see we were sent another, however, it never arrived to my email. I checked the junk mail and deleted folders and nothing. Latest one I received was about pledge packs going on sale. This happen to anyone else?
RE: Scroll of teleportation 🌀⏳
It would be nice to have a fast way to get back to a town or your house for when the wife says get off that computer now or you will be in trouble lol.
RE: Winter Alpha Spotlight – City Overhaul
I really like the changes that allow solo or small group play. I play with a group but due to my online times I am usually doing solo or small group play. This makes me happy that I can now craft alone
RE: Can you edit your hero profile after its creation?
Yes. There is a big edit hero button on it once you create it
RE: What part of the game is most intriguing to you all
Taking everything off a person you kill.
RE: Bought the Governor pack
@Specter So does that mean we have some kind of transportation like ships, either air or sea? I only saw stuff on mounts. Or is it all going to be by gating?
RE: Requisite for casting magic
Usually magical attacks do alot more damage in games than physical attacks that I have played. That is why there are certain restrictions such as what armor you can wear, what weapons you can wield (if any), cooldowns between casts, not being able to move while casting....It's all about having a decent balance with all forms of combat. Every game I have seen eventually some form filters toward the top as everyone starts to play that style. Then the nerf hammer comes and rebalances lol. Mix pvp and pve and now you have a whole new balance issue. It always seems to be a vicious cycle of balancing.
RE: Let's borrow some ideas from other games!
I'm not totally versed on the merchant mechanics in Fractured but I'd like to see something more like SWTOR where you upload your items to a central vendor location and everyone can access it easily. Running vendors is my passion in mmos and something like UO is rough. Players don't like spending hours searching every vendor to find the items they want.
I'm hoping the system here is every town has a central merchant location that you give your items to to sell for you. Players will know where all the items to buy are found quick and easily.
RE: Myr Cities & Hotspots Map
@Dordolio I'd say location is very important. From what I gather (no pun intended lol) the resources located near you are what might attract some players.
RE: Alpha 2
Waiting too long can hurt also. Life is Feudal had a huge hype in the beginning. They had a few unique systems that got some attention. Then the game drug on well past launch. So the devs felt pressured to give everyone something. So they released a system that supported about 50 players in the world before it started crashing. This went on another year or two. They finally released their mmo but by then everyone had moved on. Even their mmo I think is still considered in beta. Alot of games seem to have the everlasting alpha/beta tag on them in steam. Those games get horrible reviews which keeps people from buying them. The devs either do some serious fixing or the game slides into oblivion.
My buddy plays Atlas. He swears the game is good but yet if you read the reviews it is trashed by about everyone. He says those were primarily from the launch before the big fixes. I still won't buy it simply because I see all those bad reviews.
RE: So... Legends of Aria
I tried very early with some guys from our community We all formed in UO so it was reliving some good memories for us. For me however it was like the old ial up days my lag was that bad. Plus the UI was clunky. We didn't last long. I read up some more since it's been awhile and now all the complaints are about pks. Not my kind of game. I tried UO Outlands which is a free server for UO ran fairly well but also plagued with pks. I just hate playing in games with players whose only fun is making others suffer.
Town Sieges
I was reading where there are going to be town sieges and that your houses within a town siege can be destroyed. I hope that does not mean that your secure storage location is not all that secure. From playing other sandboxes like Atlas, DayZ, Life is Fuedal, etc.. logging off only to log in and find everything gone is game killing. I understand like in UO there needs to be a point you refresh stuff so that you don't tie up real estate that others wish to use while you are not playing the game. However, if you have to guard your possessions while you are not playing is a bit much for me. Those games that do allow other players to swoop in and take all that you own while you are offline get scathing bad reviews.
Life is Feudal had a judgment hour every day that your settlement was vulnerable to attack. If you couldn't be online to play that was your fault. Building in LIF took weeks for some buildings with 100's of hours of playing time from multiple players. One judgment hour could wipe everything out. Needless to say entire guilds quit the game. I'm not even sure the state of this game any more because so many people quit playing the game. From the reviews for Atlas I'm seeing the same thing. If I find that I spent a month working with friends to build a town only to have another group come in and wipe it out in a day, I'm not sure I would be long for the game afterwards. Just saying.
RE: Alpha 2
Oh wow is Star Citizen even a thing any more? lol. I remember my buddy telling me about it and I checked it out. First thing that turned me off was all the store grabs for ships. It looked play to win and I'm not a fan of those. Most FB clicky games are like that. I know I'd be mad if I dumped a huge chunk of money into it and now 7 years later it still has no release date. I also bought the Cortex app from steam waiting patiently for Firefly Online. Oh man I was excited about that being a Firefly fan. They even posted videos of working parts of the program. Then they mysteriously vanished with no word. So sad
Any investment into an unfinished game is a risk.